I'm In Trouble: What's Not To Adore?

Chapter Two

Screams pierced through the anxious air of the concert hall. Young children had such high vocal cords that my ears really could not tolerate. I glared dangerously around the room hoping that my eyes would shoot out some evil rays that burned their voice boxes. Shun the high pitched children. Shun. I finally gave up when I glanced at the stage a few rows ahead of us.

"I don’t understand why all these girls are screaming. It's just sound check." Furrowing my brow I scanned the girls behind me again. The boys hadn't even walked into the room and they were still going crazy.

"Oh come on Eve, don’t be a Debbie downer all day," Raleigh replied. My frown depend. Like I could count on her to share my moodiness.

The screams in the concert grew louder and I fought the urge to cover my ears. Finally, the three boys along with the other members of their band came onto the stage before us. I tried to keep down my smile. I would be lying terribly if I said I wasn't excited to see them.

"Hey everybody! How are you today?!" Kevin Jonas shouted into the microphone that had been placed on the stage for him. A shout of glass shattering screams followed. "Wow you guys are the loudest sound check we’ve had by far."

I bet he said that at every show.

My heart leapt when Joe Jonas reached the mic. His hair was curled in that delicious way I liked and he wore a black baseball cap over his head. I bit my lip trying to hide my smile. He spoke cockily to the crowd, "I bet you girls are going to scream after anything I say!"

And the smile on my face immediately faltered. What. The. Fuck? Who does he think he is? Some kind of higher power?

"I had pancakes for breakfast!" Those unbecoming tweens screamed after he said the words furthering my look of disgust. Did he enjoy causing helpless younger children scream? Was it some sick pedophilic fantasy of his? "With syrup!"

Joe Jonas was no longer my celebrity crush.

I noticed Raleigh in the corner of my squinted eye give me a disapproving look. Defensively I threw my shoulders out, "What?! I have dignity!"

Keeping my eyes focused on the three boys they all grabbed separate instruments, except Joe because he's completely worthless. Worthless. Immediately they began to play the opening cords to "BB Good" and Joe started singing with that wonderful voice of his. No matter if Joe Jonas was a jerk, I would still love the Jonas Brothers music.

After they finished the song Kevin announced that they would be asking questions from the audience. He also made some kind of joke about no questions like "OMG, Kevin can I like, totally touch your sideburns?" That was funny.

First they called on a girl who asked them, "If you guys could live anywhere in the world where would you live and why?"

Nick answered with some small reply. I couldn't hear do to the girls screaming in my ears. Shun. Kevin began to give an answer when that pop star brother of his cut in with-


Raising my thin eyebrows dangerously high so it reseeded into my hairline I shot my hand up straight and set a glare on my face. Raleigh must have noticed what I was about to do so she grabbed onto my arm and tried to bring my hand down, but before she could said pop star, Joe Jonas, took this in.

"You, in the yellow dress, what‘s your question?"

That's me. I'm wearing a yellow sundress.

A man holding a microphone came over to me and leaned the technical voice device towards my mouth.

I scoffed, "First off, I have a name."

"Okay, what’s your name?" Kevin asked politely. I liked Kevin. Kevin was nice.


"Okay, Eve, What’s your question?"

The way he said my name made my blood boil. How dare he?

"This question is for Joe." Joe smiled cockily at my statement.

"Of course it is," he replied with that sarcastic tone of his. I knew that tone. I used that tone.

"What would you do if girls stopped screaming after everything you say?"

"I don’t think they ever will stop, right girls?" Girls screamed at his reply and I refrained from turning to the girl beside me and punching her face in for not proving my point.

"Well say they did, would you like drop dead or something, cause if that’s the case, I just want to you know that I haven’t screamed after anything you have said thus far." Joe's face looked offended indefinitely at my response and I couldn't help but let a smirk cross my lips. The microphone was pulled away from me, as if they knew I would say something far worse if kept by me.

"I’m sure Joe would survive. He has a mirror to keep his ego alive," Kevin joked easing the tension that had built up in short moment between Joe and myself. I bet he's shocked about how my I despise him.

After my little statement towards Joe, Raleigh had been a bit upset with me. She thought I was being "rude." Look, when Mr. Cocky Arrogant Pop Star learns to grow up I'll stop being "rude."

Sound check hadn't been long and it only took us a little over an hour to get into the arena for the real deal. I enjoyed the concert more than anything. The only thing that ruined it was when Joe Jonas came by my side of the stage. I had front row, so I had to deal with his face. It was difficult. Maybe some tween cut him with her nails.

I was less than thrilled to go to the meet and greet. Joe might not remember me, since he seems absolutely dumb to being with – so he might have some problem where he can't remember a face after a few hours of seeing one- but I remember him. And if he said something to me I'll be ready to punch his face out.

We showed the security our passes and we were led to a secluded room that looked fairly cozy in my opinion, but I had a feeling that Raleigh was going crazy. She's studying to be an interior designer so she was picky when it came to "Feng Shui." Bull.

There were snacks and drinks on a table for the fans and I happily shoved my way past the thirteen year olds and grabbed a Dr. Pepper. Snapping open the cap I saw Raleigh in line with all the younger children for juice boxes.

"So what if I'm twenty," Raleigh defended as she stood by my side poking a hole in her juice box for the straw. I just raised my eyebrows.

"I didn't say anything."

"You didn’t have too-" Before she could finish all the tiny children freaked out and rushed towards the door along with their parents, which was every person besides Raleigh in me, as the Jonas Brothers entered the room. I let a frown come over my face when I saw Joe Jonas waving arrogantly.

Raleigh and me made our way over to the red couches in the room, they seemed to be the only thing with color, and we plopped ourselves down. They were kind of sticky and leathery and not very comfortable. I bet the Jonas Brothers had feather down couches on their tour bus.

Looking at Raleigh I could tell thoughts were running through her mind about how to fix the room up, "Rae stop thinking of ways to fix the room, you’ll probably get us thrown out for defacing property."

A look of guilt crossed her face when she knew I had known what her thoughts were about, "Oh please like it would really bother you." Raleigh's right. I would have been thoroughly amused if she were kicked out for rearranging furniture. Their excuse would be I'm sorry we have to escort you out of the building for moving around the pointless and uncomfortable furniture placed in the meet and greet room. You have ruined the Jonas Brother's "Feng Shui" and now they can't perform their next show correctly because they are perturbed with what you have done.

Attempting to make myself comfortable in the chair I became surprised when Kevin Jonas stood in front of Raleigh with a small smile on his face, "Hi, I’m Kevin."

"Hi I’m Rae," her shy voice greeted. A blush formed on her cheeks.

"And I know you, you’re Eve right?" Kevin said as he turned to me.

"Yes, I'm Eve." I nodded my head not sure if I'd be able to say much of anything else. He remembered my name.

"I’m sorry she was so rude to Joe earlier," Raleigh apologized for me. I had the urge to smack her in the face. If I were sorry I would apologize.

"Oh it’s not a problem really, he needs an ego check every once in awhile from someone other then us," laughed Kevin and I cracked a smile. I knew he wasn't bad. He seemed so friendly and loveable. I kind of wanted to give him a hug.

The three of us started talking about our seating at the concert. And I was impressed when Kevin said he thought he had seen us, but wasn't sure since there was so much noise from the screams. I didn't really understand how noise could affect his sight, but Kevin seemed to think it did. Kevin also asked if we had any good pictures and I smirked when Raleigh started boasting about me.

"Of course! Eve’s minoring in photography so she took some great pictures!"

"Well let’s see them then!" Kevin turned to me and I handed him my very expensive camera. When he started going through all the pictures I tapped my nails on the edge of the couch fearfully. What if he thought they were horrible? "Wow these are really good!"

I smugly smiled as Raleigh exclaimed, "I know aren’t they spectacular?!"

"You should really send them into our official fan club so they can post them online," Kevin suggested as he handed back my camera. I nodded my head. That would be wonderful. "Here I’ll give you the e-mail for the person who runs the website, just make sure to put your name and where the show was."

Raleigh dug through her purse and pulled out a notepad and pen. Only she carried a notepad and pen in her purse. I was surprised I had anything in mine. I rarely carried one around with me.

As Kevin handed Raleigh back her notepad and pen a little girl with her mother came up to Kevin and asked for his autograph shyly. I smiled when Kevin asked what her name was and she said "Megan" in the most adorable baby voice ever. He signed a CD cover for her and gave her a small hug.

"I love all of our fans," he mentioned subconsciously to both Raleigh and I. Although before we could comment a security guard walked over to Kevin.

"Mr. Jonas it’s time for you guys to leave, the private meet and greet is over," he said. I was surprised to see all the fans leaving except for Raleigh and me who were over by Kevin.

"Okay guys, it was so nice meeting you guys," Kevin sincerely said as he enveloped Raleigh in a hug and then me. I was happy when he wrapped his arms around me since I had wanted to do it earlier. When we exited the room I noticed Raleigh look back and her giddy smile was plastered on her face. I could barley get her to shut up on the way back to the car. She kept jumping around talking about the concert and how awesome the show was.

It didn't take us long to find our car since the concert had been over for about forty minutes so a lot of the cars were already exited. As Raleigh started up the engine I played with the CD's trying to find something else other than her indie pop music; not that I minded it, but it wasn't my scene. I actually don't have a "scene."

"Can you believe Kevin talked to us?" Asked Raleigh in excitement, she hazardously bounced in her seat on the drive home.

"Yeah. Who wouldn't talk to me? I mean damn, what's not to adore?" I arrogantly stated as I flipped the top of the visor mirror to make sure I looked good while saying this. There's nothing worse than complementing on your good looks when you don't really look nice.

"He's engaged." Raleigh stated.

"Don't mean a brother can't look," I said with a grin. Turning my head to look at her I laughed at the completely offended look on her face.


"I was kidding," I joked.

We both laughed and let the sound of the Jonas Brothers fill the car on the drive home.
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Thanks for the reviews guys :-D I'm glad to hear that people are reading both sides of the stories. Keep up the reviews swing_life_away and I love to read them. :-D

Disclaimer: I do not own the Jonas Brothers and any recognizable characters.