Status: Active (next update should be on Friday the 28th or Saturday the 29th.)

If Only You Knew


“Peter, stop!” I yelled. He was holding the piece of paper that had fallen out of the heart shaped box Chace gave me. “Give it back!” At my yelling, Peter just held the paper higher out of my reach, reading all the while.

“You’ve got an admirer,” he teased, but all it did was make me furious.

“I told you to stop reading!” I yelled. This was one thing that I was able to have all to myself, and now it wasn’t even just between Chace and I. “ I TOLD you Peter!” Tears started forming in my eyes. It had meant so much to me since I knew that it was my own little secret. Now, that magic was gone.

“Am I going to have to be your body guard when you’re on your dates?” he was still teasing me. Peter apparently didn’t get that I was ticked. “Besides, what’s this mysterious box he talks about?”

“PETER!” I screamed. I mean actually screamed; I was beyond mad. “That was MINE! It was made for ME and ONL-“

“’ I love you, always have, always will’” Peter said mocking Chace’s line. “Does he seriously think that’s cute? It more like freaky.”

“Peter,” I said weakly, out of energy. Before I could tell him that I just wanted to get to the studio I heard him mutter something about how Lynely was a name that people use in Kindergarten. That did it. He had crossed the line! “Shut UP!” I yelled. I quickly grabbed the box from under the last pillow, and after getting my phone from the table made my way out of my bedroom, leaving Peter behind mocking lines from Chace’s letter.

I stormed out of our apartment and down the stairs to the lobby where I asked the lady at the front desk what bus would get me to where I was going. I had to run to catch the bus, but only once I was on it did I realize that many people are up way before me. It also occurred to me that I was Kailyne Harrison, star of the hit new T.V. show and… well… there were bound to be problems.

“Are you Kailyne Harrison?” asked a teenaged girl sitting across the isle from me.

“Yeah,” I said smiling, it was always nice to meet fans.

“Could you sign my notebook?” she asked while digging through her backpack.

“Oh, um… sure. Do you have a pen or something?”

“Totally,” she said handing me her stuffed black notebook and a silver Sharpie. I quickly signed my name, but thought that a personalized note would make her day, even if mine was ruined.

“What’s your name?”

“It’s Mandy. Oh my gosh! I can’t believe I’m meeting you!” she said, full of energy. “Oh! My name’s Mandy.” She said, forgetting that she just told me that. I laughed a little, adding her name to the note.

“Here’s your book,” I told her, holding the notebook out to her.

“Wha… Oh. Right. Thank you so much. Lily and Ashley will never believe this!” she took the notebook and carefully placed it back in her bag. She took a mini photo album out of her bag and opened it to the first page as she moved her stuff to come sit next to me. “That’s Lily,” she said pointing to a girl with black hair and side bangs. She was dressed head to toe in Abercrombie clothes, and by the looks of it could very easily model for them; she was beautiful. Lily had her arms around the girl sitting next to me. Mandy’s bleach blonde hair (natural she had told me) was pulled to the sides with a black and white polka dotted barrette. She was dressed in short white shorts and a pink and white top that must’ve been given to her by Lily since it was from, you guessed it, Abercrombie. Mandy had her arms around another girl. This one was blonde and was wearing a mid-thigh black, white and red skirt and a white top. “That’s Ashley,” Mandy said, identifying the blonde. Mandy continued to flip through the little book. Each page held the three of them doing anything from playing on the beach to walking down the hallways. They seemed inseparable. Here and there another one of their friends popped up in the photos. There were Kathy, Caulene, Jenny and Sami and though they each showed up a few times, Lily, Mandy and Ashley were the light and life of the pages.

“You three have so much fun!” I commented once she had placed the album back into her backpack. “Lily really seems to be a fan of Abercrombie.” In almost every picture, Lily had worn something from that very store.

“Yeah, everyone calls her the Abercrombie Princess, it’s pretty funny.”

“I’ll say,” I said laughing.

“Hey, Kailyne? Could you do me a favor?” she asked timidly.

“Yeah, anything!” I said. It felt good to focus on someone else.

“Would you mind signing two other things for me? One for Lily and one for Ashley?”

“Definitely!” She pulled two small novels out of her bag. I flipped to the inside cover of the first and saw that it was the “Property of Lily”. I quickly wrote a little note and signed my name and did the same (but with a different note) for Ashley’s book. My stop was next, so I made sure I had my things together and started walking to the front of the bus. I said goodbye to Mandy, then walked the rest of the way to the studio. It was still early when I got there, so by the time everyone else was there, I was ready for shooting to begin.
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All My Love <3