The New Beginning


He was the hottest guy I had ever seen, well that I remember anyways. He had dark chocolate brown hair in an emo haircut that covered almost half of his face. His eyes were hazel brown like Gerard's. He had a My Chemical Romance tee on with skinny black jeans and a studded belt.

He was talking to me as if he knew me.

"Who are you?" I asked. I regretted the way I asked his name immediately.

" Wow, I save your ass from being trampled and this is the thanks I get?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry, but yeah," I said. I could feel my cheeks begin to turn red. Please don't do this to me. I begged my cheeks

"So, how much of a fan are you?" he asked as he put an arm behind the bench.

"I've been to a concert," I said. Well I have, okay so I wasn't watching, and I went on stage.

"So not too much huh?" he asked as he looked over towards me. My stomach was flipping out of control and I could feel that pancake cake batter threatening to come back up.

"I guess," I said. The fans were gone and we were the only ones out there. I got up and tried to turn the doors. They were still stuck.

"Fuck!" I whispered.

"Wait do you actually need to stay here?" he asked as he came over to me and mentioned towards the bag.

I nodded and sighed as I picked up my bag.

"You know, there are other ways to get in," he said smiling. He had an impish grin like Franky did.

I smiled and blushed. Damn I need to keep this blushing thing under control.

"Follow me," he said as he jogged around to the back. I followed swinging my bag to my shoulder. We came around to the back of the hotel where a cement wall blocked off the pool. He was crazy if he thought I could climb this. It was at least two feet taller than me.

"You're kidding?" I said as I looked up at him.

"Fine, sleep outside, it's not my problem," he said as he began to walk away. I don't need him. I can wait for someone to notice.

'He's gorgeous! You're not gonna just let him walk away are you!' screamed half of me

'I don't need him, no matter how hot he is,' My other half said.

'Liar. We almost left Ray at the gas station, and we probably wouldn't have come back for him or even noticed until the next morning.'

"Wait," I said. He stopped and looked at me with a grin on his face. He was my only hope back in until tomorrow , if the guys even noticed then!

"How do we get over?" I asked as he came back.

"First, when we get in, I'm your brother," he said as he tilted his head a little as if checking me over for something.

"And were gonna search every place for MCR. I'm sorry but I am a fan," he said as he put his hands to his chest.

"And if I don't do the second thing?" I asked.

"Like I said, It's not my problem if you sleep outside. I can just come tomorrow and look," he said.

I sighed. "Fine. So how do we get over?" I asked. He backed up about twenty feet then started to run. He jumped onto the wall and clung onto the edge and pulled himself up.

"It's a good thing it's October, or else we'd get caught hella easily," he said. I looked up at him. If he thought I could do that he was crazy.

"Toss up your bag," he said as he held out his hand. I stretched out my bag to his hand. Our hands brushed against each others. I blushed and turned around to pretend to be looking for people, so he couldn't see me. He dropped my bag over the wall and looked at me.

"Kay, your turn," he said smiling at me.

"Me? No, I can't do this," I said.

"Just do it. Run from over there and jump I'll help you," he said as he pointed over to the parking lot form where I could get a running start. I can't do this. If he tries to help me, I'll pull him down too.

"C'mon, I wont drop you," he said trying to encourage me. I walked over to a stop sign in the parking lot. A very weird place to put one but there is one.

I turned back and looked at him. He mentioned for me to start running. My heart was pounding. I hope I don't push him off the wall. I started running.

I grasped the wall with my hands. I was dangling on the wall, my hands hurt and I could feel the cement begin to cut into them.

"Shit!" I said. He grabbed one of my hands and helped me climb up. I was in to much pain to pay attention to the fact that he was holding my hand. He pulled my hand with one of his hands and reached for my belt and pulled me up with that. I pulled myself up with his help and we were both sitting on the wall.

He chuckled at me then hopped down. I followed and we were in. Instead of killing the guys when I got back I would thank them. If it wasn't for them leaving me in the mob I would have never have met this guy.