The Struggle

Conflict Arises

The next day in science it was announced that John was switching classes do to a fight. "Your welcome." came a voice from Johns seat. It was some guy that used to sit in the front. "You got him to switch?" I asked. "Yeah. He is always beating people up. I just couldn't take it." said the kid. "By the way I'm Justin." said the kid. He was kind of heavy set. Glasses. We soon became close friends. Turns out his girlfriend was Tarin was Jesses best friend.

That day after school Justin brought over two guitars. I had played before and was quite a decent player, I just didn't have my own. "Whats with the new Les Paul dude?" I asked. "Its for you." He said handing it to me. I grabbed it and looked at it with tears swelling in my eyes. This instantly became my most prized possession. We ran up to my room and started to play. It was just random pentatonic scales and things. We sounded decent but we couldn't hear anything. Jess was knocking on the door. I didn't hear her.

Everyday after school I would go play. Almost everyday I would miss Jess. At school after about 4 weeks of me not answering "You fucking hate me don't you?" she asked "No sweetheart whats wrong?" I asked my face turning pale. I knew something was wrong now. "Your always up in your room playing that stupid fucking guitar. You never answer." she said. Now people crowded in. "Jess I am sorry." I said. "Kris choose. Me or the guitar." she said. This is where conflict arose. "Only someone who truly understood me could understand my love for that guitar. I choose the guitar." I said and walked away crying. It seemed as if Cupids bullets came with the price of a broken heart.