‹ Prequel: Mike's Determination

Joey's Depression

Joey's Depression, Part 15- He’s like the Terminat


"W-why? I mean, why not?" Michelle questioned, still looking down at her blood-stained jeans.

"It's Alex. He's like, got some really bad things in store for you. And I mean REALLY bad," Peter explained, in a tone of voice that just had 'I'm serious' written all over it.

"REALLY Bad things like what?" Michelle questioned curiously.

Peter, not wanting to really go totally against Alex's will, just tried to get out enough to stop her from going, "He's got the Weirdo-Mafia involved."

"... Weirdo mafia?" Michelle questioned after a few seconds of silence.

"You know that dude who tried to shoot Tre, and the guy who almost killed Mike?" Peter told her.

Michelle's eyes widened, "And what about the person who tried to kill me?"

"Yeah, that's the same person who tried to shoot Tre, I think."

"No, that's Tony. The other guy, who shot me."

"What guy?"

"James, I think his name is."

"Who the hell is James?"

"The guy who tried to shoot me."


"Never mind. Now, tell me about these evil plans Alex has in store."

Peter sighed, and looked down at his white sand shoes, chewing on his lip slightly,
"He... " He stalled, "He's planning on raping you."

"What?!" Michelle freaked, "I only just suffered a miscarriage! Why the fuck does he want to do that?!"

She felt warm, stinging tears prickling at her eyes, before collapsing her head on Peter's shoulder.

"It doesn't matter about that. As long as you don't go, he won't touch you."

He put a sympathetic arm around her, comforting her the best he can.


Billie Joe bent down to pick up something that neither Alex nor Shaun could see.

Billie didn't even have to turn his eyes away from the two of them for one second.

Once Billie Joe had gotten the thing he wanted from the ground, he stood up to his full height once again- it was a cloggy green, glass beer bottle.

There was not even a moment of pause, when Billie Joe smashed the beer bottle against the sink. Little bits of green glass went flying everywhere. Alex had to shield himself to prevent himself from getting hit in the face. But Shaun, on the other hand, didn't even move.

"He's like the Terminator or somethin'," Alex thought to himself.

Billie Joe kept a cold glare on Shaun- his deep green eyes staring directly into Shaun's deep blue ones. He raised his tattooed arm, the one with the now-broken beer bottle in it, and prepared to bring it down, directly on Shaun's shoulder.


The glass came down on Shaun. Billie Joe lifted the broken beer bottle up again, and threw it back down on Shaun, again.

Eventually, Shaun's clutch on Alex loosened, and he ran for the door. But before he left, he took one last sight at Shaun and Billie Joe- Shaun, wretched in deep red blood, from his head to his legs, and the deep wounds and gnashes on his shoulder that were still seeping with the red liquid.

And Billie Joe, his face strong and fierce. His usually mysterious green eyes had an unfamiliar look of rage in them.

As well as the broken cloggy-green beer bottle, which now had traces of red on it, clutched deep in Billie Joe's right hand.

Then Alex pushed open the door, and walked away, out of the hospital. He continued walking quickly, but not running down the street, until he came to an abandoned building. It was covered in graffiti.

As if Alex was planning on running into this landmark, he entered it and walked down the dark, eerie hallway. As he came closer, he heard deep, compelling sobs.

He couldn't believe what he saw when he reached the 'secret' room.

Peter looked up. He and Alex caught each other's gaze for a few moments, before Alex blurted out,

"What's happenin' here?"

"Sit down on the other side of her," Peter mouthed. Alex nodded, still unsure, but obeying and sitting on the other side of Michelle.

"Michelle," Peter spoke softly.

Michelle looked up, "What?"

"I... " He began, but he stalled when he began to think about the consequences he'd receive from Alex when he finds out about how he spilled the 'plan' on Michelle, "I'll go get help."

To that he got up and literally leaped down the hallway.


"So, how's it going?" Alex asked from the other side of the room.

Michelle jumped, completely startled, "What?"

She swivelled her body around to give him a good look, and almost passed out.

"G-get away from me!" She cried, shuffling over a few inches.

"Just come here. We need to talk. I-," Alex began, but he wasn't given a chance to finish his sentence.

"Fuck off! Don't touch me you, y-you... Weirdo!" Michelle stammered.

"Stop it," He snapped, reaching out and grabbing her wrist, "I'm not gonna hurt you."

"That's not what P-Peter told me," She said softly, looking down at his hand, which still had a tight grip of her wrist.

"What do you mean?" Alex questioned dumbly, as if he didn't know.

Her eyes slowly met his, "He said that you were gonna rape me."

"T-that's not true!" Alex lied, "That's a heap of bullshit!"

"Are you trying to tell me that Peter's just fucked with my emotions by telling me a bunch of lies?" Michelle asked him sceptically.

Alex let the grip his hand had on Michelle's wrist loosen, and he slowly shuffled his hand down to meet her's.

"I'm not saying that Peter lied to you, but-," Alex said, but was again, cut off.
"Were you gonna rape me? It's okay if you were, just tell me the truth," Michelle told him deeply, squeezing his hand tightly.

"Okay," Alex breathed, "I did tell Peter that I was gonna rape you. But I didn't think that I would actually do it! Between then and now, I've started to change my mind."

"But why did you tell him that?" Michelle asked.

"Because I love you! And there was no other way to show you that! And... And I knew that if I did do that to you, Joey would kick my ass in! And-," Alex stammered, his eyes clogging up with tears.

Michelle managed a little smile, before reaching out her other hand and brushing the hair out of his eyes. She then moved closer and forced her lips onto his.


"JOEY!" Peter cried, throwing himself through the hospital doors, and into the main room, "Joey, Michelle's hurt!"

Joey turned to face him. He was in almost the exact same position as he was when Michelle had run away from him, "WHAT?"

"That dude! That dude who tried to kill Tre! He did something to her! Her head's bleeding and she's in this dark, eerie room with Alex and I don't know how long she can last!" Peter exclaimed.

Joey turned around. There was a look in his eyes that Peter just couldn't put his finger on. But around his eye, that was a different story. It was totally dark purple and blue, and swollen.

"Joey! What happened?" He asked.

"Fuck, don't ask," Joey sighed, "Unless you hate me, and love seeing me in pain. Do you hate me? Do you love seeing me in pain, anyway?"

Peter shrugged off the questions, "Look Joey, we don't have much time. Come with me."

Joey shrugged and followed Peter out into the streets. All the way to the distorted building, Joey was at least a metre and a half behind. But when he got there, he wished he was 1 kilometre away.

The shock;

The horror;

Of Michelle and Alex making out in front of his very own eyes.

Even Peter was shocked. He turned around to re-assure Joey, but was too late when he realised that he was gone- he'd obviously run away.

Peter ran outside before crying out, 'JOEY!" repetitively.

Peter ran frantically down the streets searching for him.

He paused, mouth hanging wide open, staring upwards at the 5th level balcony of some kind of slummiest hotel in the whole of Oakland- but that wasn't the shocking thing. The shocking thing was that Joey was standing on it, looking pretty determined, and serious.

It didn't take a genius to work out what he was considering on doing.