My Heart Hurts...Literally


"Hey! Wait up!" Derrick yelled behind me. I could hear his bare feet pounding the asphalt as he sprinted after me, trying to get his shirt back before I threw it in the ocean.
"Not a chance, sucker!" I screamed back at him, letting out a carefree laugh as I launched myself into the air, hitting the burning sand for a split second before sprinting off towards the crashing surf. He yelled something at me again, but it was lost in the cries of the birds and the roars of the brilliantly blue waves. San Diego really had the most beautiful beaches in my opinion. If only they were a little less crowded...
I pivoted on the spot, seeing him bent over a little ways away, his hands on his knees, panting. I could see sweat from both the running and the intense sun dripping down his chest and face. He never was one for running.
He straightened up, tossing his head to one side and pointing a finger at me, one of his adorable joking smiles playing across his face. "Don't you dare..." he huffed, taking his other hand and pushing a few strands of hair out of his eyes. My heart gave a little flutter, but I ignored it.
"What?" I asked innocently, placing a hand on my waist and sitting in my hip, holding his shirt above my head. It fluttered in the ocean breeze, and I adjusted my hand so I was only holding the corner with two fingers. "What are you going to do if I drop it? Huh?" I smirked at him, squinting against the sun glaring from overhead. I took a few steps back and felt the water wash up over my feet, cooling them from the blazing sand and sun.
"I'm warning you, Virginia..." he said, taking a few steps towards me and holding out his hand, "give me the shirt, and no one gets hurt."
I laughed, and with a strong gust of wind I let go of the corner, listening to his exasperated cry with delight and spinning in a circle in the ankle deep water.
I felt a sudden pain in my chest where my heart had been, accompanied by a stabbing pain in my left arm. I stopped spinning, but my head seemed to keep rotating. "Derrick?" I said, putting a hand to my temple and falling to my knees. "Derrick!" I screamed, trying to focus on his figure running towards me, even faster than it had been when he was trying to get to his shirt. I felt myself falling forwards into his shaking arms as he skidded on his knees by me. I saw his terrified face swimming in my vision for a moment, and then nothing at all.
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