The New Beginning

MoshingIin The Middle

As people began to enter the seating, or standing area, I began to get antsy. People were getting as close to the band as possible. There were only two sections, the place where the front row people would stand, and probably where the mosh pit would take place, and the rest of the people. People pressed themselves against the gates that separated them and the stage.

I peeked, okay it was really obvious I was watching because all that separated me from the fans was a metal gate surrounded with guards. Anyways, I looked over at the people. Most of them had black parade outfits like the guys or My Chemical Romance shirts on. A lot of people also had signs.

I had to go out soon or I probably wouldn't be able to go out at all. I looked back, wondering when the guys were going to get back from rehearsal. I walked back over to the chair I had my feet on. I sat down tapping my foot waiting for the guys to come. I turned my head to any guys voice that I hear that sounded near.

It was close to an hour now before the show. Finally the guys came from behind a few trailers.

"There you are," I said as the guys came over.

"I'm gonna go to the audience now," I said looking over at Gerard. He seemed anxious to get on stage.

"Break a leg, not literally Mikey," I called as I left for the gate that lead out to the audience. Th guys laughed at my remark towards Mikey.

The guards opened the gate for me and I began to look for a good spot to watch them. I didn't want to be in the first section, it would be packed. I decided the second section would be good enough for me. I stood over at the section looking around. Ryan said he would be here. But there wasn't a big of a chance that I would find him.

I looked over at people reading their signs.

"I am Helena," read one.

"Proud to be in the MCRmy," was on a lot of them.

"I hit my head and can't remember my name, now can I go on tour with you?" read another one. That one made me mad. I don't understand why some people just don't get it. I didn't choose my family, or who they knew. I just got lucky thees guys are in my life.

Soon music began playing, I looked up, but they were just setting up equipment. It's probably just to entertain us.

"Half an hour!" said one girl excitedly. Everyone was pumped and excited. I could feel it. Even I was excited, and I knew the guys. Each minute seemed longer than sixty seconds.
So many people were scrunching up against the little gates that separated the sections. They were only up to your waist, but guarded with security. People were screaming and chanting

"MCR! MCR! MCR!" as the time went on.

Finally we heard a huge boom. The crowd quieted instantly. I spun around and looked at the stage. Fireworks had come form behind the stage. I held my breath.

Finally, Ray, Frank, Mikey, and Bob came out and ran to their gear. We all went wild. Cheering and screaming for them. They began playing "Welcome To The Black Parade." I could see from my tipi toes that a moshpit had already started at the front. I jumped up and down putting up the Rock and Roll sign with my hand.

Right as Gerard was supposed to be singing, only Ray and Frankie were. It seemed like I was the only one who noticed.

Finally Gerard walked out. The microphone high in his hand. He stood in front of the rest of the guys and began singing. I can mosh in peace.