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Why Aren't You Humming Hallelujah?

Special Someone

Patrick’s POV

I pulled out my orange laptop and hooked it into the wall. I could not wait to get to California. My mother told me that the day I had enough money. She would support me one hundred percent in my pursuit to make a band. I already packed up my equipment. I was going cross country from my little town in Illinois to LA, California. I was finally going to try to get myself out there as a drummer. I loved playing the drums and I wanted the world to know it. I was taking a train for three days. I rented one of the bigger coaches, but I was kind of nervous if I was going to fit with my whole drum set.

I also wrote lyrics. I loved putting poetic feelings with a beautiful melody with a great beat. It made me feel like I had found my meaning in life. I usually wrote about something or someone I loved. There was nothing at the moment that I loved more than music, but you never know I might find that special someone someday.

My computer was lying idle in my lap as I waited for my mom to come downstairs; she was going to drive me to the airport in about twenty minutes. I heard a door opening on my computer signaling that someone had come online. I woke my computer and opened my buddy list. It was my old friend from middle school. We go back, way back. She knew everything about me and I knew everything about her. I double-clicked on her name and waited for the window to pop up.

good_golly_molly has signed on.

patrickdrums1: Hey.

good_golly_molly: Omg hey! I thought you had already left!

patrickdrums1: Haha no. I’m waiting for my mom. She’s taking forever.

good_golly_molly: Lol. Are you excited for LA?

patrickdrums1: Well, yea. But I am more nervous than anything.

good_golly_molly: Why?

patrickdrums1: What if I don’t make it in LA?

good_golly_molly: Oh gosh stop your worrying. I am sure that you are going to make it somewhere. You are the most talented person I know. Someone would have to be out of their right mind to not hire you.

partickdrums1: Haha thanks, but the music business is tough, and I’m not sure if I can handle it.

good_golly_molly: I know you can do it. And I will be there for you no matter what… even though I am 2000 miles away.

patrickdrums1: Thanks for the encouragement.

good_golly_molly: You are always very welcome :]

patrickdrums: You know what? I feel so much better about this trip. And I feel ready… well as ready as I’ll ever be. Lol. You helped ease my worry pains.

good_golly_molly: Glad to help you.

patrickdrums1: My mom just came downstairs. This is it! Wish me luck!

good_golly_molly: GOOD LUCK!!!

patrickdrums1 has just signed off

good_golly_molly: Good bye Patrick…


Pete’s POV


I climbed out of my loft bed and jumped down to the plush carpet below.


I grabbed a pair of sweatpants to put over my boxers so I can go downstairs. As I made it halfway down the stairs I saw my girlfriend of three months, Lauren, looking at a picture of me from my senior year in high school. I really wish that I hadn’t of given her a key to my apartment. I finished walking down the stairs and joined my girlfriend in the main hallway.

“You were so cute back then.” For some reason I was offended by that for two reasons. One, it was only 3 years ago, not ‘back then’ and; two I don’t look much different and she even made it sound like I looked better in the picture. Ugh I just woke up and I am already over-thinking things.

“Uh. Yea… sure.”

“Hmm… You don’t look so good. Were you out drinking last night again? I told you I don’t like when you do that.” I didn’t feel like answering. After a few seconds, “Answer me douche bag!”

“I really wish you wouldn’t talk to me like that.” I kind of mumbled it. I really didn’t want to get in a fight, but I was sick of being treated like trash.

She spun to look me right in the eye and say, “What did you say?” Oh great I have awakened the beast. Why do I do these things to myself? I gave a quick glance to the ceiling and then looked down at Lauren. “Don’t bother to look for help from God.”

Oh now I got her going. And it’s only like, what? Eight in the morning? “I said that I am done being treated like a piece of shit from a bitch like you.” She stepped back and gave me a look of confusion. She looked like she wanted to say something, but I was on a roll so I decided to keep going before she could start. “I am the man in this relationship, and I want to be treated like so. This is my house and if I want to sleep until twelve in the afternoon, I can. I no longer want you barging in here.” I crossed my arms and stared her dead in the eye.

She softened her look and leaned forward. “I didn’t know that you felt that way.”

“Of course I feel that way! What man wouldn’t?!”

She leaned forward some more and put a hand on my chest. “Well, I am very sorry. Next time I will make sure to call before I come over.”

“That’s better I guess…” But I knew what card she was playing. I could only guess what she had to say next.

“So do you want to go upstairs and show me how big of a man you are?”

I knew I had something to do with along those lines.

I took her hand from my chest and kissed each finger. She moaned in appreciation. I then pulled her into a deep kiss and wrapped my arms tightly around her. Just as she started to push me towards the stairs, I pulled back from her abruptly,

She stood there with a stunned face and muttered, “Wha- what? Was it something I did wrong?”

“Yea it was.”

“What did I do? I can fix it! Give me another chance. I’ve been wanting you for a while. Why won’t you just let me show you how much fun we can have together.”



“I just don’t love you. I’m sorry.”

She looked down for a second and then looked back at me with tears welling up in her eyes. “What… Why… Was it something I did?”

“It was everything. I’m sorry, Lauren. But you just aren’t the one for me.”

Her sadness turned to anger in a matter of seconds. “There is someone else isn’t there! I knew it. All those late nights! All the unknown phone calls! You were cheating on me! How could you? How could you possibly do this to me?” She broke down and started crying hysterically.

I put my arm around her and said, “I was not and never have cheated on you. I like you… I just don’t love you. I tried I really did.”

She pushed my arm away and whispered, “No. No you never did. I could always tell. I could feel it, but I knew you couldn’t. I just kept hoping.”

“This relationship just wasn’t meant to be.”

“No. It wasn’t.” She paused for a moment and finally looked back up at me. “But just so you know… I still love you.”

“Can we still be friends?”

“I don’t know. I need to…. I don’t even know what to do. All I know is that I need to get out of here.” She leaned in to try and give me one last kiss on my lips. I turned at the last second so she hit my left cheek instead. She pulled away, gave me one last look, threw the key I gave her to the ground, and ran out my front door into the rain crying the hardest I have ever seen a girl cry.

Sure she treated me horribly, but I think it was just her way of fighting the love she felt for me. As guilty as I felt, I had to leave her. Something deep down inside of me told me that she wasn’t the one. She wasn’t that special someone.
♠ ♠ ♠
first thing ive written in a while.
hope you like where this is going!

please please comment and subscribe. thats the reasong i left last time! no one let me know that they liked my stories! if you dont like it thats okay. but you can still give me some constructive criticism. thank you!

subscriptions=the shit.