Status: Writing...very slowly!

It's A Long Time Coming And A Twelve Round Fight

Cause These Days I Don't Recognize My Own Face

Nikki bounced up into the watchtower as a couple of boys were walking out having been relieved. "Have a nice watch, Nikki," one of the boys waved.

Nikki smiled, "You two have a good break. You deserve it,"

"Thanks Nikki," the two boys called, as they bounded away. Nikki shook her head then entered the watch tower to start her shift.


"Robby, is that you?: a womans voice called, from the back of the cave, that they considered their home.

"Yeah," Robby replied as he took his light jacket off and threw it on teh floor with his brothers' and sisters'.

"Yea! Robby's back!" called his siblings as they ran and gave him a hug.

"I thought you were spending teh day with Nikki," the womans voice asked.

"She was busy, mom," Robby replied, sighing.

"Well, that's too bad," his mom said soothingly as she came into view holding an item of clothing and needle and thread.

"Oh, poor Robby," his little sister soothed, "You couldn't spend time with Nikki,"

"Good," his little borther scoffed. "Means he didnt' bring home any girl cooties,"

"I wouldn't mind if he brought her cooties home. Nikki's nice," Robby smiled a little at his sisters retort. his brother stuck his tongue out, not having a good come back.

"You two leave your brotehr alone," his mom chided, as she had them leave teh room.

"Thanks mom," Robby smiled weakly.

HIs mom nodded, "Go enjoy the day," and with that left the room. Robby sighed as he went to wander around outside again.


"Izzy!" Sammy called hurridly, as he shuffeled blindly through the hallways. "Izzy we need to leave right away!"

After a few minutes of calling Sammy heard Izzys' worried voice, "What? What is it?"

"The kings soldiers...they're coming here. We need to get out of here!" Izzy saw the worry in Sammys' almost completely clouded eyes.

"Okay, you go get your things and I'll meet you in your room, kay?" Izzy asked quickly, as she ran the multipul dead ends and twist and turns they could lose the guards in, if needed.

Sammy nodded his head, as Izzy ran to her room to get her things.


"General," the king said sharply, sitting up in his chair suddenly.

"Yes, sire?" the General asked, keeping his eyes lowered, respectivly.

"Do you remember the old rebel hideout?"

The General was surprised by the question, "Why, yes,"

"Go destroy it. I don't want the rebels to think they can go back to it," the king said, lacing his fingers together.

"Yes, sire," the Genereal bowed himself out of the kings chamber. Once he was outside he motioned for his soldiers to get ready for a long march
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long to get this chapter up, what with fair and trying to get my projects done at the last minute...also I did pretty good on my excited! I got two blues and two thirds for those of you wondering...well I'm gonna leave it at that cause I now need to start my projects for next year.