Sequel: Play Me A Picture
Status: Being Epicccccc. :)

Imperfectly Beautiful


My fingers traced the front of Peyton’s camera where the word ‘canon’ was printed as I stared down at the small screen in front of me. The image was from a location I wasn’t sure of, but I was assuming it to be someone‘s living room. Her face looked concentrated as she balanced a newspaper on her lap and a coffee cup in her hand. A pair of white-framed glasses were resting on the bridge of her nose as she focused down at the paper. This picture would look normal to any human that laid eyes on it if it weren’t for the fact that there was barely any lighting in the room. The person who took the picture must have been sitting with their back to a closed window, since only a few streaks of light hit Peyton’s profile.

“What are you looking at?” Camilla asked behind me. I hadn’t realized how close my face had been to the screen until she took a seat next to me. Quickly powering down the camera, I glanced over at Camilla. Her faced seemed tired as she leaned her head on the back of the couch we were sitting on.

“Just pictures from yesterday.” I lied, moving the camera away from her incase she would suddenly be interested in seeing them. She just nodded her head instead and didn’t say another word. “You okay?”

Her eyes fell shut and she shook her head slowly. “I feel like shit.” She opened her eyes and glanced accusingly at me. “It was cold last night.”

“Beautiful, though.” I murmured, a distinct memory flooding my head. My plaid shirt on Peyton’s body, flowing rapidly through the wind behind her. She had turned around once again and a smile played across her lips as she pointed out a small house that was by the beach. I ignored the pleading look I knew Camilla was giving me and instead smiled back at Peyton.

“Joe.” Camilla brought me out of my memory as she snapped her fingers in front of my face. I focused my attention on her bloodshot eyes and waited until she repeated what she had just said. “What is up with you lately?”

“I don’t know what your talking about.” I mumbled, standing up from the couch and walking into our bedroom. I quickly pulled out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt to wear for when we were meeting up with Nick and Kevin, later today.

“You’re always out of it.” Camilla had followed me into the room and studied my movements as I slid my shorts off and replaced them with my jeans. “You just seem different.”

“Really?” I questioned, buttoning my pants and shrugging off my shirt. “I haven’t noticed.” Camilla seemed annoyed as she sat down at the edge of the bed. I glanced over at her and smiled, letting my shirt drop out of my hands as I walked over to her.

“Don’t be angry.” I whispered on her lips, leaning closer into her body. She reached out for my shoulders but I quickly pulled away and retrieved my shirt. “I’m sorry if I seem different to you.”

She crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly and nodded her head. “Are you getting ready to meet Kevin and Nick?” I asked her after a few moments of silence.

“I think I’m just going to stay home.” She said quietly, laying down onto her back. I pulled my shirt on and looked down at her.

“You sure? Do you want me to stay home with you?” I asked. She opened her eyes again and shrugged her shoulders.

“No, you go ahead. I just don’t want to be sick when I go to England.” I sighed at the reminder of Camilla's trip being around the corner. Ever since I met Peyton, my mind has been distant, and I completely forgot about her leaving for filming, for a long three weeks in another country.

“Fine.” I plopped down next to her and rolled onto my stomach. “When you’re feeling it up to it, I want to take you out. Just you and I, no Nick or Kevin.” Camilla smirked slightly and leaned down closer to my face.

“Or Peyton.” She included, her breath hot against my lips. I rolled my eyes playfully and nodded my head, pressing my lips onto hers quickly. “No Peyton, either.”

* * *

My fingers were wrapped around the strap to Peyton’s camera tightly as I carefully carried it into Rupture. Nick had called me and suggested going out to eat, mostly because the three of us couldn’t decide on any other place. My stomach flipped slightly at the thought of Peyton working this afternoon.

“It should be under Jonas.” I told the hostess quietly, glancing quickly around the room. I didn’t see the blonde hair falling out of the uniforms’ hat anywhere. I was disappointed when I didn’t see it when the same lady who had been working here for years led me to the table with my two brothers sitting at, either.

“Where’s Camilla?” Kevin asked curiously as I sat down across from Nick. He couldn’t hide the eager smile that was on his lips.

“She’s not feeling well.” I answered Kevin, ignoring Nick’s short laugh from across the table. “What a shame.” Nick mumbled under his breath. “Nick, stop.” Kevin said quietly.

“Isn’t she leaving soon?” Nick continued, resting his head in his hands. I looked at him and nodded my head.

“Yes.” I said shortly. “For England, what’s your point?” Nick smirked slightly and glanced over at Kevin, who was giving him a disapproving look.

“I heard Robert was supposed to be filming in England.” I felt my cheeks turn hot at the mentioning of his name. “You think him and Camilla will catch up? You know…” Nick raised his eyebrows and laughed quietly.

I clenched my fists underneath the table and inhaled sharply. “Nick, don’t you ever know when to just shut up? If she wants to see Rob, fine. Go ahead. Let her. That doesn’t mean I need you up on my ass all day trying to make me upset, or whatever your point is in saying these types of things. Get your own life and stop worrying about-” I would have finished my sentence, if I could have thought of the words to say. But my mind instantly shut off, my mouth instantly closed, and my heart seemed to go into overdrive as soon as I glanced away from Nick and spotted the employee making their way over to the table.

Peyton gracefully swept her way across the room, dodging large trays and people walking back to their seats without even looking up from that little black notebook of hers. I felt the bashful smile of mine play across my lips, but there wasn’t a power in my body that could keep it from showing. It had been only a mere twelve hours since I saw her face, but something about it made me feel like that amount of time was too long.

“Joe?” Kevin’s voice came from right next to me, but I didn’t turn my eyes away from her. She still hadn’t looked up to notice me, no matter how much I urged her to.

“Dude, Joe. What are you looking at?” Nick’s voice came next, but I disregarded him and instantly reached out for Peyton’s camera I had placed in the middle of the table.

“Hello, I am Peyton. I will be your server this afternoon.” She was still finishing scribbling something down on the paper while she spoke, and from the tone in her voice-she didn’t hide the fact that she didn’t want to be there.

“Say it again, like you mean it.” I heard myself say. I glanced around the table at my brothers disgusted faces and then back at Peyton. She was smiling incredulously down at me, her arms folded across the apron that was tied around her small figure.

“Fancy seeing you here.” She said in a lighter tone. I smiled and lifted her camera up from my lap where I had rested it.

“I come with gifts!” I smiled, standing up from the table. Nick and Kevin still didn’t say a word, and they continued to be silent as I draped the camera around Peyton’s neck by the strap.

“I was wondering why my camera had so many pictures of Camilla on it.” Peyton joked, causing Nick to snort loudly from the table. I sat back down and kicked him from underneath the table, still not taking my eyes away from Peyton. “I didn’t think of bringing your camera to work, I didn’t know you were going to be here.”

“Oh, it’s no problem.” I said, smiling up at her. “I will just have to drop by and get it some time.”

“Sure.” She said, unfortunately turning her attention away from me. She looked over at Nick and Kevin, who were sitting confused in there seats. “Can I get your friends something to drink?”

“Oh, they’re not my friends.” I said quickly. Kevin laughed and glanced my way.

“Thanks.” Kevin laughed slightly. Nick continued to look between Peyton and I.

“I-I mean, they’re my brothers, Kevin and Nick.” I answered. I could feel my cheeks turn bright red. Peyton pulled a pencil out of her apron and nodded over at me. “So anything to drink, Nick or Kevin?”

“I’m Kevin. And can I have a cup of coffee please?” He asked, glancing up from his menu. Peyton hummed a yes and made her way across the table.

“What about you Nick?” She asked, looking up from her notebook when Nick didn’t answer right away.

“Oh, Diet coke.” Nick mumbled, glancing at me.

“…and you Joseph.” Peyton smiled this time as she turned to face me. I glanced up at her and smirked back.

“Water is fine.” I said, watching as Peyton nodded and started to turn back to the kitchen. “With extra ice. And some lemon!” I added in.

Peyton turned around and dropped her pencil into the front of her apron. “Sure.” She shot me a teasing smile and disappeared behind the kitchen doors.

“Who was that?” Nick interrupted Kevin as he leaned up further in his seat. I looked away from the kitchen doors.

“Who, Peyton? She’s a friend.” I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. Nick laughed shortly and nodded his head.

“Sure she is. Why didn’t you tell me you were two timing Camilla?” He asked quietly. Kevin sighed next to Nick and finally set his menu down on the table.

“He isn’t two timing Camilla, he would never do that.” Kevin stated. Nick glanced away from me. “Yes, he is.” He argued. Kevin looked between Nick and me. “No. He’s not.”

“Guys.” I said, holding my hands up from the table. Kevin and Nick instantly looked over at me. “I told you Peyton is my friend. Nothing more.” My cheeks flushed as I mumbled the last part. Kevin had given up and resorted back to reading something on the front of the menu. Nick was still looking at me.

He had noticed my flushed cheeks, and the uncertain look on my face. The smug smile that was playing across his lips had disappeared and his eyes filled with concern as I shot him a look. He quickly looked away and then down at his hands.

“Right. Nothing more.” He muttered. A rush of air came from behind me as Peyton approached our table again with a tray of drinks. She put them down in front of us and then looked around. The three of us were staring silently down at the table.

“Do you guys know what you want yet?” She asked quietly. Kevin looked up and then down the table at Nick and I.

“Can we have a few more minutes?” He asked politely, smiling up at Peyton. She nodded her head and started to turn away. Pausing in front of me, she held out a piece of paper that seemed to look like a business card.

“I couldn’t find any paper to write down my address, it’s on there.” She stated. I gave her a confused look and she smiled. “To get your camera?”

“Oh, right.” I laughed shortly and nodded my head, taking the card out of Peyton’s fingers. “Thank you.”

“No problem.” She smirked down at me once more before turning to the entire table. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

I stared down at the card she had given me. It was one of the cards she had carried out to Harmony’s display at the art show. Two names were printed at the top of the paper, along with three phone numbers and one address. A small sketch of a flower that looked similar to the one in “Forgotten Paradise” was in the right hand corner.

"Booty call." Nick mumbled in a singsong voice, chuckling lowly at his own joke. I felt Kevin kick Nick under the table, shooting him a death stare. I laughed when Nick called Kevin a name under his breath. Sliding the business card in my back pocket, I looked up at my bickering brothers and just shook my head, wondering how easy it would be if I was an only child.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rachael's turnnn. Kristen wrote the last paragraph, so not completely my chapter....incase you were wondering. Thanks to everyone who has commented and subscribed, keep it up! :) Also, Thanks to GilmoreGal425 for the banner she made us. I also have another banner posted by my Quizilla friend, psiloveyoujonasbrothers8, on my profile. You should check that one out too!

You know what to do for the next chapter...until next time! -Rachael&Kristen.