
Chapter Two

“Are you sure you’re being smart about this?” I heard my brother ask as he watched me climb out the window.
“I have no idea if I’m being smart about this.” I laughed a little.
“Sophia will kill you if she finds out you went out without her permission.”
“Like she would give me the permission anyway.” I rolled my eyes as I worked my way down the ladder I had Mason, my brother, place their earlier.
Mason was born a year after me, almost exactly a year his birthday was the day after mine.
We like to think we are a year apart twins.
“Well you never know. Did you ever ask her?”
“No, but you know her. She never let’s me do anything that makes me happy.”
“Do you want me to come with you?”
“No, I need you to make sure Sophia thinks I’m in my room asleep. Have your girlfriend come over or something. You guys can hang out in my room.”
“Okay…be careful, Sis.”
“I will.” I smiled up at him as my feet, one at a time, hit the ground.
He smiled back. It amazed me sometimes that we were so much alike, but then we were completely different.
He would listen to Sophia and do every thing she told him to and never once would complain about it after she was out of earshot like I did.

I walked around town, not really knowing where I was going. I hadn’t planned that far ahead and now didn’t know what I was going to do.
I was trying to remember the name of the club Melanie and I had gone to once when her parents were out of town and Sophia was at a Christmas party with her high society friends. That was a while back, now it’s July. I sighed as I was getting mad at myself for not writing the name of the club down and just couldn’t remember it.
People on the street walked past me as I stood there thinking with probably a constipated look on my face.
“Are you lost?” I heard a guys voice from behind me. There was a hint of humor. Yeah I must have had a constipated look on my face.
“Kinda.” I turned a looked at him. He was a hell of a lot taller than I am being 5.5”. I tried not to let my mouth drop.
“Where are you wanting to go?” He asked smirking, must have noticed the almost mouth drop.
“I’m trying to think of the name of this club my friend and I went to a while back.”
“A while back? How long has it been?”
“A few months.” I laughed nervously.
“Well, my brother and I are heading to a club. A matter of fact it’s pretty close. Would you like to come with us?”
Talking to a stranger, going to a club, and going with that stranger. All against Sophia’s rules…
“Sure.” I smiled.
I looked at the man standing next to him. They both had black hair. His brother had dreads and was wearing makeup, not a very good combination in my eyes and he had cornrows.
“I’m Riley.” I smiled as we began to walk.
“Tom.” He smiled back. “That’s Bill.”
“I have a mouth you know. I can talk.” Bill semi glared at Tom.
“I know, I just don’t want to give you the chance to run it.”
“You are so nice to me.”
“You two sound like me and my brother.” I laughed. “So why are you two walking to a club? Wouldn’t it be smarter to drive?”
“Yeah, but this club is so close to our apartment building we just walk.” Bill shrugged.
“I like your shirt.” Tom laughed a little.
My shirt read ‘I noticed you’re gangsta I’m pretty gangsta myself’. I laughed with him. “Thanks, my friend Melanie got it for me.”
“Well she has good taste in clothes.”
“I’ll be sure to tell her that.”
I could tell I was going to have fun. Something Sophia couldn’t stop me from.
I was going to break her rules even if it killed me.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you want to see the outfit Riley was wearing go here:

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I'll try to update as soon as I can, but I get writters block very easily.
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