Hallucinations of a Dark Past

Chapter 4 - To the Doctors!

“Yes, she has a temperature of 103, she’s sweating as if she’s trying to get rid of the fever, but she’s also shivering…” Leah told the secretary over the phone. “We have an opening spot at three ‘o clock at the earliest. Can you make that?” The secretary asked. “Yes, I can make that… What should I do for her until then?” She’d do anything for Blaze, “Just keep an eye on her through the night, have her drink ice water and take her temperature every few hours just to make sure it doesn’t rise. If it gets worse, take her to the urgent care.” The secretary stated. “Thank you so much, I’ll do that.” Leah replied, “Alright, take good care of that girl until tomorrow!” The secretary said with a gleeful giggle as she hung up the phone. “She sure was happy to be making an appointment for a sickly child…” Leah mumbled. She walked back down the hall to Blaze’s room to watch over her.
The next morning Blaze awoke to a warm wash cloth on her forehead and a cup of ice water and a thermometer on the bedside table. She groaned as she sat up and saw her loving aunt asleep, slouching in a rickety old chair. She smiled at the sight, “I guess I had another nightmare last night.” Her smile then faded into a frown and she sighed. “I’m so sorry Aunt Leah. I’m sorry that you have to look over me like a little child…” she arose from her bed and wearily dragged herself to the kitchen and made some toast. A few minutes passed and Leah came out from her uncomfortable sleep. She looked at the clock on the microwave in the kitchen and realized they had only an hour to get ready for the appointment. It took fifteen minutes to get to the doctor’s office, so they had some time to get ready. “Blaze, we have to start getting ready to go now. “ She said. “Huh? Go where?” Blaze pondered mindlessly as she channel surfed on their small T.V. “The doctor’s office sweetheart, remember?” Leah replied sweetly and cocked her head to the side like a dog as she looked at her beautiful niece. She sighed, “She’s too gorgeous and smart, and… She’s just too good for all this to be happening to her…” She thought to herself as Blaze smiled at her and got of the couch with a leap. “She seems to be doing a whole lot better…” she said aloud as Blaze ran down the hallway to her room to change.
Both the girls were ready to go and were in the car on their way to the doctor’s. Blaze was singing along to Panic! At The Disco, she seemed happy as can be.