The New Beginning


"There you are!" he said as he began to come towards me. Shit! Shit! Not good! What do I do?

"Gerard umm look a nickel!" I exclaimed, and pointed to the giant vase holding a plant

"Oh really?" he asked as he looked over by the giant potted plant. I threw my bag at him.

"Roxy!" I heard Ryan yell as he ran over towards me. Stay down Gerard what ever you do don't talk or get up.

"Nice try, but we had a deal," he said. Does this guy ever know when to quit?

"I thought I left you at the fifth floor," I said, looking at Gerard. I guess he had guessed the situation because he was sitting quietly and watching.

"Yeah, but I can count," he laughed. I stuck the key in the lock and lifted it out. I pushed the door open. I tried to walk in by myself but he stuck his foot in the door when I wasn't looking
I guess, because when I put my stuff down and went into the bathroom to fix my makeup I heard the t.v go on.

I came out and saw him sitting in a chair watching MTV. He smiled at me.

" Hey this is my room if you want one go downstairs and get one," I said sitting on the bed.

"I would but I don't have any cash, I spent it on the concert for Friday," he said flipping channels.

Now I know I'm going to be watching the guys play.

"Well, I don't think the band is in here so you need to leave now," I said looking over to me. He looked over to me.

"Alright, I can take a hint," he said getting up and going to the door.

"Is there any chance we can hang sometime?" he asked smiling at me before he opened the door.

"I guess," I said sheepishly. He chuckled and left. I breathed a huge sigh and slammed myself backwards onto the bed. Fuck that was a close one. But he wanted to see me again. Maybe we would at the concert. Maybe I'll see him tomorrow.

'Maybe you're over reacting,' said my head.

' Maybe you need to fuck off,' I argued back.

Either way, if I did meet up with him it couldn't be in the hotel. I heard the door open.

"Who the fuck was that?" Gerard asked as he tossed my bag over towards me.

"His name's Ryan," I said still starring at the ceiling.

"How'd you get in here?" I asked looking towards him. He flashed a key towards me.

"I was looking for you, you forgot your key," he said tossing that over to me. It landed next to my head.

"No, you guys forgot me! I was thrown out with all of your fans, they wouldn't believe I knew you," I said starring at him.

He scratched his nose and sat down where Ryan had been sitting.

"Sorry. What'd you guys do in here?" he asked looking at the bed. Oh yeah Gerard, we totally just met and then we had sex! Definitely!

"Nothing of what you're thinking," I said as I got up and began to unzip my bag.

"I don't like him," Gerard said turning on the t.v. "If he's a real big fan then he knows who you are, which means he's probably using you to get to us." he said.

I looked over to him. Was he jealous or really just trying to protect me?

"I told him my name and he didn't jump up and down and beg me to take him to you guys. And you don't even know the guy," I said defending Ryan without giving to much information that I liked him.

"I don't care. I just don't like the guy," Gerard said as he got up. I stopped packing and starred at him.

"If he bothers you just get security to throw him out," he said walking over to the door.

I rolled my eyes as he left. What does he care? He forgot me in the lobby with all of his fans! If he really did care about me he would have told security I was with them.

'That's not true and you know it,' A voice inside me said.

'No, I'm just another kid to him,' I argued back.

'If he doesn't care about you why would he want you to stay away from Ryan? He doesn't want you to get hurt is all,' argued the voice.

'Because he's a bossy asshole,' I answered back.

'That's the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever heard,' the little voice said back with more attitude.

I stopped arguing with myself and put my clothes into the drawers leaving the cigarettes in the bag. I threw the bag to the corner by the balcony.

"Damn it," I whispered to no one in particularly.

I wanted to see Ryan again. But I knew Gerard wasn't about to let me. The only chance I had of seeing him was at the concert. Even then the chances were pretty slim. there's going to be hundreds of people. Only two of us are Roxy and Ryan.

I left my room key in hand and walked out to the elevator. I don't know what made me. I could wait for the concert. But I guess I wanted to prove to myself how wrond Gerard was about this guy.

I pressed the down button on the elevator and looked to see if anyone of the guys or my uncle or Marcy was comming. No one. When the doors opened I walked inside quickly.

"Oh hey," said a familliar voice. I looked up. Ray was smilling at me. Damn.

"Hi," I said as he got out.

"The rooms are this way. Where are you going?" he asked.

"Oh I-" I began. Shit think fast!

"I forgot something in the bus. My picture of my dad," I said calmly pressing the lobby button.

"Oh, okay," he said as he nodded torwards me and began to walk to his room. The elevator doors slwoly closed and I went down. Ryan couldn't have gone to far.

As the elevator opend again to the lobby I raced out and out the doors. I looked frantically around.

"Ryan?" I called looking for him. No sign of him.

"Ryan?" I called again walking down the side walk.