The New Beginning

Out With The Guys

I was still laughing but was against the wall when Gerard finally came over to me. We had managed to kill about two hours with the movie and pillow fight.

"Nice. Now your gonna get the manager up here." I said as he smiled over towards me.

"Oh well." he said and went to look over the railing. The elevator dinged and we heard a bunch of guys talking.

"Roxy no!" screamed someone. I turned around and Frank was running over to me with the other guys walking behind him.

"Don't kill Gee! He can be stupid sometimes!" he yelled and threw himself in the large space between me and Gerard. We were a good twenty y feet form each other.

"Hey!" he said turned to Frank.

"Gee no! I can be stupid sometimes." he pleaded as Gerard came over to him and helped him up.

"Hey, why aren't you at each others throats?" asked Mikey as he came over swinging a scarf.

"We made up." Gerard said simply, as I was about to open my mouth to say the same thing.

"Oh, good!" sighed Mikey as he put his scarf around his neck.

The rest of the day was passed running around the hotel and the rest of San Fransisco. The guys were stopped almost every five seconds being asked for pictures and autographs. A few people even asked if they could take a picture with me. I was confused, I'm not in the band, and I can't even play my guitar to well.

The guys didn't seem to mind stopping and taking pictures and giving out autographs. We got plenty of free taxi rides to places because the cab driver wanted an autograph for their kids or something. What was funny was that sometimes a huge group of people would recognize us and we would dive into the nearest taxi.

"I feel like the Beatles, cept there are six of us," said Ray as he showed six of his fingers to Gerard as Franky climbed over us to get in. It was kind of fun diving into the taxi's. But sometimes they would feel bad and give out autographs and what not to the big groups to.

We walked around the little stores and I showed them Pier 39. It was hard to get them off the carousel. Ray bought the bird puppet from the window, Frank and I went crazy over the candy stores, Gerard was amused by the sea lions in the back of the pier that laid on floating boards attached to the bottom of the sea floor just for them.

"Look Gerard found his birth family!" exclaimed Mikey as Gerard tried to bark like the sea lions. Gerard slapped his brother behind the head, Mikey only chuckled.

Frank leaned over the wooden rail and tried to get as close as possible. He was leaning to far down and Gerard had to hold him back by his pants or else he would have fallen in the water.

I laughed as a sea lion hissed at him and tried to bight his fingers that were outstretched to the animal. Frank shrieked and told the guys to pull him back up. We all grabbed a part of Frank's legs or pants. I grabbed him with only one hand, I was eating skittles, and there was no way I was going to drop those and let the sea lions eat them.

Frank smiled and laughed at himself, or at the sea lions, I couldn't tell.