Death in Vegas


“Christopher?” I called curiously as I opened the door to our hotel room. He wasn’t there. “Hmph,” I mumbled. There was, however, a not on one of the pillows on our bed.

Meet me at the casino a few streets down. I have a surprise for you J. Text me when you get this.
Love, Christopher.

I smiled at the note and stuffed it in my jacket pocket. The casino a few streets down. I wonder what he had planned for me. I picked up my cell phone off the night stand and slid that into my other jacket pocket. Walking back to the door, I opened it again and closed it behind me, making sure I had my room key in my pocket. As I walked to the elevator, I pulled out my phone and opened up a new text.

I’m on my way Chris. Be there soon. I love you.

I hit send and put it back in my pocket, waiting for his reply. He usually only took about a minute to reply. When I stepped out of the elevator, he hadn’t replied yet. I frowned as I walked to the hotel doors, opening one and stepping into the crisp Las Vegas night air. Christopher and I had come here for a vacation. We had both just graduated from Cal Poly two weeks, and we came here to celebrate. We had been dating for two years now, and lately we had gotten a lot closer. We spent every second together and we had moved in together 3 months ago. We planned to move to New York together soon, too. Maybe he was proposing to me. He had been smiling a lot lately and was anxious to get to Las Vegas yesterday. Oh, that’s it. He was proposing to me! I squealed from excitement and earned myself stares from various people walking around me. I calmed myself and smiled as I stuffed my hands into my pockets and kept walking. I felt my phone in my pocket and remembered the Chris hadn’t replied yet. I pulled my phone out and checked, just in case I might have missed the vibrating reminder telling me I had a new text. I frowned when I saw a blank screen staring back at me. I checked my inbox just in case it hadn’t shown up. When I found nothing there, I checked my sent messages to make sure it had sent. Sure enough, it had sent. I frowned again and turned my phone off just in case I had bad service. After a minute of two, I turned it back on, hoping a new message would pop up. When my phone was completely turned on, I had perfect service, but no messages. I frowned again. Was he okay? Maybe he was hurt? No I was just overreacting, his phone must have died or something, or maybe he didn’t feel it vibrate, or maybe his phone had bad service. There were many possibilities. He was fine. He had to be. I shook my head and cleared my throat. Nothing had happened to Chris, I knew it. But I still couldn’t help the twisting feeling in the pit of my stomach. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and continued walking. As I turned the last corner, I was on the street the casino was on. The casino was surrounded by ambulances and fire trucks and police cars. I gasped in horror and ran down the street to the casino. It was marked off by caution tape and police officers stood in front of it, pushing people back. I pushed my way through the people to get to the front.

“Excuse me, ma’am, we’re going to have to ask you to back up,” a police officer told me.

“What happened?” I demanded.

“A crazy man ran in there, and started shooting people, there were only 5 people who were hit, but I’m afraid there is no way of keeping them alive,” he informed me.

“What?!” I shrieked. I pushed past the officer and ducked under the tape. Where was Christopher?!

“Ma’am!” the officer shouted.

“My boyfriend was in there and he could be dead right now!” I shouted back as I ran to one of the ambulances. I looked inside the first one. Okay, just a lady. I ran to the second one. Just an old man. In the third one, I found an old lady. In the fourth one, I saw a child. I braced myself as I ran to the third one. I opened my eyes as I looked inside the open doors and stared at the person on the gurney in horror. Right in front of my eyes, was my future husband, a small ring box in his hand and a gun shot in the middle of his forehead. I shrieked and jumped inside the ambulance, grabbing Christopher’s hand. “Chris,” I mumbled as tears streaked down my face. “Talk to me!” Christopher said nothing. I looked at the monitor that was beeping slightly. His life line. The line went dead and loud beeping sounded. I collapsed on the floor, Christopher’s hand still in mine. Dead. He was dead. There was no way this could be happening.

“Excuse me, we’re going to have to ask you to leave,” a nurse told me. I looked up at her.

“My boyfriend just died,” I stated.

“You’ll see him in heaven dear,” she said. My eyes lit up and I nodded as I grabbed a scalpel off one of the counters.

“You’re right, and I won’t wait,” I said as I stabbed the scalpel directly into my heart. I gasped and fell back onto the ground. Everything immediately went black and I couldn’t feel anything anymore. For a second, I was just in black nothingness. And then I heard a voice.

“Melanie, my love, come with me.” Christopher.

“Christopher?” I asked lightly. I opened my eyes and I saw white everywhere, along with Christopher in front of my, extending his hand.

“Who else?” He smiled at me and I took his hand. We started floating upwards until we broke through clouds.

“Where are we going?”

“Heaven. To be together. Forever.”
♠ ♠ ♠
ehh, kinda sucky.
it was the first thing that popped into my head.
for a contest.
tell me what ya think.