Status: Active (next update should be on Friday the 28th or Saturday the 29th.)

If Only You Knew


“Are you sure you’ve had enough to eat?” asked Lindsay’s mom.

“Yeah, I’m sure, thanks anyways,” I replied, trying my best not to look longingly at the marvelous food before me.

“You barely ate anything,” Mrs. Miller complained, filling a plate with more food and pushing it over to me. “You always eat at least a plateful, but today you only had a few bites. You’re not… not dieting are you?”

“Mom, quit fussing. Kai would never go on a diet. She already told you that her brother has something planned for dinner; she’s just saving some room. Please try not to hover so much!”

“Sorry,” Lindsay’s mother snapped. Mrs. Miller got up, grabbed her plate and mine and turned to exit the dining room of the Miller’s 6 bedrooms, 4 1/2 bath sized house.

“Thank you,” Lindsay muttered. “So, Kai, do you want to rehearse our scenes for tomorrow or start working on our project?”

“I don’t know,” I said as we started walking toward her bedroom. “They’re both pretty important.”

“Are you having trouble with the lines?”

“No. I think we should rehearse our scenes; we are filming tomorrow and Friday. And, anyways, we can get together over the weekend to start, and finish our project, we’ll be the first done,” I reassured her. When we got into her room, I went to go sit down on one of the four multicolored beanbag chairs, grabbing my bag on my way. I rummaged through my bag to find the current script among previous ones and schoolbooks. When I finally found it I opened it to my first scene, but hesitated before closing it.

“Should we go in order or skip to scenes we think we need to work on?” Lindsay asked, voicing what I was wondering.

“That depends. I feel pretty confident with my lines, what about you?”

“Same,” Lindsay answered in a bored voice.

“Kay, then I think we should go in order. I know we don’t film in order, but it’ll be cool to imagine how it’ll come out when it’s ready to be broadcasted. It’ll mix things up a bit,” I said.

“Sounds good, Page 3 starting… now!”

Bryce’s House
Family Room
After Dinner

Bryce and Shay sit with the rest of Bryce’s family in the Family Room, watching an unidentifiable T.V. The family laughs, but Bryce and Shay seem to only have eyes for each other.

Bryce: ~whispering to Shay~ I’m glad you could make it tonight.

Shay: ~leaning in to Bryce, but only so she can whisper back~ Me too. Your family is really nice, really welcoming. I’m glad I didn’t chicken out.

Bryce: Why would you chicken out? Were you scared of meeting my ‘ferocious’ family?

Shay: ~giggling~ Sort of. I was just nervous they wouldn’t like me. You’re my first boyfriend, so this was the first time I’ve ever met someone’s family other than my best friends’. I wasn’t sure how I should act or anything.

Bryce: Well, I’m glad you came, it means a lot to me. ~Puts arm over Shay’s shoulder. Family stares for a few seconds, then turn back to the T.V. Shay blushes~ Are you doing anything Friday night?

Shay: ~looks surprised~ Oh, um… I don’t think so. Why?

Bryce: Would you like to have dinner with me and then see a movie?

Before Shay can answer the rest of Bryce’s family moves out of the room, quietly.

Shay: I’d like to. ~Smiles sweetly~

Bryce: That’s great! Do you want to ride home with me after school? We can start our schoolwork and then head out at around six.

Shay: I don’t think I can. ~Adds quickly~ I mean, I want to, but my parents won’t let me.

Bryce: Oh. That’s fine. ~Bryce’s cell rings. Looks at the Caller ID, but ignores the call from Karen~

Shay: Aren’t you going to answer that?

Bryce: No, right now I just want to focus on you, it would be rude to talk to someone else in front of you.

Shay: Thanks?

Bryce: Yeah, that’s the right thing to say. ~Laughing~ Will you be my girlfriend?

Shay: ~Uncertainly~ Me?

Bryce: Who else?

The scene fades as Bryce begins to tickle Shay.

Lindsay and I laughed at how gullible my character was; she didn’t know that this actually happened to me.

Island View High School
The Next Day
Before School Starts

There is about fifteen minutes left before the final bell rings, and everyone is either at their lockers or talking with their friends.

Shay is at her locker putting her school bag away and grabbing the textbooks and notebooks for her first two classes.

Karen: Hey! Shay! ~Walks up to Shay and gives her a ‘hello’ hug~

Shay: Hey Karen. ~Hugs back~ Derrick was just asking me where you were, did he catch up with you?

Karen: Yeah, he just wanted to know… ~adds quickly~ Never mind, it doesn’t matter.

Shay: Come on, K. You know you can trust me with anything.

Karen: You’re right. He just wanted to know the best way to ask you out, but don’t worry, no hearts for you to break; I told him to bug off and that you already had a boyfriend. ~Smiles in a proud way~

Shay: Thanks, it means

“Kailyne! Your brother’s here!” Mrs. Miller called through Lindsay’s bedroom door. I looked over at Lindsay only to find her laughing. I gave her my what-the-heck-are-you-laughing-at look, which only made her laugh harder. Lindsay’s laughter turned out to be contagious as I began laughing, hard, for no reason.

“What… are you… laughing at?” I gasped between gulps of air. It took her a few minutes before she responded, by which time we had finally regained our sanity and had stopped laughing.

“I didn’t know Karen’s mom interrupted Shay in school.” Lindsay began laughing again and I joined in. We both knew that Karen would die if her mom got anywhere near the school’s door, which was just how she was.

“Peter wants you to hurry up!” called Mrs. Miller. More likely than not she was totally unaware of our laughing fit.

“Tell him I’m getting my stuff together,” I called back to Lindsay’s mom. I quickly gathered my stuff knowing that if Peter needed me to hurry up, it was for a good reason. I walked with Lindsay through the living room, and to the front hall where Peter was waiting for me; his arms crossed tapping his foot impatiently. He looked angry.

“Let’s go Kai!” He said sharply in a totally un-Peter-ish way. I looked down at my shoes then up at Lindsay.

“Good night,” I said, being lead out of the house by my cranky older brother. “Am I in trouble?” I asked cautiously.

“Should you be?” came Peter’s answer. He didn’t seem mad anymore, but I was still careful.

“I don’t think so,” I answered, honestly. “I’m sorry I kept you waiting,” I said gently. “Is that why you’re mad?” I opened the door to the passenger side of his truck, got in and fastened my seat belt for ‘take-off’ and Peter likes to refer to starting the car as. Peter got in and, after shutting the door and fastening his seat belt, started the car. He didn’t even say his customary line (Is the crew prepared for take-off?), he just pressed the gas and started us on our ‘journey’ home. He was definitely mad, no answer needed there.

After about fifteen minutes had passed, I came to my senses and realized that we should’ve been home by now. I looked out the window and saw that we were nearing the local Inn. Peter parked the car in an empty parking space, and got out of the car. He leaned against the door and stared at the setting sun. Quietly I got out of the car and walked around the front to stand next to him. I looked up at him to see a smile playing across his lips. A light bulb went off in my head.

“You were never really mad, were you?” I said fake punching him in the arm.

“Took you long enough to figure out!” he laughed, returning the punch, then pulling me in for a hug.

“What are we doing here?” I asked after our brother-sister moment was through.

“We have dinner awaiting us under a Harrison reservation,” Peter said, sounding proud of himself.

“You made a reservation?” I asked stunned. It was a well-known fact, if only to me, that Peter never made reservations. He always said that they were worthless and that you wasted more time setting them up than actually enjoying them. Whether or not that is true, I do not know.

“No.” He looked down at the asphalt in a way reminded me of someone who was just dumped by their boyfriend or girlfriend, but that was impossible, since Peter was definitely girlfriendless. He looked back at me, meeting my eyes; I knew he was about to tell the truth. “My girlfriend did.”

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All My Love <3