The New Beginning

No, Seriously, I have No Idea Who You Are

The door opened. I jumped as I heard all the girls screaming

" M.C.R!" or

"I love you Gerard," or

" I love you Fanky!"

Hell, I wanted to scream out the window

" To bad they don't know you even exist!"

I heard some guys sigh or laugh as they came in. I was dead quiet. I swear, ask me to get you a mocha anything and I'm outta here.

The door closed and I heard the fridge door open.

" Hey Mikey did you eat me Pizza again?"

" No, you fat fuck. Besides if I did I would eat it in your face," said another voice.

" Alright who took my last red bull?" asked another voice.

" Relax Gerard there's more."

I looked at my red bull can. It had the name Gerard written across it. how did I miss that? It was in pink sharpie.

" Fuck off, that was my special red bull," said, I guess Gerard?

Bye special, he better not mean he put something in it, oh wait it was closed when I got it. Okay we're alright.

" Here have one of min," said some other guy.

He attempted to throw it at Gerard who must have been near me, because the red bull hit me on my leg.

" Fuck!" I tried to whisper.The key word here is tried.

" What the hell was that?" said someone

Someone walked up to the curtains and pulled them back. I came face to face with some guy with a enormous fro.

" How long have you been here?!?" he asked. I just starred at him blankly

" Who are you? And Why the hell are you hiding in here?" he asked,

" Why do you ask so many questions?" I asked back.

" We're trying to figure that out too," said some guy with glasses as he came over to the guy with the fro.