‹ Prequel: Full Moon
Sequel: Starless Night

Black Sun

I Discover My Power

When I found out the woman had fucked with everyone in town's erotic senses, I was not happy, especially seeing an elderly couple on their lawn as Jacob drove me through town, but a part of me was not going to be bribbed to going to see the Clan, no matter how many fucking vampires they sent to mess with me. I interlaced my fingers with Jacob as he held my hand tight, like he never wanted to let me go. I didn't go to school the next day, there was too much on my mind and more I was scared to go back their, feeling that the Clan would come back and there would be another wild orgy at the school. Jacob stayed home with me, I think he was scared Emmett was going to come over, I knew Jacob was scared he was going to lose me or something, he knew, like I did, that a vampire usually has a romantic involvement with the one he/she sires but Jacob had inprinted on me and I loved him more than words could express. I laid on Jacob's shoulder as he flipped through the channels on TV, he stopped on The Price is Right.

"I want to help Seth get Emmett" I said, Jacob eyed me curiously with a half-smile.

"Ok, and how do you suggest we do that. Seth is like 14 and Emmett is like, how old?" asked Jacob.

"I don't know, I have never asked but he is forever like 18, so it's kind of ok right?"

"Or kind of Illegal"

"I just want them to be happy like we are. You know Seth is too nervous to ever tell Emmett how he feels and Emmett, well, you know his deal" I said, I couldn't bring myself to mention that he was in love with me.

"I doubt Leah will be too happy if he brother hooks up with a vampire, you know how she feels about us"

"And she knows how I feel about her" I said as the door opened to the house, Billy was being pushed in by a man in a police uniform, the man smiled at Jacob.

"Jacob, how's life treating you?" asked the man, Jacob got up and shook his hand.

"Pretty good, Mr. Swan, how are you?" asked Jacob, the man smiled.

"Pretty good, Bella is coming for Spring Break, I think her mom is making her, but all good with me. I miss my little girl" said Mr. Swan, "maybe the two of you can hang out"

"Maybe, oh, Mr. Swan, this is Zeek" said Jacob, I stood up and shook his hand, I saw Billy crack a smile.

"This is Jacob's boyfriend, Charlie" said Billy, Charlie looked shocked but he quickly tried to hide it.

"It's 2009 right? Everything is cool now" said Charlie as he let go of my hand.

"Yeah, I suppose so, I mean being gay is ok now right?" I said, I didn't like the way Charlie was acting, but then his face changed and he smiled.

"Of course being gay is ok, why wouldn't it be?" asked Charlie, like I had asked the stupidest question in the world.

"Um, I don't know" I said as Charlie pulled me into a hug, I looked at Jacob who shrugged.

"We need to go get some dinner and celebrate your wonderful relationship" said Charlie, I looked over at Jacob, who looked at me like I had done something.

"Sounds good, Mr. Swan, but you don't have to be so accepting of us, it's ok" I said, Charlie's face changed again.

"You're right, but it's still ok" said Charlie calming down, something was strange about this, I decided to try something.

"Charlie, did you know it's normal to cluck like a chicken" I said, Jacob and Billy both eyed me like I was stupid, but then Charlie began to cluck like a chicken, "But only for ten seconds a year"

"Zeek, can I see you outside?" asked Jacob as I followed him outside, Jacob eyed me curiously, "What was that?"

"I don't know, but I think I can make people believe anything I tell them is the truth" I said, as a smile crept on my face, the things I could do with this, "Jacob you should get on your knees and blow me, it's ok"

"Zeek, funny, but I am not doing that" said Jacob with a smile.

"It doesn't effect you, I wonder why?"

"I don't know but you need to be careful with that, it's not good to manipulate people"

"It just doesnt make sense, why does the Clan want me, if this is all I can do?" I asked raising my brow.

"I don't know, but I think I know someone who would, we need to go talk to Emmett" said Jacob, I knew it must be serious, Jacob would never suggest we go see Emmett especially after yesterday, I knew whatever they wanted my power for, it had to be big.