The New Beginning

Daddy's Little Girl


She looked like a mess. And she was, a mess inside. I knew Steve's niece was in an accident but I never thought she would look like this. They dumped her stuff on the table and floor like it was nothing. The guys and I started putting it on the counter and on the table. We were careful not to break anything. It looked like she was a big fan of us. She even had a poster of us. I wonder why she was acting this way though. Maybe she has amnesia or something.

They brought in a guitar. It was black and it had a red broken heart on it. I guess she plays. But what was most painful to see was a picture of her and her dad. It was at a barbecue or something. She was standing on a bench and had her arms around him. They looked so happy together.


I heard them going through my stuff. A guy with long hair that was dark opened the curtain.

" Hey, Roxy, your stuff is here." He said gently

I nodded slowly and got up. My stuff. My things that I had in my room, maybe if I just held something, I could remember something, anything. I jumped off the mattress and made my way to Gerard. He held a picture. I slowly took it out of his hands, my eyes glued to the picture.

It was me. Me and some other guy. I had my arms wrapped around him and I looked happy.

I looked up at Gerard. He had kind eyes

" Who's this?" I asked. I honestly didn't expect him to know but as I said I was curious and I speak my mind without thinking.

" It's you and I think your dad." He said quietly.

" My dad," I whispered as I rubbed a finger over the mans picture. He was sort of bald and had a blue collared shirt. I took the picture and sat on the table.

" My dad," I said a little more loudly.

Why can't I remember him? And why did he have to die? Will I ever remember this man people call my dad? I looked happy in the picture, and so did he. Would I ever be happy again like in the picture or will this all be a forgotten memory?

I felt my eyes well up with tears. But I didn't want to cry. Not When everyone was watching me. I buried my head in my arms. Why can't I just remember? Why? Someone put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up. Some tall guy who was smiling at me had his hand on me.

" Roxy! I haven't seen you since you were up too here," he said as he put a hand to his waist.

" So how are you?" he said with one of the cheesiest grins I have ever seen.

" What do you think?" I asked.

" Well anyway your gonna be here with us until we get to California." He said.

" How long is that?" I asked.

" Two months."

I looked over at some of the guys. They were starring at, I, guess my uncle, Steve. I could practically read their minds.

" Wow. You really know what to say, dumb ass." That's what most of their facial expressions said.

'Well I'm gonna be on the other us your gonna bunk here with the guys. Lights out at nine sharp. So you don't mind do you?"

" Well actually I-"

" Great!" he said as he left.

The guys looked at each other then began to crack up.

" Don't worry we don't bite!" said some other guy with blond hair.

" Yeah unlike someone," said the guy with the fro.

I smiled. The first time since I got out of the hospital