The New Beginning



I opened the door and was welcomed by the sweet smell of coffee and sugar. It was really warm inside. I looked for the guys. I could see Mikey talking to a few fans. None of the fans were screaming like they were when we got to hotels. I guess that's because they learned that maybe if they pretend to be talking to normal people they can actually talk to them.

I walked over to Mikey's table. I couldn't see Gerard, if he was even in here. He was talking to five fans, all circled around him. He nodded towards me.

''Hey Rox," he said. All of the fans turned around to look at me.

"You wanna sit down?" he asked. All the fans made room next to Mikey then looked up at me. I shook my head. I didn't want to talk to him if I had an audience.

"Nah, just wanted to know where you guys were," I said. Frank and Ray had more fans at their table than Mikey, and Bob had about ten. I looked over to find an empty table. There was on by the window behind a CD rack. I sat down and sighed.

Who was I kidding. I was looking for Gerard, as much as I wanted to deny it, I really want to just say I was sorry. I cradled my head in my arms. A coffee would be good right now. Maybe Bob or Ray or someone would have some extra cash on them. I got up and went to Franky and Ray's group.

"Hey Frank?" I asked quietly as I squatted next to him. Ray was talking to his fans about how they left him at the gas station. Frank was quietly laughing his ass off.

"Yah?" he whispered between laughs. He was laughing so hard that's all he could do, whisper.

"Mind if I borrow like five dollars to get a coffee?" I asked. He nodded as Ray told them how Frank threatened to shave off his fro. He reached into his pocket and took out his wallet.He handed me a very wrinkly five dollar bill.

I walked over to the counter where people were in line. Mostly fans of the guys. I searched the left side of the room for Gerard. I didn't see him.

Someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around. A girl a little taller than me stood there.

"Hey, aren't you that Roxy girl?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

I nodded my head and looked behind her. No, the tables there were empty.

"Yah," I said quietly.

"So you get to go on tour with MCR?" she asked more excitedly.

"Well the tour's going to be over soon but I've been traveling with them for the past two months," I said.

"So what's it like?!?" she asked smiling.

"Like being with five guys who act like they're ten," I said.

She laughed. "So your uncles the manager?" she asked. I nodded and moved up in the line.

"So who's your favorite in the group?" she asked. I had never really thought of that question before.

"I don't have any," I said as the person in front of me ordered their coffee. I ordered what Mikey had one time.

"Carmel machiado," I said. The girl took a cup and marked it.

"Name?" she asked.

"Roxy," I said and moved to the pickup counter. I leaned against the wall scanning the room for him. He either wasn't here or he was invisible.

I looked over at the CD rack. Oh wait, there he is. He was slumping in his chair and starring out the window, and biting his nails. Part of me wanted to go up to him and apologize. But the other part wanted me to ignore him until I get to school.

He looked over at his coffee and took a sip then laid it back down on the table. He looked over in my direction and I turned around and pretended to look at coffee mugs. I watched him from the corner of my eye.

He had bags under his eye and he didn't have any makeup on. He must have not gotten much sleep if any. He starred at me with a sad expression in his eyes. Did he want to apologize or was he going to wait for me to go up to him.


She was pretending not to notice me. I looked over at her. She didn't seem to be as warn out as I was. I wanted to go up and say I was sorry. But I couldn't, well not right here at least. If I start apologizing here it would be all over the news tomorrow. I didn't know what to do.

I sighed and took my now empty coffee cup to the trash. The guys were watching every move we were making now. They wanted to know as much as me what was going to happen to Roxy and I.

"Fuck," I sighed as I sat back down. I bet she doesn't even want to look at me. I bet she wasn't going to trust me anymore. What do I do? There's nothing I can really do right here. I got up and went to the door. I was going to go for a walk and think everything over. She can wait a few hours, or a few days now that I think about it, for me to apologize.


I watched him leave. He didn't want to talk to me. Was he still mad at me? A knot suddenly appeared in my throat. The lady called my name and I picked up my coffee. I didn't want to stay. If I started to cry again, everyone would see. I walked fast to the door and opend it. Maybe I should have just listend to him. This whole thing could have been avoided. We could be laughing together and joking at eachother, but here we were, ignoring and pretending the other person didn't exist.

I didn't to go back to the hotel right away. I knew how to get to pier 39 from last night. I walked in the direction Ryan had showed me. Ryan. I wished right now, I never had met him.

"But I had the best time of my life," I said in my head.

"But at what price?" asked the little voice.

"Your friendship," it continued.

"I know, but it was so perfect last night. Why did it have to end in this big fight." I asked the little voice.

"You knew if you left Gerard would be mad," it said matter of factly.

"But not this mad," I whisperd to myself. My eyes were begining to well up, and this wind really didn't help with keeping my eyes dry.