Hallucinations of a Dark Past

Chapter Three - The Nightmares Are Back

Blaze broke down in tears; she didn’t know what to do anymore. “Why is this happening to me? I’m losing my mind!” she looked up at her aunt, “First the nightmares, then this? Why is she doing this to me?!?!” she flung herself at Leah and cried on her shoulder. Leah took Blaze back into the house and sat her on the couch. “I want you to explain to me everything that has happened yesterday and today.” Leah stated, “I need to know as much as I possibly can.” Blaze looked at her feet and began to describe the past two days….
Leah picked up Blaze and laid her on her bed, she had cried herself to sleep on the couch a few hours earlier. Leah went back into the living room with a cup of coffee and a newspaper. Skimming through it, she saw there had been four murders, a fire, a bomb threat, and two kidnappings that day all in her city. “What has this world come to?” she murmured as she fell asleep on the couch as well.

Not too much longer after she had fallen asleep, Leah awoke to a blood curdling scream coming from her niece’s room. “Oh no, not again!” she yelled as she ran down the hall and up to Blaze’s bedroom door. She turned the knob only to find that it was locked. “Blaze, Blaze! Open the door!” she yelled even louder. The screaming stopped just as Leah broke down the door and ran to Blaze’s bedside. “Blaze, wake up. Wake up Blaze!” she repeated shaking her niece by the shoulders. Blaze’s eyes shot open and stared right at Leah, sweat dripping down her face and all over her body, she shivered. “Oh my God, sweetheart, are you okay?” Leah cried, “You’re sweating and shivering, that’s not good.” Blaze just looked around the room. “Is she gone now?” Blaze asked as if it were normal to scream in your sleep like she did. “Laura? Yes, she’s gone now. Are you okay though?” Leah sighed as she reassured the troubled child. Blaze let out a sigh of relief, “Good… Yeah, I’m fine now.” she weakly smiled and rolled over on her side. “I’ll get you something.” Leah confirmed and walked to the kitchen, going through the medicine cabinet until she found the thermometer.

Leah put the thermometer in Blaze’s mouth, “Keep that under your tongue and don’t bite it.” She ordered just like she did when Blaze was younger. She got a wash cloth and wet it for Blaze’s forehead, and four Advil liquid gels for both their headaches. Leah sat on the edge of Blaze’s bed petting her hair. The thermometer beeped and Leah took it from Blaze’s mouth. She had a temperature of 103 degrees. Leah gave Blaze a kiss on the forehead and said goodnight then went downstairs to call the doctor and make an appointment for the next day.