I'm In Trouble: What's Not To Adore?

Chapter Three

Day One after concert

My head is killing me. I can't believe I have to do this entire thing all over again. The Jonas Brothers were amazing live, except for Joe, but those preteens have voices and those voices scream in my ear. Hopefully by next month they all have hit puberty so their squealing voices wont pierce my ears.

To make my morning worse my ring tone started to go off letting Joe Jonas's voice sing a melodic song. Faster than ever before I picked up my phone and glanced at the text message from my boss: When are you going to be back?

I almost threw my phone across the room.They really need people so bad at Blockbuster. All you do is rewind videos and put the DVD's in alphabetic order.

In a few days. That was my reply. Maybe he'll be able to read my anger.

I lay staring at the ceiling thinking about the events that happened the previous night. Besides the fact that Joe is a douche, everything went wonderfully. The concert had been great with the sound, lighting, and action. My favorite song they played had been "Tonight."

My phone sounded Joe's horrible voice again and I read the text: Good. We are getting a new order of stock and we need help putting the DVD's away.

With a sigh I let my hand drop not bothering to answer the text. This is my life.

A Week After The Concert.

Today my mother had forced me to go grocery shopping with her. Since we, as in Raleigh and I, were going back home soon she wanted us to have a motherly bonding time. I presume she thinks teaching me how to "grocery shop" is a mother daughter bonding thing. Guess we live in the fifties again.

By the time I got home I noticed Raleigh on the computer checking her email. She had informed me how she sent the email and that Kevin Jonas had written us both person messages on her notepad. She handed it to me and I nearly screamed.

Dear Rae and Eve:

Hi! It’s Kevin! I just wanted to say thank you for coming out to the show tonight. You guys definitely will always stand out in my memory. I hope you guys enjoyed yourselves! Here is the e-mail for Paul, the administrator of our official fan club site.


I hope to see your wicked cool pictures up there!

Kevin Jonas

Oh. My. I threw notepad on the bed and let a capricious scream. Kevin Jonas wrote me a letter. Raleigh laughed at my expression. I didn't care I was excited. I was happy.

"AHHHH KEVIN JONAS WROTE US A NOTE!” I screamed while bouncing up and down. Raleigh just gave me a small smile.

Fallowing my freak out we were both silent for a few minutes. I hovered over Raleigh's shoulder, but she didn't seem to see the tiny picture of Joe Jonas that popped up in the corner of the screen. I glared at the screen dangerously as if Joe Jonas really were there, "I still can’t believe Joe is such a prick,"

"I still don’t know why you’re so upset over it, he was just joking around with the fans." Raleigh would never understand. She's too pure minded to realize Joe is toying with innocent little girl's hearts.

"No, he was just being an arrogant dick," I sneered not amused. She probably things I'm stubborn.

"Whatever you say Eve, I still think he was just trying to be funny," Raleigh said not really caring that I did not share her views. If she thought that was funny I wonder what she'll think about how I feel about her face? Just kidding. See that's funny.

"Well it wasn’t funny." It really is not funny. I need to protect her from boys like Joe Jonas. They are not to be appreciated and do not respect woman. "I don’t know where Joe fucking Jonas gets off thinking he can just treat people like he’s better then them. What does he think he’s some sort of higher power or something? Cause he’s not. He is just a stupid bratty pop star. If I ever see him again I'm going to give him a piece of my mind!"

Crossing my arms stubbornly, "I'll punch him. Shove him. And Beat him."

Day Before Going Home To California

Raleigh and I sat on the bed of my room at my parent's house. We were both packing up our clothes and everything we brought with us. I could tell she was happy to be going home, but I couldn't help feeling at a loss. I loved my family. It's hard leaving them all the time knowing that I wont be home for months.

A simple phone call doesn't always the best thing in the world. Especially while working and school in California it's hard to find time to speak with my mom, dad, and brothers.

"Hey Eve can you hand me that piece of paper over there?" Questioned Raleigh while stuffing things in her bag.

Turning behind me I noticed a sheet of paper on the bed. I grabbed it and handed it to her and she gave me a small smile as she stuck it into a folder and placed it in her bag. Who carries a folder around with them? Raleigh.

"You okay?"

I lifted my head to stare at my friend. She looked concerned and I immediately knew I had let my guard down.

"Yeah. Just tired," I grinned. "Not looking for the ride home."

"I can't wait to drive back to California!"

You look forward to everything Rae.

"So much fun."

"Come on Eve don't be so down. We're going back home! And you can see that one guy that keeps calling the house," giggled Raleigh. Her giggles increased when she saw the frown deepen on my face.

"That's not funny Rae. He's stalking me. I don't even know how he got our house phone," my mouth twitched into a smile. Raleigh laughed before coming over to me and letting her arm wrap around my shoulder.

"Don't worry Eve. Everything's going to be good."

Day Before Jonas Brothers Concert In California

Being back in California was different from Chicago. The air was hotter, the sun brighter, and everyone less enthusiastic about life. My kind of people!

Raleigh and I were at a local Walgreen's by the house. I needed a new toothbrush and she wanted to buy Apple Juice Boxes. If I didn't steal them from the kitchen all the time I'd be angry about her wasting money on such small drinks. As I pranced through the hygienic isle I almost wondered on happily until I saw Joe Jonas's face.

It was on a small toothpaste bottle. Camp Rock. My eyes narrowed and I picked up the bottle in a huff. What kind of sick weird person would buy a bottle of toothpaste for the child with a twenty-two year old mans face on the cover?

Noticing a Walgreen's stock person in the isle I walked over to them carrying the bottle. The person was a male, maybe a year older than myself; he wore a large smile when I walked over to him.

"Do you think this is something children should be buying?" I questioned while shaking the bottle of toothpaste in the man's face. His eyes nearly bugged out of his face in shock at my anger. "It has an older man on the cover of it! Little girls and boys are buying this. It's pedophilic and creepy."

"Ugh… I…" He stuttered out and I shook my head disappointed.

"Never mind! You are useless!"

I threw the bottle onto the wrack beside me and grabbed the first toothbrush I saw, which ended up being pretty pricey. I made my way out of the isle and started on a search for Raleigh. I checked the juice isle, but she was not where to be found. So then I walked up and down the Walgreen's looking for her.

Raleigh was in the magazine isle when I found her. She had been looking at a tiny book, but a picture of Joe Jonas on Tiger Beat caught my eye. Reaching over I picked up the magazine and flipped to the page he would be on. There was an article about "Joe Jonas's The Perfect Man."

I scoffed, "Perfect my butt. More like ridiculously idiotic man."

Continuing to read the article I became more infuriated.

Q: How do you act when you are in a relationship?

Joe Jonas: I'm a real sweet talker. I love to tell girls how beautiful they are and let them know how much I care about them. When I'm with someone I want them to know that they are the only girl for me.

"What a liar!" I yelled angrily as I finished reading. "Isn't it illegal to print false information?"

Raleigh came over to me and grabbed the magazine out of my hand, "Eve calm down."

"I will not calm down until I speak to the people who wrote that article."

"Eve those people aren't in Walgreen's," frowned Raleigh not appreciating my anger. "Let's go home."

I huffed but gave in to Raleigh. She has this way of calming me down. We paid for our things and rode our bikes back to our apartment.
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Hope to get more.