I Never Told a Lie, and That Makes Me a Liar

Six : The Fight

(The next morning)

Amber’s POV

I yawned and sat up gently, extremely tired for I don’t know what.

I laid back down, my head turned to the right.

“Ahhh!!!!” I screamed with my high pitched voice and flipped off the bed.

“What!” Nick yelled, panicking.

“Get out my bed!!” I screamed at him.

Nick looked around, confused as he didn’t know how he got there.

“Oh my god.” He started fidgeting and stumbled out into the hallway, slamming the door behind him.

I thought my life just flashed before me.

I sat on the floor, staring at the door, oh so very confused.

I reached onto my desk, grabbing my phone to check the time.

9:32 a.m

Why was he in my bed?

Suddenly, my memory came back to last night.

Sarah threw a dinner for all those people. Then, Nick brought up some food and he sat down. I tried to apologize and… he kissed me. After that, everything was blur.

I stood up and shuffled out into the hallway, into Sarah’s room.

“Sarah?” I looked around her empty room.

I walked back into the hallway and down the stairs, where I was appalled by the disgusting house.

Food was splattered on the walls, pots and pans were scattered everywhere, chairs were flipped over, and that’s not even the worst parts.

Some dinner that was…

“Amber.” Someone said, that scared me half to death.

I turned around and saw Nick.

“Why are you still here?” I questioned.

“Don’t know.” He said, scratching his head.

“About last night.” He started.

“Lalala!” I tuned him out.

“I don’t want to acknowledge that.” I added.

“Ok.” He agreed.

“Where’s your sister?” He asked.


“I don’t have a sister. I think you mean my friend, Sarah, and I don’t know where she is.”

“Yeah…” He said awkwardly as we both sat down at the filthy table.

Ring, ring!

Thank god the phone rang. I hate awkward moments.

I grabbed the phone.


“Hi. Is Nick there?” Some guy asked.

“Why would he be here and who is this?”

“It’s Joe, Nick’s brother. Sarah’s over here with me.” He said.

“Let me talk to her.”

“Let me talk to Nick first.” He said, getting an attitude.

“Look, give Sarah the fucking phone and I’ll spare your life for talking to me like that.” I barked and glanced over at Nick, who looked scared.

“I don’t have to listen to a bitchy sixteen year old like you. Now give Nick the phone.” He spat back.

“No thanks.” I said and hung up the phone.

“Who was that?” Nick asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh just someone trying to sell me something.” I said, cracking my knuckles.

“Oh.” He said, believing me.

I gave a small smile.

Ring, ring!

“Hello?” I asked, assuming I knew it was that Joe guy again.

“Here’s Sarah.” He spoke and I heard ruffling noise.

Of course he listened to me.

“Amber?” Sarah spoke, her voice sounding different.


“What happened to the house?” I asked.

“Oh. I got pissed when I was drunk, last night.” She said it like it was no big deal.

“Excuse me for a sec.” I said to Nick quietly, walking out on the front porch.

“Why are you over a guy’s house you knew for two days and why did I wake up to that Nick guy, laying in my bed?” I yelled, pissed at her.

“For your information, Joe and I knew each other from grade school so shut your mouth.”

“Whatever. Just get your ass home and clean the house. And get this guy out of the house.” I yelled.

“No wonder why you don’t have a boyfriend. This guy you know for two days, who I might add is famous and can have anyone he wants, he bailed you out a jail and came to your room last night to make sure your okay and all you do is bitch about everything, thinking the world revolves around you. Well, It’s doesn’t and if you don’t like the truth, I suggest you start changing the way you talk to people little girl.”

She hung up.

“Bitch!” I yelled and slammed the phone on the cement.

I stormed back in the house, almost breaking the screen door.

“Get out!” I screamed at Nick.

“Why?” He spoke quietly.

“GET OUT!” I raised my voice to the meanest level I had ever been at.

Nick scurried out the door.

I was still at my maximum of being pissed off.

I ran in the living room, picked up the TV and smashed it in the hardwood floor.

Tears started flowing out of my eyes.

I walked on of the front door and into the garage.

Luckily, Sarah’s stupid ass left the car.

I took her keys off the hook and started the car.

I don’t know where I’m going but all I have to say to Sarah is don’t be looking for me because I won’t be there.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fiesty. :)
Ya know what to do.