‹ Prequel: Mike's Determination

Joey's Depression

Joey's Depression (Sequel to Mike's Determination)

"Go away. It's over," She said in a stern voice.
"What's over?" He asked, as if he didn't know.
"Us!" Michelle replied, "What the hell do you want!?"
"You," He whispered sweetly, approaching Michelle from behind and pushing her down flat.
"Revenge is mine," He chucked.
"Okay, this has gone too far! Get off of me!" She cried, trying to shove Brad off, but having no luck.
Soon enough Brad gave in to what he was doing. As soon as he had got to his feet, he shoved Michelle down the flight of stairs that led out of the basement she was secretly living in.

Then everything went black.

The next morning Michelle awoke in a soft bed, with someone next to her- Joey. Slowly another silhouette emerged out of no where. This one was looking down at her. The face slowly adapted to Mike's. Michelle tried to speak, but no definable words came out. Only a tired, croaky groan.
"Michelle. Michelle," Joey whispered.
"Ohhh," She moaned, touching her face slightly. It was freezing.
"That's an ice-pack," Mike told her, pulling her hand from the ice-pack that was strapped to her face.
"What happened?" Michelle asked.
"I don't know. We just found you in a heap on the door-step like, 15 minutes ago," Joey explained.
"Michelle, do you remember ANYTHING?" Mike quizzed.
"Did this have anything to do with John? Katerina? Tyke? Brad?" Joey started, but Michelle cut him off there.
"BRAD! Oh fuck, don't even say that name!" Michelle screamed, sitting up slightly, breathing heavily.
"Calm down, Michelle," Joey breathed, helping his friend lay back down.
"Michelle, we need to talk," Mike sighed.
"Yeah," Joey nodded.
"Why did you fake your own death?" Mike asked.
"Didn't Joey explain?" Michelle quizzed.
"Yes, but only briefly. We both agreed that you need to explain it properly. It's not very often something like this happens," Mike replied.
"I faked my death to get away from my aunt, uncle and Brad, okay!?" Michelle told them firmly.
"Why did you wanna get away from them?" Joey questioned.
Michelle sighed and pulled the bed covers over her head.
"They were making my life a living hell," She sobbed, the warm tears from her eyes staining the sheets with wet marks.
"Why didn't you just come to us?" Mike questioned.
"You don't know what it was like. I couldn't just walk out of the house any time I liked and go to you for help," Michelle explained, still crying, "They'd always ask where I was going. And I can't lie, they could tell!! I've risked it before."
"Then why didn't you just sneak out of the house?" Joey questioned.
"Joey! Why are you making it so difficult for me! I could've just killed myself for real and left you behind! Would you prefer that?!? Well if that's the case, then so be it!!" Michelle cried, leaping up and attempting to get out of the bed, but Mike held her down tightly.
"Michelle, don't start now. For once in your life, try to refrain from thinking about killing yourself," Joey breathed.
"Refrain from killing myself!? What the fuck are you talking about!? Don't you get it? YOU are my life. YOU'RE the reason I'm still moving like a normal human being!" She cried.
"Michelle. I really think you need help," He told her, his bright green eyes piercing her's.
"Every day and night, they hit me. They swore at me. They made me wish I was never born; they wished I was never born. How could someone NOT think I need to be locked away in some padded room with a straight-jacket fastened around me as if I was some sort of deadly animal?" Michelle asked Joey.
"I didn't say you needed to. I just think that you should... talk to someone. Like a therapist or something," Joey nicely suggested.
"I will get that, myself! Now just let me leave!" She shouted at him, again attempting to escape from the bed. This time Joey blocked her path.
"If you try that one more time, neither of us will stop you. And if you choose to leave this house, you'll never be welcomed in again. Now it's your choice. It's stay in here, or leave and loose each other. It's too dangerous for you to be out there, especially at a time like this. Whaddaya say?" He whispered.
"Well... uhmm... what about your dad!? And your mum!? What would they say about all this?" Michelle stuttered.
Mike stood up.
"I'll leave you two alone for this," He nodded, walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.
"Joey, about what you said the other night," Michelle began, but Joey cut in.
"I know. But it wasn't true. I didn't mean it," He insisted.
"So is that the case!? You DON'T love me? I don't know about you, but I wouldn't let someone I didn't know and love into my house to stay," She snapped.
"So... YOU love me?" He asked.
"Loved," She told him, swinging around in the bed to face the wall.
"Michelle, Michelle don't do this," He pleaded.
"Shut up. I have enough people in my life telling me what to do," Michelle agonised, tugging off the ice pack.
"It still hurts, doesn't it?" Joey asked, half laughing, half sceptical.
"What? The bruise? No," She responded, gripping the bed sheets tightly.
"No, not that. Your conscience. It's still burning with rage deep inside of you, I can tell. I've known you too long to not," Joey corrected.
"I feel just fine," She assured, grasping the sheets tighter.
"No you don't. Look, school's starting in 2 days, where are you gonna go?" He questioned.
"I... don't need education. From everyone else's point of view, I died like, a forever ago from kidney failure!" She exclaimed.
"Mike could teach you," Joey suggested.
Michelle raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"
"Positive. If not, we'll go to the museum," Joey giggled.
Michelle giggled, with him.
"So, you want to?" He asked again.
Michelle hesitated.
"I'm not sure... I'm still doubtful," She pursed, although it was obvious that she was considering the offer deeply.
"Do do do do, la la la," Billie beat-boxed, skipping around in circles. He was getting desperate. He didn't think he could keep this up much longer, when someone stopped in front of him, and dropped a whole heap of change in his basket, then walking on.
Mike suddenly burst into the room.
"TRE! Joey, we forgot about Tre!!!!!!" He exclaimed.
"Oh my god you're right!" Joey cried, jumping.
"Be right back! Get some rest for now!!" They both advised Michelle, as the raced out of the room.
Tre's room was silent. He looked around from his bed, pretending to examine some sort of poster on the wall, but really perving on the nurses.
"Mr Cool," One of them said.
"Yup?" Tre replied.
"There are two very eager fellows here to see y... " She began, but didn't have the time to finish her sentence, because Joey and Mike were already in the room.
"Tre!!" Mike panted, "You're alive!"
"Well of course I'm alive, doofus, what did you think I was?!" Tre laughed.
"Dead," Joey provided.
"Why'd you think that?" He asked cautiously.
"John," Mike told him quickly.
"Am I the only guy I here using full sentences at the moment!? What happened to the English Language!?" Tre exclaimed.
"Tre, language is on the bottom of your list of worries at the moment," Joey told Tre.
"John," Mike repeated.
"What the fuck are you talking about here?!" Tre quizzed, totally confused.