The New Beginning


I woke up to a knocking on my door.

"Rox, get up!" called an excited Ray.

"Is it Christmas already?" I asked smiling.

"Pretty damn close! C'mon Steve wants us there early to practice!" he called. I heard him walk back down to one of the other rooms. Today was my last day with the guys. I didn't want to get out of my bed. I want today to go by as slowly as possible, or better yet not at all.

I looked over at the clock. It's red lights glowed 11:23. I must have slept in. The concert was supposed to start somewhere around five. I pulled myself out of bed and into the bathroom for a quick shower.

After getting out I blow dried my hair and pulled it into a messy bun, like on the first day I had met them. I wore a black skirt with knee high socks and a purple tang top over a black long sleeve.

I ran out of the hotel room and knocked on Ray's door fast. It opened and Mikey smiled at me.

"It's about fucking time you woke up," he said as he opened the door the rest of the way. All the guys were in watching t.v and sipping coffee. Bob was the only one not in the living room part of the room, he must be the one in the shower.

I sat down on the floor and watched cartoons with the rest of the guys. Gerard got up and walked past me.

"Bob dude, hurry it up! Steve said eleven thirty!" he said as he knocked on the door. The shower stopped and Bob stuck his head out of the door.

"Fine, hand me my clothes," he said as he stuck his hand out of the door. Frank dug into Bob's bag and pulled out some jeans, boxers, socks, a black t-shirt, and his shoes. He tossed them all to Gerard which landed at his feet sprawled everywhere. Gerard sighed and rolled his eyes at Frank.

Frank smiled at him and waved. Gerard quickly picked up the clothes and thrust them into Bob's waiting hand. Bob shut the door and quickly got dressed. Ray and Mikey and I got up.

"We'll go downstairs now so we don't get in trouble with Steve," Mikey said to Gerard.

"Kay," said Gerard and leaned against the wall. I followed Mikey and Ray out to the elevators.

"So whats up with you and Gee?" asked Ray as we waited for the elevator to come up.

"What?" I asked giving him a confused look.

"C'mon it's obvious," said Ray as the elevator dinged. I stepped in after Mikey and Ray and pressed the lobby button.

"What is?" I asked.

"Are you trying to make him jealous?" Mikey asked looking at me. I shook my head.

"No. I just happen to like a guy that he doesn't." I said simply.

"You sure?" asked Mikey. I nodded then looked down at my shoes.

"No," I whispered to myself. The doors opened and we saw Steve checking his watch and wave to us to get over there. We jogged over.

"Where's Gee, Bob and Frank?" he asked us then looking at the elevators.

"Waiting for Bob," said Ray.

"We're already late, and you guys need to do a quick dress rehearsal," he said looking down to me.

"Hey Roxy," he smiled down at me.

"Hi," I sighed and turned around to look at the elevators to watch for the rest of them to get down. The elevator doors opened up and out jogged Frank Gerard and Bob hopping on one foot to get his shoe on. His clothes were damp and so was his face.

"Okay, we're here," breathed Frank.

"Alright, let's go," said my uncle as he walked fast towards the doors, Marcy next to him with a clipboard and writing down some quick notes. We all piled into the limo. I sat next to Bob who smelt flowery fresh.

"Finally! One more show then we can go back home," sighed Ray.

"Yeah, and mom can quick bugging us to come visit," Gerard said bumping Mikey's elbow. Mikey nodded.

"Yeah, I promised Alicia I would take her out the first night we got home," said Mikey.

"Who's Alicia, your girlfriend?" I guessed.

"Wife," he corrected. I didn't see a ring before. I looked over at his left hand. Oh there it is.

"I don't like to wear it to much cuz' I'm scared I'll lose it," he said as he twisted his ring. I didn't know Mikey had a wife. Wait does Gerard have one? My stomach flipped. I don't want to think about that. I don't know why but I just don't

On the way to the concert we played sweet and sour, waving at the cars as they passed by. I was trying to have as much fun as I possibly could before tomorrow, when I said goodbye to the guys at the airport.

When we pulled into the giant parking lot where they were supposed to stay it looked like it was going to rain again. The security guards opened the metal fence and let us in. We piled out of the car and looked around. Tents were put over us in case it did rain. Construction people were busy putting the last touches on the stages. Marcy was busy talking to other people about what should go where and how everything should be set up.

The guys had little trailers with their names set up. My uncle gave me a backstage pass so I could come in and out whenever I wanted. I wanted to watch them play though.The guys were immediately told to get into costume and makeup. I sat on the green carpeted floor under the white tent with my feet on a chair. People walked over me busy with setting up.

I was the only one not doing anything. I looked at the clock set on a trailer parked next to the tent. It was twelve. The concert was in five hours.

"Hurry they're on in five hours," said Marcy. I laughed. Yeah hurry, they could be late. Soon the guys came back out with their black parade outfits and makeup on. They didn't have any time to talk to me or anything, Marcy rushed them off to a quick rehearsal. Frank told me that rehearsals really weren't rehearsals. They just told you where extra guitars are in case you decide to smash yours, and where to stand. Then they just go over a few songs.