The Struggle

Study time..?

I walked inside and my mom asked me why I was pale. "Its nothing mom... just a little fight at school I need to get ready. A friend is coming over to study." I said eagerly trying to escape my mother. I ran upstairs and washed the makeup off of my face. "So who is this friend of yours?" mom asked. I could tell she was interested. "Just.. just a friend OK?" I said. This made her drive further. "Is it a girl?" asked mom. "Yes" I said this time turning my head away hoping shed just leave. "I can see you want me to leave you guys alone so Ill go run some errands" she said happily.

Jess knocked at the door at exactly 4. "Come on in Jess." I said at the door. She opened it smiled and waved. I waved back and said "OK lets go up to my room and study or just hang out. I have snacks and drinks and we can have a good time. My mom is out shopping for a few hours." "OK that's cool." said Jess. I slightly took her hand and led her to my room.

Jess was standing in the middle of my room and she was just looking at things. My stereo caught her eye. "You like it?" I asked. She walked over to it and saw it was on. She hit the play button and Coheed and Cambrias Welcome Home started. She said "You like acoustic music?" I grinned and said "Listen." The metal riffs jammed through. I asked "You like?" She said "Its kinda.. different." I looked at her eyes. They where beautiful like a calm sea. And her voice was like that of an angel.

She looked into my eyes deeply. It was hard to look at her for some reason. I looked deeply back into hers though. As if fate designed it to be this way we embraced each other at the same time. Our lips locked and my heart raced. I felt her heart beat against my chest she was holding me so tight. Her tongue brushed my lips. My hands rubbed her back yet it was as if I couldn't feel her there. I brushed my tongue against her mouth as we kissed. Accidentally but I didn't care. I knew I was in love with her now. Cupid wasn't shooting arrows this time, now it was bullets.