‹ Prequel: Mike's Determination

Joey's Depression

Joey's Depression (the sequel to Mike's Determinat

"Michelle, c'mon. Maybe we should just stop now before it goes too far," Joey pleaded.
"How far can it get? I mean, we are gonna share a bed, aren't we? There's no where else for me to sleep," Michelle breathlessly panted.
"Well... I suppose so... " Joey guessed.
"See? Now you can't tell me that you've never even thought about any of this actually happening?" Michelle asked.
"Well... no, not really," Joey shrugged.
"Why oh?"
"Well... I really thought that you liked me just because I like you... Sorry."
"No, Michelle, don't get me wrong, I like you a lot!"
"How much?"
"How much what?"
"How much do you like me? How far would you go?"
"As far as I feel like that night."
"Well how far do you feel like going tonight?"
"Tonight I just wanna stop here."
Michelle hesitated for a moment, "If you say so."


"You really think so?" Tony gleefully cheered.
"Well... yeah, maybe. I'll just try and call him now... oh wait, I don't have my mobile," Tre nodded.
"Here, use mine," Tony offered, reaching into his pocket and grabbing out his phone.
"Thanks," Tre grinned, while he dialled in Billie Joe's mobile number.
It didn't ring. It was totally stuffed.
"Looks like ol' Bills broke another phone," He muttered under his breath, passing the phone back to Tony.
"Oh well. Thanks for trying," Tony smiled.
"Any time," Tre responded.
"See ya around, eh?" Tony waved, walking back out of Tre's room.
"I've actually made a friend... wow! What were the chances of that happening?" Tre thought, feeling really proud of himself.


"I don't believe you turned down s-e-x, Joey!" Samuel, Joey's only other friend exclaimed into the phone receiver the next day.
"What is this? The national spelling bee? Just say the freaking word! Anyway, it wasn't really sex, just a little making out," Joey replied.
"I still can't believe you turned her down! She'll never forgive you!!" Samuel repeated.
"Okay, Sam, you're not helping. She's in grade 9 and pregnant with her arch enemy's kid, I didn't want to take our relationship any further just yet," Joey told him.
"Hey honey, who ya talking to?" Michelle questioned, walking into the kitchen, a sly smirk on her face.
Joey shot her a glare.
"Who was that??" Sam quizzed.
"Oh, no one," Joey defended.
"Gee last night was soo nice, I never new you were that good," Michelle hissed from behind Joey's neck, right into the phone receiver.
"Ohhh... now I see... you went ahead and did it, didn't you, Joez," Sam realised.
"No!" Joey defended.
"Okay, whatever. I'll see you at school today, anyway. We'll sort it out then," Sam finished.
"Bye," Joey waved, placing the phone receiver down.
Michelle was laughing.
"Good one, good one!" Joey smiled, "You do realise Sam's gonna be on my back for the rest of eternity now?!"
"Yep," Michelle nodded, "Now come on, we're gonna be late if we don't hurry up."
"See ya mum, see ya dad, see ya dad's friend!" Joey shouted as he walked out the door.
The school was only one block away, so soon enough, they had arrived. Everyone was staring at Michelle as she and Joey walked through the school gates. It was probably because either the fact that Michelle was covered in bruises and cuts, or the fact that everyone probably knew about Michelle's 'death'.
They looked around- Brad was nowhere in sight.
"She looks pretty good for a corpse," They heard a few of the students snort. There were a few other things they heard amongst the whispers of the groups of kids around them.
"I thought she was dead."
"What a wreck."
"Isn't it like, illegal to fake your own death?"
"I bet she's emo."
Michelle basically freaked out. She grabbed the kid who had said the last comment by the collar. Teeth gritted, she let out a disturbing, "One more word out of your dirty mouth, and I will set your hair on fire, decapitate your head, shove it into one of your scrotums, and then punch you into the middle of next year."
He nodded and backed away.
"I see you and Brad have gotten one step closer," Tanya, one of the popular snobs, giggled in her posh voice. All of her friends; Holly, Beth, Laura and Cassie were smirking wildly.
Michelle didn't reply- she just stared at the ground blankly.
"What are you talking about, Tanya? My beautiful girl friend here has had nothing to do with Brad!" Joey told her, kissing Michelle lightly on the cheek. Michelle tried to hide her confused expression, by kissing him back.
All of their faces went blank, and they became confused.
"Right, I am going to kill Brad when I see him! Right, girls?" Tanya exclaimed, scrunching her fists up into manicured, fake-tanned balls.
"Right!" Holly and Beth hissed in unison.
"Totally!" Giggled Laura and Cassie.
Together they poshly marched away.
"What the... ?" Michelle questioned, looking straight at Joey.
"It's just a little skill I have learnt," Joey explained.
"Joez! Michelle!" Sam shouted from across the courtyard.
"Hey Sam!" Joey called back. Sam finally reached them.
"Hi Samuel," Michelle grinned, as she put her arm around Joey's shoulders.
"What's with the Slipknot tee, Joey?" Sam asked.
Joey basically freaked out, as he looked down at his chest, to see the pink Slipknot t-shirt that Shaun was wearing earlier.
"What the?" He questioned himself, just before the bell rang.
"Take this," Michelle offered, grabbing her black jacket that was tied around her waist and handed it to Joey. Joey gladly took the jacket and put it on.


"Billie... " Shaun called from the guest room.
"Nnnnnyeahhh?" Billie shouted back from the kitchen.
"Have you seen the t-shirt I was wearing yesterday?" He quizzed.
"Nope. Why?" Billie responded, a cheeky smirk he couldn't hide back appearing on his face.
"I can't seem to find it," Shaun told him.
"I'm sure it'll turn up somewhere," Billie Joe comforted.
"I sure hope so," Shaun muttered to himself.
"Shaun, you want some breakfast?" Billie Joe offered.
"In a minute," Shaun replied, reaching into his bag and pulling something out of it, as Mike walked into his room.
"Hey Shaun," He greeted, passing on a slight wave in his direction.
"Hey Mike... ?"
"Are you afraid of guns?"
"Not really... well not as much as Billie is,"
"Peculiar question, that is. I mean, I am and I'm not,"
"Oh okay,"
"Why you ask?"
"Just curious,"
"Okey dokey,"
"Hey Mike... ?"
"How would you like to die?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean this,"
Shaun raised both his hands to reveal a silver hand pistol with a few stains of dried blood on it.
"Shaun, cut it out. I'm not in the mood for games,"
"Oh, this isn't a game. On the count of three, I'll shoot, and everything will be gone. 1... 2...