Sequel: Play Me A Picture
Status: Being Epicccccc. :)

Imperfectly Beautiful

Three's A Crowd

I frantically pulled out a purple V-neck from the closet I shared with Camilla, trying to decipher the shirts she stole from my side from hers. I went to pull at a black leather jacket, which was a gift from Camilla from years back, as Camilla entered the room. "What are you doing?" Her eyes ran over my bare chest, down to my dark skinny jeans.

"Does this match?" I turned around, showcasing the shirt I paired with the jacket. "Where are you going?" She asked suspiciously, raising an eyebrow at me.

"You're no help." I mumbled, spinning on my heel and pulling out a different color V-neck along with a blue and white plaid button up shirt. "Joe," Camilla called, placing a hand on my bare shoulder. I turned around, smiling down at her, "Yeah?"

"Where are you going?" She asked again, her eyes light hearted. I thought over my answer for a while, wondering if I would lie to her for the first time…but I decided against it. "The beach." I whispered, watching as her smile fell and her eyes became confused.

"Why?" She questioned and I pulled on the pink V-neck and plaid shirt I had picked out from before. "Is it cold out, now?" I questioned, trying to avoid her question briskly. I ignored her eyes that followed my every move. "I don't know, you were the one out at 4:30 am." Her voice was becoming more agitated.

"Who's going with you?" She followed me into the bathroom, where I fixed my hair quickly in the mirror, checking the time. "No one." I lied for the first time, feeling a piece of me die as the words came out of my lips and met her ears. I rolled up one sleeve of my shirt and jumped slightly as Camilla unexpectedly helped me with the other. She looked up at me when she finished and I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, leaning down and placing a quick kiss on her lips.

"Can I come?" She asked quietly, her eye s hopeful and a smile on her lips. My palms became sweaty as I tried to think of a logical excuse I could tell her, but I sighed and closed my eyes when nothing came to mind. "I don't know." I whispered, putting on my belt.

"Why not?" She asked, her eyes scanning my face as I took a seat on the edge of our bed. "Nothing." My voice was low, as I slipped on a pair of my white converse, tying them quickly. The bed shifted slightly as her light weight was added onto the bed next to me.

"Why can't I come?" Her voice grew darker, and I looked down at her contently. Her eyes showed something I haven't seen many times before, and that was hurt. Camilla was the strongest girl I've ever met in my entire life. Nothing could get to her. Rumors and haters have never seemed to phased her. Truthfully, some of the names they called Camilla hurt me more than they hurt her. I stared at her for a while, as her face stayed still as stone, waiting for my answer.

"I never said you couldn't come." I caved, stroking her cheek with my thumb before I kissed her lips lightly. I pulled away and an uncertain smile was lingering on her lips. "Go get ready," I whispered. She nodded and closed the bathroom door behind her.

Once she was out of the room, I groaned loudly, collapsing down onto the bed with a loud bang. I sighed as I took my iPhone out of my pocket, discovering that we only had a half an hour before Peyton got off work. I rolled over onto my stomach, closing my eyes and thinking about Peyton for a while. What would she think when Camilla showed up with me? Will she laugh, and want to leave? I considered calling Rupture and canceling the plans last minute.

The number was dialed, but I couldn't pull myself to tapping the call button. I threw my phone down onto the comforter and sighed. "What's wrong?" Camilla's voice caused me to jump as I looked up to see her in a yellow tank top and her underwear. I laughed and pulled her towards me and down onto my lap. "Nothing." I whispered into her ear, kissing her temple.

She giggled as she stood up from my lap and back towards the closet, picking out a pair of white skinny jeans. I pulled my eyes away from her and to my camera on the nightstand. I unplugged it from the charger, and powered it up, adjusting the lens. I snapped one quick picture of Camilla, who was strapping on a white pair of sandals. She turned to me at the sound of the shutter, and laughed.

"I'll forgive you, since I don't look that horrible right now." She joked, and I chuckled, placing the camera back into it's bag. "I told you, you never look horrible." I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. She sighed and leaned her head back against my chest. "You ready?" She asked me, and I smiled nervously.

"Yeah," I placed a kiss on the top of her head, before letting her go. I quickly grabbed my camera bag off of the bed, along with my phone. Turning around, Camilla's eyes shot down to my camera. "Why are you taking that?" Her voice was sharp and I shrugged, pulling it over my left shoulder.

"That dumb camera is attached to your hand, constantly." She mumbled, grabbing her black berry off the kitchen counter. I sighed quietly, reaching the front door and opening it swiftly. "After you," I chimed, as I placed a hand on her waist and exited our house, locking the front door behind us.

Camilla intertwined our fingers as we turned off of our familiar street. "Joe," Her voice was low, and her eyes were staring ahead of her. "Yeah?" I asked, glancing at her briefly. "That outfit..." She trailed off, and I raised a confused eyebrow at her.

"What about it?" I asked, squeezing her hand lightly. "You wore it on our first date," she whispered, and I looked over at her. "How do you even remember that?" I asked, a laugh lingering in my voice. "I remember everything about the early days." She smiled and I laughed, leading her down the street of Rupture.

"I thought we were going to the beach?" Camilla asked quietly and my free hand wrapped around the handle of Rupture’s front door.

“We are.” I mumbled, the familiar cold rush of air streaming out of the open door. Camilla didn’t move an inch from her spot on the sidewalk and instead crossed her arms over her chest and looked angrily up at me. “Joe, tell me why we are here.” She enforced.

I sighed but nodded my head, looking down at her. “I invited this girl, Peyton, to come with us. I met her at the art show.” The hostess standing by the front door looked at the two of us warily as we continued to stand on the pavement outside of the restaurant. “She works here.”

“Why didn’t you tell me before?” Camilla asked, her voice having an edge on it. I glanced back inside of the restaurant as an employee carrying a large tray disappeared around the corner into the kitchen. Before I turned back to Camilla, I saw a flash of blonde hair walk out the room that the other employee had just entered.

“Joe.” Camilla’s angry voice made my head snap back to her. “W-what? Sorry.” I murmured, resting my hand on her waist and forcing her inside. The hostess glanced up at Camilla and I with a smile but Camilla ignored it and turned her back to the kitchen, where my attention was still drawn.

“Who is Peyton?” I adjusted the bag that my camera was being held in and cleared my throat, trying to make the knot in it dissolve.

“I told you. I met her at the art show.” I said quietly. “I’m your girlfriend.” Camilla stated suddenly. I laughed shortly and nodded my head.

“I am very much aware of that.” I smiled down at her. Her face stayed into the icy frown she wore. “Peyton is just a friend, Camilla. Honestly.” I glanced down at her incredulously. Face softening, Camilla nodded her head and turned around.

“So where is this friend of yours?” She asked, glancing around the building. My eyes scanned the room too, falling easily on the person standing in front of a table in the back. She was listening intently to a man that was talking in front of her, writing things down in her black book every so often. I was almost startled when her easily recognizable eyes met with mine a few seconds later. A small smile played across her lips as she finished the table’s order and made her way to Camilla and I.

“I have to drop off this order, and then I’ll be right back.” She said as soon as she was within hearing distance. Camilla jumped slightly at my side and looked over at Peyton. From the look on her face, I could tell she was sizing her up. A small smile played on her lips as she reached out for my hand, intertwining our fingers at my side. Peyton glanced down at hour hands and then back up at me.

“Uhm, Peyton…” I cleared my throat and nodded at Camilla. “…This is Camilla. Camilla, this is Peyton.” I watched Peyton’s expression the entire time I spoke, which didn’t change much. The small smile was still on her face as she greeted Camilla silently. It stayed on her face when she looked down at her notebook and nodded.

“Alright, I’ll be right back.” Peyton said quietly, turning around to the kitchen. Camilla dropped my hand as soon as Peyton turned the corner and started walking to the restaurant’s front entrance.

“I’ll be outside.” She mumbled, closing the door loudly behind her.

* * *

I was holding onto my Nixon D3x in one hand, letting it dangle from it’s strap that I was clutching onto with my fingers. My other hand was occupied holding Camilla’s, who almost instantly wrapped her fingers around my hand when Peyton and I appeared out of Rupture. The three off us were walking down the sand onto the shore silently, awkwardly looking at our surroundings.

“So, Camilla.” Peyton said quietly from my other side. Camilla continued to stare straight ahead. “You look really familiar, but I can’t remember where I have seen you before.”

Camilla’s death grip on my hand tightened. “Really? That’s funny.” Camilla mumbled darkly, rolling her eyes slightly. Peyton was too consumed with the scenery to see Camilla’s action, but I saw it clearly.

“She’s an actress.” I informed Peyton, glancing away from Camilla. Peyton’s eyebrows raised and she nodded her head.

“Have you been in any movies?” Peyton questioned, looking around my body. I bit my lip to keep laughter from escaping my mouth as Camilla changed the subject.

“So, beautiful day, right?” She asked quickly, her voice an octave higher than usual. I looked at the large body of water in front of us and felt the sensation to grab for my camera.

“It is.” Peyton murmured. “Kind of cold, but the scene is amazing.” I pried
Camilla’s fingers off of me and shrugged off the blue and white plaid shirt I was wearing over my v-neck and handed it over to Peyton. She glanced down at it and then past me to Camilla, who was staring at me in slight disgust. “…you sure?”

“Go for it.” I smiled, watching as her small fingers wrapped around the fabric. She took the shirt out of my hands slowly and pulled her arms through it’s sleeves.

We approached a picnic table that was located in a grassy area right off of the sand and the three of us sat down. Peyton reached out for her own bag that was resting on the empty spot next to her and pulled out a familiar looking Canon camera.

It took me a few moments before I realized where I had seen it before. The camera in Harmony’s picture. Peyton set it on her lap as she popped the cover off the lens and powered it on. Camilla cleared her throat and took me out of my slight haze.

“I’m going to go see if I can get any good shots.” Peyton said, looking at Camilla and I from across the table. Camilla nodded her head almost instantly, but I reached out for my camera on the table.

“Can I come with?” I asked as Peyton stood up from the table. She smiled and nodded her head. I stood up quickly and glanced at Camilla. “Do you want to come?” Nodding her head silently, Camilla stood up soon after us.

The entire time we walked on the shore of the beach, I studied my shirt around Peyton’s petite figure. Camilla was now clinging to my chest, resting her head on my shoulder as I walked slowly next to her, a shiver running through her body every now and then. Every time Peyton would turn around to comment on something, Camilla would push herself closer to me, causing me to almost trip over my own two feet. Which resulted in my face turning hot every time Peyton giggled as I stumbled. And that, made Camille all the more bitter.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kristens chapterrrrr. :D For the most part. She did quite the amazing job, wouldn't you agree? DUDE. Leave a comment telling her how much amazing writing power she has. OR ELSE...

Kevin: *goes and gets some random knife*
Tara: Kevin! No!
Kevin: *holds the knife up*
Kevin: *holds the knife to his chest*
Tara: *kisses Kevin*
Kevin: *through tears* G-goodbye..
Tara: KEVIN NO!!!!!
Kevin: *stabs himself*
Tara: *crying really hard, so she can't breathe* Noooooo!!!!!!!
Kevin: *his face freezes and his falls to the ground*
Joe: *calls the cops*

^^result if we don't get comments for this chapter. XD Just kidding, Kristen found some random youtube story made by a girl with a sick mind. So anyway, thanks for everyone who is reading and commenting! -Rachael&Kristen.