The New Beginning

Move over!

The guys really didn't say much to me after they introduced themselves. I slowly went through my stuff. Hoping and praying to remember something, anything. They had my other clothes brought here. I folded those and put them onto the table. I had a bunch of dead roses. I laughed as I smelt one. The roses at the hospital didn't remind me of these ones.

Guess I wont get my memory back this way. I looked up at Ray. He smiled back at me and sat down with me at the table.

"So I guess your a fan," he said mentioning to a poster on the table.

" I guess."

" You guess?" he asked with a raised eyebrow and chuckle

I looked up at him.

" I can't remember anything. I can't even remember who my dad was."

His smile slowly faded off his face.

" I'm sorry," he said

" Aren't we all," I said as I went up to the mattress above the drivers seat. I lifted myself up onto the mattress. There was a pile of blankets on the other side.

" Ray, can you hand me those black and green sweats?" I asked as I stuck my hand out of the curtains. I felt them being handed on my hand.

" Going to bed?" he asked

" No shit sherlock," I said. I began to take my shirt off.

" Er, sweetie I hate to break this to you but I think this is illegal," said a voice under the blankets. I threw my shirt back on and flipped the blankets over it was Bob.

" The hell are you doing up here?" I asked

" I sorta sleep here," he said back.

" Where am I supposed to sleep?" I asked. He shrugged.

" Well I like it up here so either scoot over or get out," I said