I'm In Trouble: I've Got My Heart Tied In A Knot...


We started off as two simple fans at a concert. Then somewhere along the way something amazing happened, we met some of the most wonderful I know today. Most fans would kill to live a life like this, and knowing that reminds me to appreciate every moment I spend with these people. I’m lucky enough to have been able to bring my best friend along for the ride. And then to make matters even better, I have a feeling that something good is about to happen. Things are about to change…

I adjusted my body so I could get a better view of his face, unfortunately I was disappointed that I could only vaguely make out his features. However I was aware we was staring back at me.

Suddenly there was a vivid flash of lightning and light was washed over us for an entire moment and in that moment I saw his face. His face had the strangest emotion displayed across it but I couldn’t pin exactly what it was. The moment of light was too fleeting.

“What are you thinking?” I whispered to him. I wanted to know the reason behind the look on his face.

“I’m wondering if you are feeling better,” He whispered back. There it was again, that emotion was in his voice too. It made the most peculiar feeling wash over me and I knew what I said next was true, but I didn’t realize it until after the words had left my mouth.

“I feel safe.”
  1. Chapter One
    Summers sweet
  2. Chapter Two
    Lack of Motivation
  3. Chapter Three