Hallucinations of a Dark Past

Chapter Five - Meet The Doctor

Leah and Blaze got out of the car and headed toward the big, glass double-doors of the doctor's office. "Ugh.. I hate this place." Blaze groaned as she sat down in the waiting lobby while Leah confirmed her appointment.
Fifteen minutes went by.. Twenty minutes... Now twenty five. "MY GOD, HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO SEE A DOCTOR AROUND HERE?!?!" Blaze yelled out in the almost empty waiting room. She and Leah were the only ones there. Just as Blaze sat back down from her moment of no patience, a small women in a long white coat opened one of the side doors and sheepishly called for her. Blaze blushed from her childish outburst and walked with Leah and the nurse through the doors. The nurse had her step on a scale and wrote down some notes on her baby blue clipboard, then lead the two to a small room decorated in deep sea pictures and dolphin wallpaper. "Now we wait..." Blaze said in pure annoyance, "Again." Leah rolled her eyes and reminded her niece that you're always waiting in doctor's offices.
A few minutes later - which seemed like an eternity to the poor teen - a young looking, male doctor opened the door mid-conversation with another doctor in the hall. He was freshly-shaven, had nicely combed hair, and he smelled of a sharp musty cologne. His dark brown, almost black, hair fell over his eyes as he looked at his clipboard. Blaze found him very attractive and immediately blushed once more. Clearing his throat, the doctor looked at Blaze. "Hello.. Blaze and Leah?" He said shaking both the ladies' hands. "What big strong hands he has.." Blaze admiringly thought. "I'm Dr. Campbell, and I'll be your doctor, so what are you here for today?" Dr. Campbell asked with a brilliant white smile. With teeth like that you would think he was a dentist. Leah, Blaze not being able to speak, told Dr. Campbell about Blaze's tempurature and antics of the night before. They continued on in their conversation about "anti-biotic this, pain-relievers that, blah blah blah." Blaze couldn't take her eyes off of Dr. Campbell. She couldn't help but to go into a daze as she stared into the dark brown pools of beauty. They seemed so deep, like a blackened ocean and she soon got lost in both his eyes and lust.
Blaze barely noticed when Leah asked her a few questions about the night before and she tripped over her words as she answered. Dr. Campbell prescribed her two different pills and suggested she come back in exactly a week so he could check up on how she was doing. He shook her hand once more and they made eye contact. The electric shock that swam through her veins and to her heart stopped her lungs from functioning. She choked as her cheeks turned the same shade as her fire-like hair. She hid her face in her hair as she walked out the door, and was soon down the hall in a quick attempt to escape more embarassment. But as much as she didn't want Dr. Campbell to see through her and notice how she felt, she couldn't wait to see him again.