Status: Active (next update should be on Friday the 28th or Saturday the 29th.)

If Only You Knew

American Starlet Interview

American Starlet Interview
Editor of American Starlet, Jamie Scott, got a chance to sit down and talk with the star of the hit new reality show IF ONLY YOU KNEW, Kailyne Harrison. The young actress (only 14 years old) used to live in the small town of Grand Lake, CO. Having scored the role of her life she set off with dreams of becoming a well-known actress.
Polite, down to earth and honest we know for sure that her dream will come true; she is number one in our eyes.

Jamie: Hi Kailyne. Thanks for agreeing to do this interview with us. We know you’ve been really busy lately.

Kailyne: Thanks for having me. I really appreciate it.

Jamie: You’re more than welcome. We know this is your first interview and all, so we’ll start out easy. What’s it like being a star on the TV show ‘If Only You Knew’?

Kailyne: It’s unreal. Never in a million years would I have thought that I would be here, being interviewed, it’s amazing.

Jamie: Viewers have only been able to see one episode so far, but, from what we’ve been told, it’s going to be a big hit. Any comments?

Kailyne: All I can really tell you without getting in trouble with Mike Anderson is that there is going to be a lot of sticky situations. Through these we will also learn a lot more about the characters.

Jamie: Sounds interesting. What’s it like working with Lindsay Miller, Justin Clark, and Shayne Logan?

Kailyne: It’s so great. They are all very nice. They all have big names, so for them to take time out to help me be the best that I can be is extremely nice of them.

Jamie: It sounds like you all are going to be really good friends. Outside of filming, do you guys hang out?

Kailyne: Of course. We go out for lunch practically everyday, or when their schedules allow it. Justin and Shayne tease me a lot, and sometimes it gets really annoying. I’ve started thinking of them as brothers, so it’s kind of their job to tease me. And Lindsay, she’s a really great friend. We have hung out a couple times, just the two of us. It’s really weird to think that just a couple weeks ago she was my biggest idol, and now we are like best friends.

Jamie: That’s just about all the time we have today, any last words?

Kailyne: All I really have to say is thank you so much for having me here today. I really appreciate it and hope I’ll be able to come back soon.

Jamie: No, thank you for being so polite and honest. I look forward to seeing you again.

Kailyne: Have a nice day! Bye.
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