Status: Active (next update should be on Friday the 28th or Saturday the 29th.)

If Only You Knew

Surprise Interview

“Will Kailyne please come down to soundstage 2?” I jumped at the sound of the intercom. It had been quiet all day, and I was really into the essay I was writing. I sighed as I got off of the dark blue single person cough I was sitting on. I put what I had of my essay into the folder in the hallway that had my name on it, that way our teacher, Mrs. Anderson (Mike’s wife) could see what I had done. It was required that we got 5 hours of schooling each day, whether it was simply doing an essay, taking a test or sitting in the classroom learning a lesson, it all counted. Today, it was to write a seven-paragraph essay on anything in an hour. That was probably why I was being called down to the soundstage, my time was up.

As I walked down the hall, I enjoyed the silence. Everyone else was shooting a scene for our show, a scene that did not include Shay. That’s the funny thing about acting: even though your character doesn’t know what is going on behind his/ her back, the actor actress does.

I walked pass the door to soundstage 1, but stopped myself from going any further; the door was open. They were probably just practicing, if they were shooting it would be closed.

“She can’t know about this, Bryce. She has to believe that I wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, which is why this’ll work so well. She fully believes you like her, and trusts me with all her heart,” Lindsay walked over to Shayne and put her arm around his waist. Shayne then put his arm around her waist, acting like he loved Lindsay. In reality, Shayne and Lindsay were best friends, but not in love. Right now, in this moment, Lindsay wasn’t Lindsay, but Karen Juergens and Shayne was Bryce Down, the ones in love. They were planning on breaking poor Shay’s heart by having Bryce ask her out while going out with Lindsay, what I jerk!

“I know, sweetie. But right now I have to go take care of something,” Shayne smirked at Lindsay as she looked up at him with nothing but adoration. “I have a heart to capture.”

I walked away from the open door. As Shay I hated those two, I just didn’t know it yet, but as Kailyne they were my best friends, and actors. As I reached the door to soundstage 2 I heard arguing, but it didn’t surprise me. I walked into the large room, and cleared my throat, announcing that I was there. A tall brunette stood up and walked over to me, introducing herself as Margrette Smith from the local newspaper. She wanted to run an interview with me. As she told me this, I couldn’t help but smile. Another interview, the second in a week! Maggy told me that she wanted to interview me by myself, then she would interview Lindsay and I together, after the filming was over. This was so exciting!
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Sorry it's short
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All My Love <3