Status: Active (next update should be on Friday the 28th or Saturday the 29th.)

If Only You Knew

Pillow Fight

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I had set it to go off extra early so as to get ready faster. I jumped out of bed, my nerves too much for me to even think about pressing snooze. Once I was dressed and ready to go to the studio, I sat on my bed and the minutes slowly ticked by.

Finally I gave up on waiting and went to wake up my brother. I slowly opened his bedroom door, looking around the room. From where I stood, I could see most of his clothes in a pile by his laundry basket. I’ll have to get him to take care of that this weekend, I thought. I tiptoed across the carpeted floor and stood, looking at him. His sheets were hanging off the bed, not even covering him and his head wasn’t even on the pillow.

With what must have been a smirk on my face, I grabbed the pillow. I then grabbed his alarm clock and changed the alarm time to two minutes from now. I walked over to the other side of his bed so I could get a better target. I lowered myself to the floor, lying on my stomach.






Peter’s alarm clock started to sound it’s alarm, but instead of the normal beeping, Peter’s made the sound of a very annoying doorbell, over, and over, and over… He moved his hand to press snooze, but before he could hit the button I hit him on the head with his pillow. I hid myself below his bed once more, hoping that I had confused him. I tell you, one thing I love about living in the same house as my brother with no parents is that I could get away with things like this.

I had to stifle a laugh and Peter sat up in bed, forgetting about his alarm clock. Apparently he thought he was still dreaming since he rubbed his eyes before looking around, as if in a daze, for his attacker.

“Who’s there?” he called out, and then it hit him. No, not the pillow, an idea. He quickly jumped out of bed, grabbing the first thing that he touched, stuffed animal, the lion I had gotten him for Christmas when I was five. “I’m not the one you’re looking for,” he said to his imaginary opponent. He continued looking around his room, though he didn’t move from where he stood.

“But you are,” I said in the most evil voice I could muster without laughing. By now, Peter looked freaked out.

“But… I’m not… I’m not Harry Potter! I’m just a regular guy. My name’s,” he paused as if momentarily forgetting his name. He must be sleep walking, Peter wasn’t this good at acting. “My name is Peter Harrison. And… and I don’t have a wand, just this!” He said offering his stuffed animal to the mysterious, and invisible stranger. “And my sister, you can’t hurt me in front of her!” He grabbed one of the pillows off the floor.

About to die from not laughing, I crawled into Peter’s bathroom and out the door that led to the hallway. I stood up, but found myself back on the floor from fits of laughter. Once I finally stopped laughing, I went to go make myself breakfast. I was halfway done making my scrambled eggs when Peter walked in and took my place as the cook. I went to sit down at the table.

“How’d you sleep?” I asked him as casually as I could after we both finished eating.

“Uh…” He paused, probably debating whether or not to tell me the truth. Deciding to go with the truth, he continued, “Pretty good, until five minutes ago. Something hit me in the head, and the first thing I thought was that Voldemort was after me!” he turned to look at me. His gaze held nothing but confusion.

“But you’re not Harry Potter!” I said copying his words from earlier. “You’re just a regular guy who’s name is Peter Harrison. You don’t have a wand, just a stuffed lion, which by the way isn’t very scary, and a pillow as a sister who you thought would protect you from getting hurt.” I carefully stood up, ready to run at any second. It took Peter a few seconds to know what I was talking about, but I was ready. By the time he had leapt off his chair, I was already and the foot of the stairs that led to my room.

“It was you the whole time, wasn’t it!?” he roared, but I could tell he wasn’t really mad. “So, tell me,” he said once the grand chase was over and he had me cornered. “What was it you hit me with?” I looked up at him, he was smiling, and I knew he was going to get his payback.

“A pillow,” I said as if it were no big deal. Then, teasingly added, “Why, did it hurt?”

“I don’t know, you tell me,” and before I could run away, my brother had grabbed a pillow from my bed and smacked me in the head.

“Hey!” I said, surprised. As quick as I could I grabbed a second pillow from my bed and hit my big brother back. It was a fifteen minute long pillow fight, good thing I decided to wake up early.
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All My Love <3