‹ Prequel: Mike's Determination

Joey's Depression

Joey's Depression (the sequel to Mike's Determinat

Just then, Billie Joe's mobile rang.
"Why at a time like this?" Billie Joe thought to himself. He decided to answer it just in case it was something important.

"Hello?" He questioned.

"Hey, it's Desi. You know, Sam's girl friend," The person from the other line said.

"Oh, hey Desi. What's up?" Billie Joe smiled, half relieved to hear her voice.

"Do you know where Sam is? I haven't seen him in a while," Desi asked, her voice a notch more worried than it usually sounded when she got nervous.

"I... " He began. He was about to tell her about what he, Joey and Michelle had heard earlier that day, but decided not to, "I haven't seen him in a while, either."

"Oh okay. If you do, call me," She said.

"Okay, bye," Billie Joe smiled, hanging up.


Desi strummed on her guitar wildly. It was like her therapy. She put her guitar back down, and tried to call Sam. He still didn't answer.
"What is he doing?" She thought to herself, "He always answers his phone."
She went back to playing random songs on her guitar.


In Sam's household, there was complete and utter silence. Just a few hours earlier Sam had been his normal self. Now he's lying on the ground of his carpeted room, surrounded by blood, killed by a single gunshot to the head.

What happened?

Sam shot himself.

That's what happened.


"Hmm... I wonder what would happen if Mike wakes up now. And Bush is staring down at him. How funny would that be?!" Jason thought to himself.

"So... " He began, this time aloud to Bush, "What brings you here?"

"Me just founded out about the whole Mikey and me thingy, so me just wanting to see him in real," Bush said in his typical 'I'm a fucker' voice.

"He's even dumber in person," Jason chuckled silently.

"Really? Cool. I've been friends with Mike since... I can't remember, but a long time," Jason smiled. He tried his best to be nice, to make things a bit easier for Mike when he realises who he is next to.

"Me hoping Mikey's really nicer for me," Bush drooled.

Jason paused for a while, trying to piece together what Bush was trying to say by manipulating the under-amateur phrasing attempts that have been made by him, and turning them into something that makes sense.

"OHH!" He exclaimed, when he had finally figured out what the hell he had said, "You hope that Mike's gonna be nice to you."

Bush nodded.

"I doubt it," Jason then mumbled under his breath.


Michelle groaned a few times, before opening her eyes, to find Desi staring down at her. Michelle didn't know much about her, besides the fact that she was going out with Sam.

"Hi," Desi smiled down at her.

"Hey," Michelle groaned, "What are you doing here?"

"Just came over to say hi. I mean, you are Sam's friend. I might go visit Tre in a minute," She explained.

"Oh, Mike's here too," Michelle told her, "He's not going to well, I don't think."

Desi nodded, "Oh okay."

"So you gonna go see Tre now?"

"Yeah. See ya soon."


Desi walked out quickly. She always got nervous around Michelle, for some reason.


"Hey Tre," She smiled, plonking herself down in a nearby chair.

"And you are... ?" Tre stretched.

"Desi," Desi provided.

"And who is that... ?" Tre asked.

"Quit playing dumb, Tre. You know who I am," She sighed, folding her arms sharply.

"Hey Tre, what's up?" Jason quizzed carelessly, walking into the room as fast as he could.

"Who are you? How did YOU know my name?" Tre dumbly questioned. Jason's jaw basically dropped to the floor.

"You mean you don't know who I am, buddy?" He gasped, "I'm your good ol' mate, Jason White."

Tre shook his head slightly, "I don't remember knowing a Jason."

Desi leaned over and whispered something into Jason's ear.

"Yeah, maybe you're right," Jason nodded.