


There's somethin' 'bout the way the street looks when it's just rained
There's a glow off the pavement, you walk me to the car
And you know I want to ask you to dance right there
In the middle of the parking lot, yeah

I was standing just behind the curtain, listening to this song being preformed for the millionth time, never getting bored of Taylor's amazing voice. Taylor and I had literally known each other forever. I was born when she was about three and a half. Our grandmothers had been best friends, so our moms were best friends, and then us. Of course, I knew her before she became famous but we had pulled our friendship through those hard times. We were like PB&J, macaroni and cheese, or milk and oreos.

We're drivin' down the road, I wonder if you know
I'm tryin' so hard not to get caught up now
But you're just so cool, run your hands through your hair
Absent-mindedly makin' me want you

I smiled as I heard the familiar voice, a voice that was almost as comforting as my own mother's. Her music was kind of like the soundtrack to our life. Our ups and downs, dates and heartbreaks, even times of life and death. It's easier when you look at it our way. Picture you and your closest friend ever in the world or someone you know who has a really close friend. Now picture Taylor and I. We're about twice as close.

And I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless
And I don't know why but with you I dance
In a storm in my best dress, fearless

Absentmindedly, I sang along to the words. I was big on singing, maybe not as much as Taylor, but I was never interested in being in the Limelight. So, I watched as Taylor became this huge success story, uber proud of her. The paparazzi were really annoying, and I hated not being able to go to the same school as her, but it was all worth it when i saw how happy she was. And of course, as her best friend I got to indulge in pretty much every thing about being famous without actually being famous. Pretty. Sweet.

I kept watching Taylor, smiling as I saw how completely blissful she was up there with her fans. I smiled even bigger as my boyfriend, Nick, came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Nick Jonas and I had met each other through Taylor. She had been dating Joe, as everyone in the world soon found out, and Nick and I had met through them. It wasn't easy, but we managed to stay together through Taylor and Joe's rocky break-up.

* * *

"Taylor you were great!" I screamed next to her ear so that I could be heard above the screaming fans. I stayed close by her side, clutching Nick’s hand in mine tightly. Frantically I tried not to get squashed by the bustling bodyguards that surrounded Taylor. Quickly as possible, we headed over the back alley that had the limo that would take us back to Taylor's for a sleepover. Hanging out after the concert was usually our way of trying to get over the fan shock that came with being famous.

Finally, we made it to the back alley. We stepped outside into the cool night air, but didn't have time to enjoy. Immediately we were rushed over to the limos. Taylor stopped to wave a final goodbye to her fans before stepping into the limo. I saw the gun a minute too late.
Looking back, I can't really remember much of what happened. I could tell you all the events, but not in much detail. It's like looking back on I dream I partly forgot. A nightmare I wish I had never dreamed, or could never remember.

I remember screaming a lot. I remember taking off my jacket and trying to stop the bleeding as much as I could. I remember the horrification that came with seeing all of Taylor’s bodyguards lying still at my feet. I remember feeling so alone and so scared, with only Nick at my side; even the screaming of the fans was long gone. I remember being terrified as the gunman headed over, as if to make sure everyone was dead.

Hurriedly, I pushed Nick to the ground and crouched along side him, doing my best to pretend I was dead. I remember that he hadn't fallen for it because his gun was pointed right on my back. I remember him saying something but I don't remember what. Then, Taylor was on her feet. I was so happy, so relieved, that I was bawling. I remember her face looking so pale from all the blood she had lost. I remember her grabbing the astonished man's head and ramming her elbow as hard as she could into the back of his neck. Somehow, he crumpled to the ground, with Taylor right behind him.

I remember not being able to scream, only crying and crying as I shook Taylor frantically trying to wake her up. I remember Nick holding me but talking on the phone at the same time. I remember the ambulance and the paramedics but that was all because I was too out of it to remember anything else. I just remember crying and Nick and waking up the next day. I wasn't at the hospital and I could tell by the hollow feeling inside me, like my body was going to collapse in on itself that I had lost my best friend.