The Struggle

Jess the Best

I walked in to the lunchroom quietly and sat down at an empty table. I saw the kid that sat next to me in class starting to come my way. "Hi I'm John." He said sticking his hand out as if he waned me to shake it. I looked at him awkwardly and then grinned. I grab his hand to shake it and he pulled me in closer and kneed me in the stomach. Everyone stared at as. I dropped to the ground like a stone in a lake. I coughed horridly and vomitted a little.

A girl ran over and helped me up. I was so out of it from the blow that I didn't realize what was happening. She brought me into the boys bathroom and locked the door. She opened a stall door and helped me sit down while she looked my stomach and felt to see if anything was wrong. I thought this was the nurse. "Hi I'm Jess." She said. "Are you a nurse?" I asked. "No but my mom is." she said "By the way nothing is wrong, just a big hit."

After school, I walked out onto the side walk and started my walk home. Jess snuck up behind me. "Hi Kris!" she said preppily. "Hi. Thanks for helping me." I said. "No biggy. Always here to help!" she said. "That's good to hear! Hey .... I know its kinda sudden... and we just met.... do you wanna.... come over .... and ... study?" I asked nervously. She looked at me awkwardly and then grinned "Id love to. Be there at 4?" she said and kissed me on the cheek and took off. I stopped dead in my tracks. This was the best day ever!