The Struggle

First day of a new year

Life had always been good through Elementary School. I had always been accepted even though I dressed differently and I acted differently. I had no friends but got along with everyone and I was alright with that. Too bad I didn't know Middle School was going to kick my ass all over the place.

I woke up that morning and turned on my radio. Metallica : One came on so as I got undressed from my pajamas and got into my school clothes I sang along with it - I sang pretty well too. I hit the power on the radio and walked out of my room. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and then put on my makeup. Yes I am a guy who wears makeup. I put on some dark eyeliner and put on my "emo gauntlets" as my class used to call them.

I walked into school and heard the bustle of children and the sounds of the vending machines dropping candy. I went to a Coke machine and got myself a coke to help start my day. I walked to my main class and sat down. I sat in the back as I had always done. It was now more instinct rather than choice. The kid next to me looked at me and snickered. This had never happened before. I pulled out my notebook and started to doodle random things all over the place.

The teacher had stopped talking but I hadn't noticed. He was behind me watching what I was doodling... which in this case was bad. My notebook said things like Fuck the system and System of a down : War? yes war is good. I was just a kid I didn't know what any of it meant so I just doodled it down. The teacher snatched it and said "Something you would like to share with the class Kris? Ha too bad Ill share it myself." Oh shit this is bad. My face started to burn like a furnace and I lied my head down on the desk and put my hands together, hold them slightly over my head. He started to read "Mess of a life... the system ... something something...." I put my head up to find the class staring at me. All I did was laugh.

The lunch bell rang out over the school. I dreaded lunch. I knew my class would be there. What would happen?