The New Beginning

Running With You

He ran upstairs to the top floor of the carousel. I followed him, trying not to trip on the stairs.

"They're so many pretty horseys!" he laughed and got on a white and pink one. I climbed on a black and white one that looked more like a cow then a horse. He smiled at me and the carousel started. Other teens got on, but we were alone in our little section.

I couldn't stop starring at him. He turned his head to look out at the ocean. The sun had set and the lights from the carousel lit us up as if we were under a spotlight. I smiled. He looked over at me and I quickly looked at my horse.

He chuckled.

"You know, it's kinda obvious you were starring at me," he laughed. I blushed. I'm so stupid. I should have never left the hotel.

He saw that I was embarrassed and smiled.

"I never said it was a bad thing," he said trying to get me to smile. I looked up at his hazel eyes. I didn't know what to say, but I wanted to say something. I didn't want this to be any more awkward than it was.

I smiled up at him.

"You're really shy, huh?" he asked. I nodded and laughed at myself.

"Sorry, but yeah, I am," I looked over at the puppet shop that had a dancing puppet in the window. The carousel came to a stop and we got off. A couple in front of us kissed before going down the stairs. My stomach flipped. We walked down together. My hand suddenly felt heavy and empty, maybe he would hold it like the couple were doing in front of us.

We went over to the back of the pier and looked at the water below us. It was calm and little ripples crashed smoothly onto the poles that were holding the pier up. I looked down more and could see a bright orange star fish clutched onto a pole.

"Isn't it great?" he asked me. I looked over at him. I could barley see him in the dark. The lights were so far away from us

"Yeah," I said quietly.

"You going to the concert?" he asked as he leaned out more towards the water.

"I guess," I said. The concert. It reminded me of Gerard. He was gonna be pissed at me for being out with Ryan. But he didn't have any right to tell me who I could and who I couldn't hang out with. He's not my dad, no matter how close I am to him.

"You guess?" he asked as he looked over to me.

"You gonna sneak in?"

I shook my head.

"Well I have a ticket, but a person I'm not to fond of right now's gonna be there," I said.

"Just forget them. It's an MCR concert, you can't miss this. Don't let some asshole get in your way," he said and turned to look at the lights back at the pier. I nodded. It was getting late, I should go back soon.

"I should start heading back," I murmured. For a minute I wasn't to sure he even heard me.

"I'll walk you, you don't even know this place, without me you'll probably end up in Oakland or something," he laughed. I looked over at him. I loved his smile, it looked so sweet, but devilish, like he was gonna pull something.

I got closer to him and he got closer to me. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. This was it. He was going to kiss me.

Over me head I heard thunder. Right as our lips were about to touch.

"Shit!" we both yelled running to a stand. We laughed at each other under the stand. We had to run back to the hotel now.

He smiled over at me. "Ready?" he asked. I nodded my head excitedly. He grabbed my hand. I blushed. Damn this blushing thing!

"Let's go!" he yelled. We ran out of the shop and into the rain. This wasn't any sprinkle either. The carousel was closed now because of the rain and the shops were turning off their lights. We ran holding hands, and laughing our asses off. We jumped over benches and dodged people with umbrellas.

I looked over at him as we ran. It seemed like we were in slow motion. I never had so much fun, not even with the guys. He was so hot and so sweet. I hoped I wouldn't wake up, I hoped he was real, I hoped Gerard wouldn't be mad at me.

We had to ran through a street. We came to a sudden stop.

"You wanna?" he asked smiling madly. I nodded and he grabbed my hand again and crossed the street filled with cars flying by. Right now, nothing could touch me, nothing could hurt me. And if something did, I don't care. We ducked under a horse drawn carriage, spooking the horse and making him stand up.

"Sorry!" yelled Ryan. We dodged cars as they honked by. I didn't have time to watch for oncoming cars. My black hair was soaked and stuck to my face, so was his and I could barley see in front of me. But I don't care, I trusted him. We ran onto the sidewalk and flew past people who were walking with umbrellas or in hoods.

"Stupid kids!" yelled a lady, we accidentally made her drop her bags.

"Hell yeah!" I called back to her. We were drenched now. The wind beat against our face, stinging our noses. There really wasn't a point to running anymore, except the fact that it kept us warm.

We ran past the Starbucks we had stopped at earlier. The hotel came into view to soon. I wanted to run forever with him.

We stopped at the door, out of breath and laughing. He still had my hand. The rain still poured hard onto our heads and on everything else.

"Well, I should go now," I said between laughs. He softly pecked my lips and walked away. I watched him leave, water dripping off his hair.

I looked at myself. It looked like I had swam here instead of running. I pushed the revolving doors smiling like an idiot. I couldn't help it, would you be able to keep a straight serious face after a night like this? I didn't think so.

I walked over to the elevators and pressed the up button. Everyone starred at me. I shook my hair and water flew everywhere. I shivered, the air conditioning was really high down here.

I stepped onto the elevator and pressed the seven button. The elevator dinged as it passed each floor. I replayed our sprint here, in my mind over and over again. As the elevator came to my floor I squeezed my hair onto the carpet. I stepped into the hallway.

Gerard was leaning against the door of my room smoking. He looked very pissed. He looked over to me and took his cigarette out of his mouth.