Status: Active (next update should be on Friday the 28th or Saturday the 29th.)

If Only You Knew


All through the first few scenes my phone was buzzing. By the time we were shooting the fourth scene of the day I started to get annoyed with it and turned it off. Peter just doesn’t know when to stop! I had seven voicemails, and many more text messages from him mocking the letter. I was fed up!

A few minutes before the scene was over I was called to Wardrobe to get into the clothes for the next scene, which was also the first one people would see watching the show. I took the change of clothes into my changing room and changed.

I always thought it was amazing how Shay and I had the same sense of style. I didn’t care for designer brands, but designer shoes were the best, not that I had any. Both of us wore our shirts in layers. We would wear t-shirts over long sleeves, tank tops over other tank tops or t-shirts, and (for the most part) dresses over any other kind of shirt.

When I emerged from my dressing room I was no longer wearing the sweet and simple light green sundress shay had on in the scene before, but light blue flare jeans, a white t-shirt and a dark blue tube-top over the t-shirt. I headed over to Hair and Makeup in a room right next to Wardrobe. I sat in the chair as my light brown hair was curled slightly. Once my hair was done the makeup artist, Natasha, put some light pink blush onto my cheeks, a light brushing of gray eye shadow on my eyelids, and last but not least pink lip-gloss on my lips. The look was completely natural, perfect for a dinner with your on-screen crush and his family.

By the time I was done getting ready, Shayne was on the set doing a quick run-through of his lines.

It didn’t take us very long to shoot the scene, just three takes. I went into my dressing room and changed into the clothes I came in, a golden colored lacey tank top over a purple t-shirt, blue jeans and silver ballet flats. I was done shooting for the day; they were only shooting one more scene, one where Bryce asks Shay’s father if he could take her on a date. It’s a really thoughtful scene and lures everybody into a false sense that Bryce actually cares about Shay. When I’m changed I walk out of my dressing room and start skipping down the hallway towards Wardrobe to drop off the day’s change of close and say goodbye. Shooting scenes always made me happy.

“Bye Natasha! Bye Nikki!” I said cheerily. I continued skipping down the hallway past the set, humming So Close by Jennette McCurdy to myself. A hand grabbed my arm and I let out a gasp as I was spun around. I wasn’t able to see who it was as I was pinned against the wall. “Who-“ I begun, but a thought crossed my mind. “Chace?”

“Who’s Chace?” asked one of my co-stars. Colton Jones, the only up-and-rising star, other than me. “Don’t you know who I am?”

“Colton,” I said. Why were his arms around me? This is not right. “What do you want?”

“You.” Came his answer.

“Uh.” I tried pushing his arms away from me, but he was stronger. “I really need to go; my dad wanted me home early,” I lied.

“No he doesn’t,” Colton said. He pulled me away from the wall, but toward him. He wrapped his arm around my waist. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. Ew! “Your dad lives in Colorado, not Hollywood. You live with your brother, remember?” I tried to push him away again, but it was no use.

“No, I don’t remember,” I said, faking amnesia, anything to get this freak away from me.

“Well, then. You probably don’t remember that I’m your boyfriend and that you agreed to go on a date with me tonight.”

“I’m not an idiot!” I yelled at him. “Let go of me!” Using all the force I could muster I pushed away from him. I ran for the door, but Colton stopped me yet again. He grabbed my right hand and pulled Chace’s ring off my ring finger. He held it out of my reach as he inspected it.

“Chace is your boyfriend,” he stated. Finally he got it!

“Yeah, and I don’t think he would appreciate you trying to kiss me,” I shot at him. “Give me my ring back!”

“I think I’ll keep it,” he said with a sneer. I glared at him, but he just laughed. “You look cute when you’re angry.”

“Well I’m furious, so I guess I’m more than cute! Colton,” I begged. “Give it back, please.”

“Only if you kiss me.”


“Then you’re not getting this stupid band back,” Colton said, tossing it up into the air and snatching it back before I could try. Curse his stupid self for being the catcher of his old school’s baseball team. He put his hands on either side of my face and kissed me, full on the lips! I pushed him away. “See?” he asked with the most evil smirk on his face. “It wasn’t that bad was it?” I slapped him on his left cheek, snatched my ring from his open hand and stormed off toward the bus stop. I turned my phone on and started to dial Melissa’s phone number, but was cut off by someone else’s incoming call.


“Hi, Lynely?”

“Chace!” There was a few seconds of silence.

“I’m right outside the If Only You Knew studios, do you need a ride home?”

“Chace, you’re my savior!” I told him about my fight with Peter as I walked to the front of the studios. There he was, standing outside his parents’ car on his phone as his parents were waiting inside, probably blasting the air-conditioning. I saw him hang up his phone and did the same. I ran up to where he was, but stopped a few feet in front of him suddenly not sure if the night before had happened. It did, didn’t it? Chace answered my question by covering the few feet and hugging me, then, being the gentleman he always had been opened the car door for me to get in. I greeted Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and talked with Chace as they drove me to their house where I would stay until after dinner.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awww. I love Chace, but really hate stupid Colton! Grrrr. He gets on my nerves. Wonder if Kai will ever forgive Peter, he's acting so horribly mean!
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