‹ Prequel: Mike's Determination

Joey's Depression

Joey's Depression (the sequel to Mike's Determinat

"SAM!!" Desi called, whacking both of her fists on the front of the white, wooden door.

"Hey?" Damien said as he opened the door.

"Oh err... hey," She coughed shyly, "Is Sam here?"

"Well... sort of," Damien admitted.

"What do you mean, sort of?" Desi asked, slightly stronger this time round.

"He's kinda... " He began, "... dead."

Desi cupped her hand over her mouth, "No way!"

"Oh yes way. You can come in and see if you like," He offered, pulling the door an inch more open and stepping aside from the doorway.

Desi hesitated for a few seconds, "O... Okay."

There was an awkward pause of silence, before Damien cocked an eyebrow and letting out the words, "Well come on."

Desi took two or three steps into the house. She recognised the overall aroma of the house- it smelt quite stale, musty and dusty; old.

This is what Desi usually smelt every time she came around and Damien or his dad answered the door for her. But when Sam did, it was completely different. It felt bright, happy and just plain better.

But she doubted the fact that Sam was dead. Damien seemed pretty damn relaxed about it. She didn't think it was possible to be that calm if you'd just found your little brother, dead in their own home.

Damien led her to Sam's room anyway. Slowly he twisted the door knob. The room felt so dead; so still. And sure enough, there laid Sam.

Desi stood there, totally goggle-eyed. She opened her mouth to say something, but shut it again when she realised she had nothing to say.

"I... he's... oh, holy fuck!" She finally blurted.


"I need to go to the toilet," Michelle said quickly, scurrying off to the female toilets. Joey slowly followed her out into the open space of the hospital. He saw a doctor- the one who had helped Michelle, coming towards him.

"Hello," He spoke clearly, a look of severe seriousness on his face.

"Er... hey," Joey said, "Look, I never really got to thank you for helping Michelle out."

"No problem," The doctor said, slightly more laid back this time, "But there's another concerning issue I feel we should take into consideration."

"Oh really?" Joey began, "What?"

"You've told me that Michelle has recently discovered that she is pregnant," He stated.

Joey nodded.

"Well I have noticed that there is a high possibility that she could have miscarried due to the stress she was under when she was shot," The doctor continued.

Joey's eyes widened, "No way."

"Oh yes way. Michelle might be strong, but well... shit happens," The doctor sighed, shaking his head reverently.

"Yes, I know shit happens, but not to her!" Joey assured himself, he wasn't gonna let this case rest.

"You can't stop what's already happened," The doctor argued, folding his arms in satisfaction.

Joey opened his mouth and tried to say something, but he didn't let the words come out; the doctor was right. You can't stop what's already happened.

So instead of saying something, he just walked off towards the door of the female toilets, and waited for Michelle to come out.

Soon enough, Michelle returned. Joey leaned over discreetly and whispered something into her ear, "You might have suffered a miscarriage."

He decided to let it out fast and quick. As cruel as it may seem, he didn't want the thought to be lingering around his conscience whenever Michelle was around.

"J... Joey! What am I gonna do?!" She stammered.


"NO WAY!" Peter exclaimed, "How the hell are you gonna make all this happen?"

"I've got you, don't forget," Alex grinned.

"W-What? Since when was I contributing to all of this?!" He asked.

"Since NOW!!" Alex smiled, wrapping his arm around Peter's neck, pulling him into a tight headlock, and ruffling at his hair.

"Alex!!!" Peter laughed hysterically, "Alex quit it!"

"Not until you agree to help me!" Alex teased, still ruffling at Peter's hair.

"Okay, Okay! Just stop it!" Peter giggled.

Alex released Peter from the headlock.

"So when are we gonna start thinking serious about this... plan?" Peter then quizzed.

"Right after I do a pee," Alex grinned. Peter nodded and followed Alex as he waddled into the men's toilets.

Alex walked right past Tre, Jason and Billie Joe.

Peter paused in front of Tre's cubicle, opened his mouth to say something to them, but decided not to, so he moved on.

"Now, Petez, listen up," Alex began, unzipping his fly and beginning to do his business, "I've heard of these guys named... "

Alex leaned over and whispered a few names into Peter's ear.

"Err... gee, Alex. That's great, but I just might wanna let you know that you're weeing all over your pants," Peter said, loud enough for Jason, Billie and Tre to hear.

Alex zipped back up his pants, grinned over at the 3 men and pulled himself and Peter into a nearby cubicle.

"Look, okay, Petez. I've heard of these 3 guys, Shaun, James and Tony. They're experts at killing people n stuff like that, so I was thinking that maybe we can hire them to get this whole ordeal into order," Alex explained.

Peter nodded, "Okay. Now can you please clean up your pants?"

"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever. Meet you out the front, okay?" Alex grumbled. Peter nodded, and exited the cubicle, and the toilets.

Alex grabbed some toilet paper, then wet it under the taps.

"Hey," Billie Joe called out to him.

"Uhmm... hey," Alex responded.

"Where'd you here about those 3 guys?" He questioned.

"I... I saw them in the newspaper," He explained.

"Where in the newspaper?" Jason questioned.

"The death notices. Their friend, John died because he was sentenced to death for this crime, and the all put in poems to him, and at the end they included a phone number, so I rang it and they told me all about what they did," Alex explained to them.


Her eyes welled up with tears, and she had to lean on Damien's shoulder for support.

"He's dead," She whispered, "He killed himself."

"I have a feeling that he didn't kill himself," Damien sighed.

Desi glanced up at him, but looked down again when she realised that she didn't want him to see her cry.

"I reckon someone killed him," He continued.

"No way. He killed himself. Who else would do something as barbaric as that?" Desi questioned.

"Look. I've known Sam for the whole of his life. I never thought it was possible for him to shoot himself in the head. He was always so... happy," Damien explained, turning himself and Desi away from Sam and into the still hallway.

"Sometimes people just don't know what to do. Sometimes thoughts of doing things like... that are just shoved in people's heads, and there are no warning signs," Desi sighed.

"Sam had everything. Dad was great at looking after us. Mum was exactly the same, until her and dad divorced. I tried the best I could to make him feel happy. And he has you," Damien continued.

Desi let the grip between her and Damien fall loose, "Had. He HAD me."
To that she ran back down the hallway and out of the house.


"Do you know for sure?" Michelle asked the doctor.

The doctor shrugged, "I donnow."

"Well when are you gonna find out?" Joey questioned, with a tinge of sharpness in his voice.

"Whenever I want to," He said lazily.

"Well when is that?" Joey quizzed.