
Chapter Sixteen

As I walked through the door I found that Melanie, Georg and Gustav were already there.
“Hi Riley!” Melanie waved from the couch as I walked in. She had a controler and apparently was playing video games with Georg and Mason.
“Hi, Mel.” I smiled as I walked to the kitchen. “I am entering the room now!” I announced making sure Bill knew to hide any unwrapped things.
“Kay.” I looked to see him sitting at the table with presents set out all over it.
“Are those all for me?” My eyes went wide.
“No, they’re for the neighbor kid across the hall.” He rolled his eyes.
“Awwh, it’s his birthday too?” I pouted setting the bags I had down on the counter.
“They are for you Riley. Jeez”
“Yay, that makes me happy.” I could tell a smile was now plastered on my face.
“You know,Bill. It would be nice if you could go out to the car and bring up the other bag.” Tom walked in, hands full.
“I don’t do manual labor.” Bill stated with a straight face.
Tom and I just looked at him.
“Joking.” Chimed out of Bill’s mouth, as he got up and headed for the door.
“Yeah, what I thought.”
“I’m sooo scared.” Bill sarcastically remarked.
“You should be!” Tom practically yelled.
“I don’t think he is.” I laughed.
“Neither do I.” Tom laughed.

Later we all went out onto the balcony as Gustav grilled and the rest of us basically sat on our lazy asses and watched.
“You’re not doing it right!” Georg yelled for about the fifth time.
“Then you do it!” Gustav yelled back. That was the first time I heard him talk since Tom and I had gotten back.
“I don’t wanna.”
“Exactly! So sit there and keep your mouth shut!”
“Kay…”Georg pouted.
“Damn Gustav, You didn’t have to be so mean. I mean look at Georg he was just trying to help and now you hurt his feelings.” Tom patted Georg’s shoulder.
“I was just trying to be nice!” Georg started fakely crying.
“Both of you shut up or I’ll stick the tongs up your asses!” Gustav turned back to the grill.
I couldn’t help but laugh.
“That’s what thongs are for!”
“You own a thong?!” I looked at Tom wide eyed.
“No, do you?”
“No…I wasn’t allowed to wear them when I lived with Sophia.”
“Then you are going to love your present.”
“Oh dear…what color is it?”
“You’ll see.”
“Just tell me.”
“No, you’ll see it when you unwrap it.”
“But I wanna know now.”
“You’ll see it soon, God.”
“You seriously got me a thong?”
“Yes, every girl needs one.”
“Alright then. I’m telling you now that I’m not wearing it and a bra around the house.”
“Damn, there goes that plan.” He sighed.
“You two should seriously be dating. I mean you act like you are a couple already.” Melanie abruptly joined the conversation.
“I don’t think so. He’s not my type.” I laughed.
“What is your type?” Tom rose an eyebrow.
“A man who doesn’t have AIDS?”
“I don’t have AIDS.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I get blood tests done to make sure I don’t have AIDS every so often. I’m clean.”
“Sure. I’ll laugh when you fuck some skanky bitch and you do get ‘em.”
“I’ll laugh when you get a boyfriend who’s “Perfect” in your view and he ends up having AIDS and you get them.”
“That’s not nice.”
“I never said I was nice, but if a guy did give you AIDS or some other STD I’d have to fuck him up for it. You don’t need that shit.”
“Awwh, thanks that was a nice thought.” I smiled.
“Are you both sure this is a conversation for a birthday celebration?” Bill asked out of no where apparently he had been listening.
“Sure.” Tom and I spoke simultaneously then laughed.
Best birthday so far.
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sorry it's later than I said I wa going to post it Cori's here so it took a little longer to type
here's chater SIXTEEN!

P.S. I would really apreaciate it if someone could make me a banner :DD Please?