Status: Active (next update should be on Friday the 28th or Saturday the 29th.)

If Only You Knew


“PETER!!!” I hollowed from my bedroom. “I need to be at the studio in les than ten minutes! You better hurry up,” I couldn’t believe it, Peter let me ‘sleep in so that I could get some rest’ but he didn’t even pay attention to what time he let me sleep in to.

“I’m going as fast as I can!” Peter yelled back at me from his room. From where I was standing I could hear things being knocked around, Peter was obviously in a rush to find the perfect shirt to wear to the studio. This was one of the only times that Mike Anderson had required a parent supervisor to go to the studio with us (us being me and the other underage stars).

“Well, not fast enough!” Mike Anderson made it clear that if I didn’t get to the studio by 10:30 there would be some serious consequences. “You better be downstairs in five minutes, or else,” I said calmly walking down the stairs to the kitchen in our apartment. I started walking to the door, listening for my brother’s reaction.

Peter opened his bedroom door halfway dressed, with only his pants on. “Or else what?” he mocked me, obviously not scared of what was sure to come his way.

“I just happen to be YOUR sister, so if I were you I’d watch my back,” I spoke dangerously as he descended back into his room, still on the ‘great’ mission of finding the best shirt. I walked out the door and down the hallway to the elevator. I pressed the main floor button and waited while the elevator took my down the 10 floored building. Once I got out I walked to the front desk and said hello to whoever was on their shift.

“Hi,” I said to the tall blonde behind the counter. It was Sharleen, one of my closest friends in this complex. “How’s your day been so far?”

“Good. How about you?” she asked.

“I’m fine, just a little stressed. Peter has taken almost all morning to find a shirt to wear to the studio and I need to be there really soon, it was an emergency meeting,” I sighed, hoping Peter would be here really soon.

“We all know Peter, he’s a sweet guy, but sometimes he can be kind of scatter-brained.” It was true she had Peter’s personality nailed.

“So, what’s up?”

“Nothing, I just got this for you five minutes ago, from a fan,” I looked at her quizzically, as she pulled a large box out from under the counter. I had fans? “Some teens found out that ‘the Kailyne Harrison’ lived here and brought this in.”

“Cool,” I said just as Peter rounded the corner, running. He bumped into me, knocking me down, but the whole time I was laughing; he was one minute late. I got up then as I was walking out of the building said, “Sharleen? Could you keep that for me till I get home? I really need to be there soon. Please and thank you.” I walked out of the building and into my brother’s truck.

“Well, maybe, maybe Bryce will start to show his feelings for Shay,” Lindsay Miller said, shooting out one of her many ideas. Today was our planning day, the first one we had ever had. Apparently the scriptwriters decided that the show would be more unique if the stars were able to control the basic plot line. The only thing that we were really told was that sooner or later (it was up to us) there would be a lasting or short relationship between Bryce Down (played by Shayne Logan) and my character Shayla Anne Mayer (again up to us).

We were planning what would happen in the fourth episode. I didn’t like that someday soon Bryce and Shay would have to kiss. Shayne was only a friend, more on the brother side than a love interest, even if it was only acting.

“Any ideas, Kai?” asked our producer, Mike Anderson. I shook my head, I really didn’t care what happened, but I knew there would be a time when I would really like having a say in what happens. “Are you sure? No personal experiences worth being nation wide?”

“No,” I said, trying to avoid this conversation.

“Sure, there must be something. You’re a teenaged girl. You must have been with at least one boy before. Tell me, was it a good experience?” he asked pushing the subject.

“Nope,” I said sharply. If there was one thing I learned about being around Mike was that if he asked you a question, you had to answer it. If it was a lie, just know that he would find out the truth sooner or later. In other words, he didn’t care how you answer, you just had to and it was no use lying.

“Tell me, what happened?” When I shook my head he pushed it even more.

“I-I can’t,” I shrunk down into my seat.

“Sure you can, you can tell me anything!” he growled. He was used to getting his way, hopefully he would learn what disappointment felt like. There was no way he was finding out what happened. “Just tel-“

“Look, Mike. My sister doesn’t have to tell you anything if she doesn’t want to!” by brother got out of his rolling chair and walked over to where Mike was sitting, across the table.

“Watch it Peter!” Mike said standing up, not that this helped him look any taller. Compared to Peter, everyone looked short. That is everyone except for Chace Shaw. Him and Peter were almost the same size, Chace was just one inch taller. “I’m the producer. I can ask her whatever I want whenever I want!”

“NOT if it violates her rights! There’s this little piece of paper called the Constitution that protects her rights!” Peter retorted. I was done hearing this conversation, so when Lindsay motioned for me to leave the meeting room with her, I didn’t hesitate. I stood up from where I was sitting and walked over to the door. Lindsay was already there and had the door propped open. Justin Clark, Shayne, Colton Jones and Jarred Lynch were already in the hallway, waiting for Lindsay and I. I closed the door behind me, leaving behind only Mike and Peter and the room. No one else’s guardians stayed, Mike only needed to tell them about what was going on for the day, then they were dismissed. Peter decided to stay.

As soon as the door to the meeting room was closed, my co-stars burst out in conversation.

Peter walked out of the meeting room followed quickly by Mike.

“Come on Kai, let’s go home,” Peter said walking by me while grabbing my arm.

“Not yet,” Mike said, his tone of voice dangerously calm. “If you think that I will let this matter just drop, you are so wrong. In case you haven’t noticed, I AM the producer, who just happens to have complete control over who stays on this set or not. If I were you I’d, tell me everything there is to know about your first relationship. And if you don’t, we would just have to say good-bye to a certain little star.” With that Mike walked briskly down the hall and into his office, slamming the door.
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All My Love <3