‹ Prequel: Mike's Determination

Joey's Depression

Joey's Depression (the sequel to Mike's Determinat

"THREE!" Shaun cried evilly, pulling the trigger, the bullet hitting Mike in the right side of his chest.
"Oh my god, what's going on?!" Billie Joe cried, rushing into the guest room.
He stared from Shaun, who was still holding the gun, to Mike, who was on the floor, rolling around in agony, and back to Shaun and the gun. Too awe-struck for words, he ran to the kitchen phone and dialled 911.


"What do you have first, Joey?" Michelle quizzed him.
"Maths, you?" Joey replied.
"Science," Michelle told him.
"Hey I've got maths too, Joey!" Sam exclaimed happily, as if it was the best thing that had ever happened to him.
Together they walked up to their lockers and got the things that they needed out, and said a friendly goodbye to each other, before Michelle went one way to her class, and Joey and Sam went the other to their class.


"Mike, what happened? Do you remember anything?" Billie Joe questioned. There was no reply.
"Don't worry, Mike. I'm not gonna let you die," He then promised, standing on his own feet and walking to the window, waiting for help to arrive. He felt the tears coming- and he didn't stop them.
"Mike was there for me from the beginning and this is how I repay him?! Making a friend who shot him?! What sort of friend am I?" Billie Joe thought, "By the way, where IS Shaun?"
He looked around the room, which was empty except for the distressing scene of Mike and blood.
And a silver pistol.
That was in Mike's left hand.
"It can't be!" He exclaimed under his breath.
It looked exactly like the gun that Shaun was holding when he first saw Mike.
"Maybe Shaun didn't shoot him," Billie considered, "Maybe Mike did this for his own good will."
He was considering this for a second, before his point of view changed again.
"NO! NO! Mike wouldn't do a thing like that! He would NOT! Shaun shot him!" He re-assured himself.
"Shhaa.... Shaun! Where are you? Come out, come out wherever you are!" Billie Joe stammered, looking around nervously again. Billie Joe suddenly relaxed as he heard sirens getting nearer and nearer.


"How were your classes?" Joey questioned Michelle.
"Good. And how about yours?" Michelle replied.
"Boring. I mean really. What sort of maniac would enjoy sex education after maths?!" Joey quizzed.
"If you think that's bad, I had PE. Argh I HATE PE. I hate it I hate it I hate it!" Michelle stormed.
"I agree," Sam nodded, "I had PE at the same time as Michelle. Mr Michaels is soo annoying," Sam chipped, resting his arms on Michelle and Joey's shoulders.
"What about his son, Alex? He is one kid I would wanna screw with," Michelle told them.
Joey gave her an un certain look. Sam nodded.
"In two ways," She added.
"EWW Michelle! You're sick!" Joey laughed.
"Just kidding. I mean wouldn't it be interesting to see me and him have a little fist fight?" Michelle giggled, an I'm-kidding-yet-I'm-serious expression showing on her face.
Joey and Sam's jaws dropped.
"You wouldn't! He'll kick your sorry ass into the year 3005!" Joey said.
"He'll knock you out cold! He'll punch you into cardiac arrest! Don't do it!" Sam persuaded.
"There he is. Just stand back, it could get dirty," Michelle breathed heroically.
"Hey Alex, wanna fight?!" She began, barging up to Alex and his friends and shoving him in the shoulder.
"Do you?" He questioned her.
"Oh yeah," Michelle nodded.
"Well BRING IT ON!" Alex shouted.
Michelle had her theories- she let him throw the first punch, and she made sure it hit her in the face. Then she hit back, kicking him right in the 'nuts'.
"Oh holy crap! He cried in his oh-so-annoying voice.
Just before Michelle got to hit him again, Sam stupidly cried out, "OH NO! IT'S MR MICHAELS!"
Michelle turned to face Sam, to see if Mr Michaels was really coming, whilst Alex regained his balance.
"He is not!" Michelle called out to him and Sam.
Alex threw another punch at Michelle's face before she had time to block it. She fell to the ground. Alex and his pathetic friends started laughing. Michelle couldn't help herself- she grabbed hold of Alex's ankles and watched him trip over himself, falling flat on his face. Michelle hit him a few more times before she was out numbered by Alex's friends. They all gathered around and dug in. Bu the time they left, it was 3:30 pm.
"Michelle," Sam gasped, shoving lightly at his friend.
"Hands off, doofus," She moaned, slapping his hands away.
"C'mon Michelle, dad'll be wondering where we are," Joey ushered, picking Michelle up off the ground.
"I told you he'd knock you down," Sam said knowingly.
"He didn't punch me into cardiac arrest, let's be thankful for that," Michelle responded.


"Will he be okay?" Billie Joe asked to the very professional looking paramedics.
"Who am I? The magical physic with trusty crystal ball? How should I know?" One of them snapped.
"What he's trying to say is that we don't know. Only time will tell," The other one told him.
"I don't like the sound of that," Billie Joe thought to himself.
"DAD! DAD WHAT'S GOING ON?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Joey screamed, rushing into the house.
"Yeah, I'm okay. It's Mike who's in trouble," Billie Joe said.
"What happened to him?" Joey questioned.
"I think either that guy you met the other day, Shaun, shot him, or he shot himself," Billie Joe explained.
"He might have shot himself...? I never even thought that Mike would even consider that for a second!" Michelle stammered.
"Hey, where IS Shaun?" Joey questioned.
"That's what I wanna know," Billie Joe told them.


"Nurse! Nurse!" Tre dramatically called, "I wanna watch TV."
"Okay, Mr Cool, here you go," One of the nurses sighed, placing a mini TV near Tre's bed. Tre grabbed hold of the remote control, and chose a random channel. The News. As boring as it seemed, Tre decided to watch it.
"And In breaking news," The reporter said, "A man, said to be in his early thirties, has been shot in the chest by a fellow male, also claimed to be in his thirties."
Tre gasped at a photo of Mike appearing on his screen.
"The victim, Mr Mike Dirnt, was shot once in the chest with a silver pistol in his friend's guest room by a friend, Shaun, last name unknown," The news reporter continued.
Now a photo of the 'Shaun' appeared.
"TONY! TONY! Is this the dude?!?!" Tre cried out. Tony barged into the ward, his eyes immediately attaching to the screen.
"OH MY GOD IT IS!" He cried.
"He just shot one of my best friends," Tre continued.
"He did what...?" Tony stammered.
"He just shot Mike. You know, the bassist for Green Day- the band I'M in," Tre explained.
Tony stood there, flabbergasted. He then cupped his hand over his mouth and ran towards the toilets.
"I need to call Billie Joe and ask him if Mike's gonna be okay," Tre suggested to himself. He picked up Tony's phone, which he had left on the bedside table.
"Now... How to type in a new number," He stretched, "What's with these modern phones?"
Tre fiddled around with the buttons, until something appeared on the screen- the phone book.
"I suppose Tony won't mind if I had a little look," Tre thought.
First on the list, there was 'Shaun'. Next there was the caption, 'John'. Third, there was someone named 'James'. And lastly, there was 'Headquarters'.
"Headquarters? What sort of stupid name is that?!" Tre questioned himself. Then he went back to John, and examined the phone number- the exact match with the drummer John, that he knew- that had shot Billie Joe before. Then Shaun- it had to be- Tony's friend- the one who shot Mike.
"That leaves Tony... To shoot me... " Tre then figured, "It all fits together. Someone is after someone else. They've all paired up."
"But what about this James dude? Who's he? And who's he after?" Tre considered. Then it clicked- Joey.
"James is after Joey," Tre stuttered.
"Ah. I see you have sussed out our plan," Tony chuckled. He had something behind his back- Tre immediately knew what it was.

He looked around nervously- then he saw the doctor who had treated him in the clinic earlier.
"Doctor! Help me!" Tre called. The doctor turned to face the ward. He came closer.
"Why hello, James. How lovely to see you," Tony smiled, patting the doctor on the back.
"Why hey Tony. I see you're doing well with your task," The doctor, 'James' responded.


"Oh my god, Mike!" Michelle half-cried, running up to the stretcher that Mike was on.
"Stand back, miss," The paramedic demanded.
"STAND BACK?! NO ONE tells me to stand back!" Michelle boomed, stamping her foot on the ground and folding her arms.
"Michelle, it's okay," Joey told her, grasping her hand tightly, "Just don't let go."
They and Billie Joe watched helplessly as the ambulance drove off. Billie Joe was crying.
"It's all my fault. I never should have trusted Shaun," He sobbed.
"Don't be so hard on yourself, dad," Joey comforted, "It wasn't your fault."
"Oh yes it was," He continued, "I am the worst friend ever known to humanity!"
"We need to find Shaun and dob him into the police. He deserves to go to jail for this," Michelle suggested.
"The fucking creep. If I every catch him, I am going to tear him to pieces," Billie Joe hissed.
Just then, they heard a scream- it was Sam.
"JOEY!" He cried.
Then everything went silent.
"What the..?" Joey quizzed under his breath.