Status: Active (next update should be on Friday the 28th or Saturday the 29th.)

If Only You Knew

Touchy Subject

I lie in bed on my back, facing the ceiling. Peter wasn’t home yet, but it wasn’t late. It was only 7:00pm, and I was really tired, but not enough to actually fall asleep. I turned over onto my right side, sighing. I stared at my wall; hypnotized by the string of Christmas lights I had hung up there the day I moved into this apartment. When I got the news that I had landed the roll of Shayla in If You Only Knew, Peter moved us out here to Hollywood. CA. I cried a lot after we moved; I had left behind two best friends. But I knew it was for the best, or at least that was what Melissa and Parker told me.

I smiled remembering how they both had huge crushes on each other and confided in me with that. I never told the other one though, just encouraged them to follow their hearts. As far as I knew they never asked each other out, too bad, they were perfect for each other. I hadn’t talked to either of them in forever, or at least for the three weeks it had been since I moved. I got out of bed and walked over to my laptop. I opened it and logged onto my IM account. A message popped up and I opened it:

Melli_The_Singer (Melissa) is available for chat.

!_YOUR_FRIEND_! (Parker) is available for chat.

I smiled to myself as I opened a chat with both of them. I typed in a Hey and waited for a response.

!_YOUR_FRIEND_!: HEY!! Haven’t talked in a while, what’s up?

Right as I was about to type in a response to Parker, Melli sent a message.

Melli_The_Singer: Whoa! She’s alive!

I laughed.

~Wishing_On_A_Star~: Yeah, I’m alive. Sorry I haven’t talked to you to in a while, it’s
been busy. :(

Melli_The_Singer: No prob. I miss you so much! :(

!_YOUR_FRIEND_!: I thought you forgot about us.

~Wising_On_A_Star~: oh, puh-lease! Forget about you two, yeah right!

!_YOUR_FRIEND_!: good answer!

~Wishing_On_A_Star~: it’s not an answer, it’s the truth. Anyways, what have you guys been up to?

Melli_The_Singer: nothing much, but we want to know everything that’s been going on in your life.

!_YOUR_FRIEND_!: yeah, we saw your interview in American Starlet!

Melli_The_Singer: I couldn’t believe it was you! Way to go! :)

~Wishing_On_A_Star~: thanks ~blushes~

Melli_The_Singer: how’s it with Peter?

!_YOUR_FRIEND_!: how’s the new job?

~Wishing_On_A_Star~: whoa!!! One question at a time! It’s good with Peter, I get the loft all to myself! And the new job, let’s just say it’s hectic! Very busy and it doesn’t help being a perfectionist! I don’t think I did my best, but the director says it was perfect.

!_YOUR_FRIEND_!: hey I have to go now, but can I get your new number?
I gave my best friends my number. I was happy I was able to talk to them, happy I had the time to talk with them. I missed the days we would have together after school; we lived close to each other.

!_YOUR_FRIEND_!: k, thanks. I’ll talk to you some other time, bye.

~Wishing_On_A_Star~: k, bye.
I waited until I knew that Parker was off then typed in the question I had been wondering all night.

~Wishing_On_A_Star~: hey Melli, do you still like Parker?

Melli_The_Singer: do you really want to know the truth?

~Wishing_On_A_Star~: duh, why else would I ask?

Melli_The_Singer: ok, fine I don’t like him anymore

~Wishing_On_A_Star~: and that was so hard to tell me why?

Melli_The_Singer: because I…

~Wishing_On_A_Star~: what?

Melli_The_Singer: I love him

~Wishing_On_A_Star~: What?

Melli_The_Singer: I gotta go, bye!

Melli logged off before I was able to process what she said. She said she loved him, right? Since when? Were they together now? She said she loved him! Didn’t she remember me well enough to know that that’s a touchy subject?

I mean, I’ve gone out with people before, well one person. I don’t know what to say about it though, it’s still painful to think about, and I mean Andrew broke my heart! He was the first boy I liked and who asked me out. I remember that day perfectly, but try not to. It was Valentines Day and on my desk was a note signed by Andrew. Actually I still have it, I don’t know why though. Anyways I took it off of my desk and flipped it over. On the back it asked me if I would go out with him, I looked up from the note and looked around my 1st period class. Andrew was nowhere to be seen, but all of a sudden hands were over my eyes and his voice whispered in my ears, asking what my answer was.

I know I’ve changed a lot, grown a lot tougher, than I was last year, but it is still surprising to me how easily I fell for him. Anyways the story continues, I fell pretty hard for him. My best friend from eighth grade, Hannah, knew that I liked him a lot and promised she would stay away from him. She respected the fact that we were together, or so I thought. Andrew made me very happy, but a month and a half later I found out something. I found out that he and Hannah had been together since a week after Andrew asked me out. I had caught them kissing, and if I hadn’t decided to take the long way home after school, I probably would never have found out. It turned out they had planned the whole thing, me going out with him, then cheating on me. The only thing they didn’t plan on was me having a hard day, which was why I walked home the long way that day. I broke up with him right then and there, and they were the reason I decided to go to a different school than everybody else.

I signed out off of IM and closed my computer, still to stunned to even check my email. Walking over to my bathroom I grabbed my pajamas from edge of my bed. I changed into them, brushed my teeth and washed my face, just like any other night. I was about to climb into my bed when I heard the door to our apartment open.

“Kailyne? Are you home?” Peter shouted from downstairs.

“Yeah!” I shouted as I ran down the stairs and into to the living room. I gave my big brother a hug, then went to sit down on the couch. He sat down next to me and turned on the TV. Peter never comes in and watches me shoot scenes, so it didn’t really surprise me when he switched the channel to the one where episode 2 of If You Only Knew was showing.

“Look K, there’s you on TV!” he was teasing me. I didn’t like watching myself on TV, I don’t know why, it’s just weird. I flipped the pillow that I was laying on over and drifted off to sleep.
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All My Love <3