Status: Active (next update should be on Friday the 28th or Saturday the 29th.)

If Only You Knew

Early-Bird Call

“So you’re not going to talk to me?” Peter pestered me as I walked through the door to our apartment. Giving him the cold shoulder I stormed past him and up to my loft. “Aren’t you going to eat?” he snapped; Peter hates being ignored. I knew I was being childish, but I had a reason. He continued to shower me with questions as I walked into my bathroom and changed into pajamas; I needed to get to bed early for two reasons:
1) I wanted to be left alone and
2) I was in the very first scene the next morning.

Even after I had gotten into bed Peter insisted on annoying me. My phone would vibrate with texts and calls, so, naturally, I turned it off. Peter came up the stairs and sat at the foot of my bed, but instead of saying sorry as I anticipated, he started putting on a ‘play’ of what was happening. I started to cry tears of anger as I grabbed my pillow and two blankets.

“Where are you going?” he asked his voice annoyed. Apparently he thought he deserved my undivided attention, but that was far from what he was going to get out of my.

“Just leave me alone!” I yelled at him. I ran to my bathroom, slammed the door behind me and locked it. I set my blankets up on the floor after arranging the rugs I already had in there. That’s where I slept, on the cold hard tiled floors of my bathroom.

The next morning I woke up to my cell phone buzzing. I guess I turned it back on last night. I picked it up and looked at the screen expecting it to be my alarm, but instead it was a phone call.

“Hello?” I asked sleepily.

“Hey chica!” came Melli’s happy-go-lucky voice.

“Melissa!” I exclaimed. My lack of sleep seemed irrelevant now; it was nice to hear her voice. “What’s up?”

“Nothing, I just wanted to see how you were doing,” she said. In the background I could hear her family talking to each other. “I didn’t wake you up did I?” Melli asked as an after thought.

“Uh, you did wake me up, but that doesn’t matter now!” I was beyond thrilled to be talking to her.

“Ugh! Stupid time-zones!” Melli was always the considerate one, Parker on the other hand couldn’t care less when he called or what he was interrupting.

“It’s no big deal, really.”

“Yeah it is. It’s only,” she paused. “ It’s only 6:30 in the morning where you are. Oh god, I feel so bad!”

“It’s fine. I was supposed to be up a few minutes from now anyways. I wasn’t expecting a call from you.”

“I wasn’t going to call you this morning, but Maddy found that article about you and wanted to know how you were.” Maddy was Melli’s older sister, the one who was pretty much always my go-to for things I couldn’t talk to Peter about.

“That’s nice. How is she?”

“How about you just talk to her.”

“No! I don’t feel like talking to her right now. I need to get ready for work and tell you a few things.” In reality I really wanted to talk to Maddy, just not right now. I wasn’t in the mood to talk about everything that was happening to me, at least not to her.

“Ok, so what’s up?” came Melli’s voice.

“Peter and I are fighting.”


“A letter I got from someone special.” Melissa doesn’t know about Chace and I yet.

“Just tell me the story from the beginning,” Melli said, it sounded like she was smiling. I told her about the night I had dinner with the Shaws and the letter I got from Chace. She squealed when she heard that we were a couple now.

“Then Peter just took the letter from my bed and started reading it aloud making rude comments. I left the house early just to get away, but during shooting he kept calling and leaving texts mocking the letter! I really hate fighting with him, but he seriously needs to stop it!”

“I’m really sorry Kai, that stinks.”

“I know. What should I do?” I was pleading, and I hated pleading; it made me feel so out of control.

“You should just leave it for now, focus on acting and school work. Hang out with Chace and Lindsay, just let Peter know that he hurt you, but that you are willing to forgive him if he apologizes and promises not to do that again.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Thanks.” We were quiet for a few minutes while I got dressed. My IM conversation with Melli popped into my head. “What did you mean you loved Parker?”

“What! Oh, um, nothing.”

“Stop keeping things from me,” I teased. “Are you guys together?”

“Yeah, I mean I don’t know. We went to this party together, and kissed, but nothing has happened since. It’s like that night never happened. It’s killing me!”

“Have you two talked to each other since then?”

“Well, yeah. But it’s just like it was before you left, friends, nothing more.” She sounded exasperated.

“I’ll try talking to him it you want,” I offered.

“That would be great, K. Thanks.”

“No prob.” Melli and I continued talking for another hour as I caught a bus to the studio, grabbed a bight to eat off of the snack cart and got my clothes from Wardrobe. “I have to go know, Mellie. I need to change and then go to Hair and Makeup. I’ll call Parker later, I promise. Thanks for calling.”

“Your welcome. Call me back at lunch we have a day off from school, so I’ll be available.”

“Ok! Say hi to Maddy for me, bye!” I hung up my phone and got dressed in the pretty turquoise off-the-shoulder dress Shay wears on her first date. When I walked out of my dressing room it was into pure havoc. The screen writers were running around looking for the director who was stomping around since the soundstage wasn’t ready for shooting because the audio guy never set it up the night before since he was busy on a different set. Great, it was going to be one of those days…
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, I hope you liked this chapter. It's more of a filler, but I couldn't think of anyway else to bring Melissa and Parker back into the picture which is key for future chapters. Please please please please leave a comment, I am desperate. I would really like to know what others think of this story, and I need the encouragement to move on.
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