‹ Prequel: Mike's Determination

Joey's Depression

Joey's Depression (Sequel to Mike's Determination)

"It was dad, wasn't it?" Joey asked.
"Yep," Mike nodded, "He said something about John wanting to kill Tre."
"Well what are we waiting for?! Tre's life is in danger!" Joey gasped, grabbing Mikes arm and pulling him towards the door.

Mike took one more glance at Michelle's favourite painting before it disappeared as they turned the corner.
"Meet you back home!" They both called out to Adrienne and Jakob.

"Which way?" Joey quizzed quietly, as soon as they had leaped their way outside.
"I thought you knew," Mike thought aloud.
"No, I thought you knew, o Master of What John's Gonna Do Next," Joey snapped.
"Oh sorry, o Mistress of Blaming the Master of What John's Gonna Do Next," Mike shot back.
"Shut up," Joey snorted.
"How about we go home with your mum first," Mike suggested.
"Yeah, ok," Joey sighed.


Billie Joe continued to busk all day.
At the end of the day, he added up all of the money he had earned that day.
"Twenty dollars!?" He groaned. He'd never busked before, be he was hoping for a bit more than that.


"I'm hungry!" Joey complained.
"So am I," Mike and Jakob called in unison.
"Adie, can we get something to eat?" Mike asked.
"Yeah sure. I'll just pull up in front of the new deli that's on the corner here," Adrienne told everyone.
"I'll go get everyone a chocolate bar," Joey volunteered.
"Ok," Adrienne giggled.
"Okay, back soon!" Joey called, getting out of the car and walking into the deli. He marched over to the chocolate bar stand, which had a wild variety of chocolates, when a shockingly familiar silhouette met his eye.
"Michelle!! Okay, I know I'm cracking up! Michelle, is that you! I thought you were dead!" Joey exclaimed.
"Look, Joey, Joseph Armstrong, I need you to keep this a secret- I faked my own death. It was all a phoney. I'm alive and well. This is me, Michelle," The person gripped, grabbing Joey's collar with one arm. Joey's face lit up- it was obviously Joey. She always did that.
"B...but why?" Joey stammered.
"Because my aunt and uncle... they... " Michelle started, but was cut off by Mike walking through the door.
"Joey, are you gonna get us those chocolate bars or not!" He shouted, storming up to him. Michelle immediately pulled her hood over her head and whirled around to face the drink fridge.
Mike snatched up a few chocolate bars and went to the counter to pay for them. As they walked out, Joey turned to face Michelle. She quickly put her hand to her ear and mouthed the words, 'Call me on my mobile tonight'.

And that he did.

That night Joey snuck the phone into his room, and called Michelle's mobile number, which he had memorized so long ago.
"Hi Joey," Michelle said as soon as she picked up the phone.
"Hi Michelle. What's up?" Joey asked.
"I just want to talk to you. Do you really wanna know why I faked my own death?" Michelle asked slyly.
"Yes, of course I do," Joey nodded.
"You know my Aunt Katerina?"
"And my Uncle Tyke."
"Well... they've been abusing me."
"They have?"
"Oh yeah. They hate me with the passion."
"And you know Brad."
"Who doesn't?"
"He also contributed to the abusing."
"Hmm... let me see... Hitting, kicking, swearing, punching, spitting at me."
"So you wanted to get away from them."
"Yeah. Brad especially. I can't let him find me."

Brad was a kid from school. Violent, rough, tough and up himself. He even had a tougher punch than Michelle had. Joey and Michelle hated him. Joey always described him as 'a kid who claims he 'can't look' when something bad happens, then comes closer for a better view'.

"I really did think you were gone, Michelle," Joey told her.
"I missed you. It took me forever to find you. But I... we got there," She smiled.
"Should I tell Mike?" Joey quizzed.
"Well... okay. But just Mike, no one else."
"I promise. But before I go, just one thing, I love you," Joey told her. Michelle gasped, attempted to speak, and then just hung up.
"Okay, a little set back, but anyway," Joey said to himself, "Why did I have to say that?!"


"Okay... " Michelle pursed, "What the hell was that? Joey saying 'I love you'? He's gone crazy."
"I wonder what would have happened if you kept talking, lover girl," Someone said from behind her- the voice could only lead to one person- Brad.