‹ Prequel: Mike's Determination

Joey's Depression

Joey's Depression (the sequel to Mike's Determinat

"That was defiantly Sam!" Joey exclaimed. They peeked out of the room and into the kitchen- nothing abnormal was there.
"That's freaky," Michelle gasped.
"We need to get out of here," Billie Joe stammered worriedly.
"Let's go over to the hospital and visit Tre, maybe that will put us in a better mood," Joey suggested.
"We can only hope," Billie Joe sighed. They all walked out to the car without another word, and headed for the hospital.
"Hey Tre!" Billie called as he stepped into Tre's ward. He froze solid when he saw Tony with the gun.
"Oh my god. You're connected to Shaun, aren't you?" Michelle gasped, once she and Joey had caught up, "And John, too."

Joey stood there without one single word, until he felt a shadow being cast over him.
"W... who is it?" He questioned uneasily. He didn't get a reply, as the shadow's arms reached out and grabbed him. He screamed, and so did Michelle.

It was James, armed with a silver pistol, identical to the ones that Shaun, Tony and John had used. James slowly placed the gun against Joey's head.

Joey still stood still, he didn't dare to move.

"I've been stabbed by a rusty nail. I've been abused by my aunt and uncle. I've been raped by Brad. I've been knocked out by Alex Michaels. So I should be able to take on a doctor and his gun," Michelle thought to herself. Without another moment of consideration, she reached out for the gun, and tried to pull it away from Joey's head- or James' grasp.
It came away from Joey's head, but still James held on tight.
"Take me on, I dare you," she hissed at him.

He had no choice- he pulled the trigger. Michelle fell to the ground within seconds. Tony then shot at Tre, missing him three times.

Joey collapsed to his knees next to Michelle. He reached out and pulled Michelle into an embrace only best friends could give. She felt cold and sweaty against Joey's warm, more-so alive body.
"She's dying. For real this time. And it's all my fault," Joey silently said.
He then looked up at James.
"What have you done?!" he screamed.

"Joey, calm down," Billie Joe whispered, kneeling down next to him.
Joey burst into a fit of sobs on his dad's shoulder, Michelle still in his grasp.
"She's going to be okay," he assured Joey.
"No she's not. She's gonna die and it's going to be my entire fault," Joey sobbed.
"She's gonna live and none of this is your fault," Billie Joe assured.
"Where's a doctor when you need one?" Joey questioned speedily.
"I'll go get one," Billie Joe offered.
"I'll come with you," Joey said, picking Michelle up and following Billie Joe.
"Hey, excuse me, we need a little help here!" Billie Joe called out randomly to passer-byers.
"What happened?" One of the doctors questioned.
"You mean you didn't notice that my friend got shot by some mafia dudes?!" Joey cried.
"Just follow me," the doctor advised. Joey and Billie Joe nodded. The doctor stopped at an empty bed.
"Leave her here, I'll take care of her," he said. Joey placed Michelle down on the bed. He took one more look at her before walking around the corner with his dad.

"How is she?" Billie Joe asked the doctor an hour later, once police men were working on the case of Tony, Shaun, John and James, who had mysteriously disappeared.
"She's still unconscious, but she's not going too bad," he told them.
"C... can I go see her?" Joey shyly stuttered.
The doctor nodded.

Joey stared down at Michelle in the hospital bed. All the medical equipment attached to her was making him dizzy.
"It's happening for real," He kept on repeating in his mind. He reached out and grabbed one of Michelle's pale, freezing hands which had been hooked up to a wire of some sort, and squeezed it tight.
His face suddenly grew one shade brighter when he saw Michelle's fingers move slightly, and her eyes beginning to open. Joey felt warm tears rolling down his cheeks. He pulled Michelle into a tight hug, vowing to never let her out of his sight again.
"Joey," Michelle said under her breath, "I... love... you."
"I... love you too," he smiled.
"How's Mike?" she then quizzed.
"I don't know. But right now, I have the feeling that he's gonna be okay," Joey told her. Michelle coughed violently six or seven times, before finally being able to talk again.
"Joey," she sighed, "I don't feel like I'm gonna make it. Despite what the doctors say, I don't think that what's happening to me is going to be able to be stopped."
"I promise you, you're not leaving this world any time too soon," Joey assured her, placing her hand back down on the bed, "I'll see you soon."
"Joey, before you go," Michelle called. Her breathing slowed and grew a little shallower, "Can you please get the doctor?"
Joey nodded and called for the doctor.
By the time the doctor had walked into the room, Michelle's breathing had almost stopped completely.
"She's gonna make it, right?" Joey questioned him.
The doctor hesitated for just a moment, "I can't tell you."
Joey nodded, and rushed off to the toilets.


There he sat. In the corner of one of the men's bathroom cubicles. There was graffiti and broken glass all around him. Then he did the unthinkable. He grabbed a piece of glass and held it to his wrist.
"I can't live without her," he said to himself. Then he recalled the feelings he felt when Michelle had kissed him on his bed, and how much she had relied on him and how much he had relied on her- which made him even more depressed.
"She loves me," he mumbled, as the blade cut through his flesh, "She loves me."


Meanwhile, Billie Joe was in Mike's ward.
"Wake up man, please!" he kept crying at the bed, where Mike laid, totally limp.
At that moment, Billie Joe just felt like killing himself.
"It's my entire fault," he sobbed.
Just then, someone appeared at the door.
Billie Joe stared up, and almost had a heart attack.
"George W. Bush," he gasped. Billie Joe wanted to knock the living daylights out of him, but then he remembered this wasn't the time, or the place.
Someone else appeared at the doorway behind him- it was Jason.
"Hey Jason," Billie Joe said.
"Hi Billie. Don't mind me. I'm just here to stop you from killing Bush. And to cry over Mike," Jason explained.
"I should go now," Billie Joe decided, standing up and walking out.
"I need to go to the toilet...better go now," Billie Joe thought, heading towards the men's bathroom. He immediately noticed Joey.
"Joey, what happened?!" he gasped.
"I think it's pretty obvious!" Joey exclaimed, throwing his arms around sharply, drops of blood splashing onto the white walls.