Status: I had written more, I'm just trying to find out where I placed it all. Sorry for the delay! <3

Quick to Judge


“I can’t believe summers finally here.” I say looking over at Chester.
“I know. It seems like forever ago that we graduated.” He says, and I can’t help admiring him. He is definitely cute, his blue eyes stand out with his beach blonde hair, and it’s just too bad that he’s gay. I’ve been friends with Chester since grade school, and it wasn’t until sophomore year that he came out of the closet. I wasn’t surprised; I mean certain things he would say about certain subjects – mostly guys – would hint it. He’s been living with me for a few years now; ever since his parents died. If you’re wondering, my dad is totally cool with the whole gay thing.
We just graduated and on my Dads urge to send us away and give us a graduation present as well, we ended up here in California. Where the palm trees sway and the ocean is blue, just like the sky.
“I know.” We sat in silence leaning back on our lawn chairs, listening to the waves gently splash the oceans water surface.
“Want to play some volleyball with me and my guys?” A voice asked from the distance breaking the silence. At first I wasn’t even thinking he was talking to me, but as he came over and stood in front of me, I was sure he was. He was extremely hot. I looked over at Chester who seemed to be okay with me leaving him there all alone.
“If Chester is in, then so am I.” I say, the boy looks at Chester with disapproval; it made me mad.
“Are you sure?” Chester asks in a whisper so no one but me could hear. “I mean I could stay here and relax more.” He offered.
“Chester if you stay, I will too.” I whisper back.
“Alright, I’ll go.” He says this time loud enough for everyone there to hear. Then he lowers his voice to a whisper. “He’s hot.” I giggle and punch him in the arm.
“I guess we are in.” I say to the boy in front of me.
“Okay cool. I’m Jake.” He says extending a hand towards us to shake. We do and then we stand up.
“I’m Jade.” I say “And this is my best friend Chester.”
“I’m gay.” Chester blurts out. I look at him surprisingly; a sense of relief seemed to wash over Jake.
“You don’t have a high pitched voice.” Jake says and I look at him weirdly.
“That’s just a stereo type man.” Chester says.
“Don’t worry bro, I’m gay too.” This took me by surprise. “My friends aren’t though, so you might like them Jade.”
“Well then, let’s get going, shall we?” We grab our stuff and fallow Jake farther down the beach to where a volleyball net is set up. There are 8 boys there already, and including us three would make it uneven teams. But it is beach volleyball which is why we’re playing with 11 people.
“Guys this is Chester and Jade.” Jake says. “Chester. Jade. These are my friends; Mike, Nolen, Trevor, Gabe, Josh, Alex, Cody, and Jason.” Jake says while pointing as he goes along.
Just then, a random boy joins them. He doesn’t look or dress like any of them. It is a million degrees out and he’s wearing; skinnies, and converse. At a beach. The only thing he is wearing that is probably best suited for the summer or even in just California is a t-shirt, but even that’s black and is sure to attract the sun. He has snake bites below his lower lip and black hair – “emo” style I guess – and green eyes. Over all; he was cute.
He walks past me mumbling pathetic under his breath while giving me a dirty look as he goes to stand beside Jake. “This is my brother Deaven.” Jake says. They don’t even look anything a like.
“And who are you? Miss. Priss?” He asks me. I was taken back by this; so he wanted to be rude now did he.
“Actually; the name is Jade.” I said wanting to be a bit more mean.
“And I’m Chester… I’m guessing you’re okay with gay people?”
“Why? Are you a dick who doesn’t like them?” Okay wow, there definitely wasn’t any need for that.
“Actually I am gay.” Chester says stubbornly. Deaven gives him an apologetic look.
Some how we had all quickly made up teams and were already on our first serve. A guy at the back; Mike I think, served it and it went smoothly over the net, where Deaven bumped it back straight towards me. I bump it back and Deaven misses it; point for us.
“Nice bump.” A guy – Nolan I think – said.
“Thanks.” I mumbled back.
The game went on for a while and when the sun started to go down Chester and I said our goodbyes and headed over to our hotel. Chester was extremely happy, because Jake gave him his number. I’m happy for him, maybe he’ll end up with a boyfriend.