I'm In Trouble: I've Got My Heart Tied In A Knot...

Chapter Three

Ding ding Ding DING!!!

Ughhh… I turned off my alarm clock and yawned. Eww, I need to brush my teeth immediately. I stretched out dramatically and smiled. It was sunny out. Of course it’s sunny, I live in California! I sat up and grabbed my short silk robe off the end post of my bed. As I slipped it on I located my slippers on the floor next to my bed and put them on. I want coffee…

La la la… I shuffled into the bathroom and quickly grabbed my purple tooth brush. Purple was tied for my favorite color along with crème and navy blue. After I carefully cleaned my teeth I grabbed a headband out of one of the various baskets located around the bathroom full of hair products and accessories. I pulled my bangs back and washed my face while making faces at myself in the mirror. I started laughing at myself. I mean, I looked pretty absurd making faces at myself in the mirror while I was in the process of cleaning my face. If Eve were here right now she would say...

“You’re are insane, did you know that?” I looked up to see a tired Eve leaning against the doorway shaking her head at me.

“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” I asked before I splashed water onto my face in order to remove the soap that was starting to string my eyes.

“Yeah you woke me up when you started humming loudly on your way to the bathroom,” She said handing me a towel so I could dry my face. I was humming out loud? Hmm I hadn’t realized…

“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t know I was humming out loud. Are you going to stay up or go back to bed?”

“I’m already out of bed so I might as well get up. I have work at 11 anyways.”

“Okay I have to be out of here by 9:30 cause my first class is at 10. Did you need to use the bathroom or did you just plan on watching me take a shower?” I asked jokingly. Eve rolled her eyes.

“I’m going to go put on a pot of coffee, did you want me to make you anything to eat before you go?” She asked kindly. Hmm… eggs…

“How about cinnamon rolls?” I said without even consciously changing my mind. Eve nodded her head thoughtfully and walked out of the bathroom.

When I walked out of the bathroom I smiled. The luscious scent of cinnamon rolls was wafting through the entire apartment. Yummmm… I skipped over to my bedroom and closed the door behind me. I found my stereo remote and pushed play. It picked up in the middle of the song I was listening to the evening before.

“I was lying beside you with your head without a pillow. I would have given you mine but I couldn’t let you go, I could tell you we’re dreaming and I know it couldn’t be about me…”

I walked over to my closet and opened the doors. I scanned quickly through the various articles of clothing before extracting a simple faded red summer dress. I slipped it on and looked at the floor of my closet. I found my moccasins and stepped into them cheerfully. I exited my room and bounded into the kitchen. I found Eve sitting at the small wooden table and sipping on her coffee. I spotted the plate of cinnamon rolls on the counter and walked over to them. Next to the plate was my favorite mug filled with coffee. I picked up the mug and took a sip letting the caffeine course through my body like a shot of adrenalin. Mmmm vanilla, just how I like it.

“We’re almost out of vanilla crème by the way,” Eve told me while surveying my reaction to the coffee.

“That’s okay, I’ll go pick some up after work,” I replied while sinking my teeth into an extremely oversized cinnamon roll. Mmmm… Speaking of work, what time is it? I looked up at the clock located above the kitchen entrance. It read 9:15.

“Hey I think I’m going to head into work early. I might pick up doughnuts for my various students throughout the day,” I told Eve while finishing what was left of my cinnamon roll. She nodded her head and I walked into my room. I had accidentally left the stereo playing quietly. I turned it off and walked to the far corner of my room to grab my acoustic guitar. I gave my room one last glance before I walked out the door.

I entered the kitchen to say goodbye to Eve. I noticed she had transferred my coffee into a travel thermos so I could take it to work. How sweet...

“Well I get off at 5 so I should be home around 5:30. What time do you get off work?”

“I get off at 7 so I’ll see you when I get home. Did you want me to pick us up anything for dinner?”

“Uhm… No I will cook something, is there anything specific you want?”

“I’m not sure, I’ll text you during the day and let you know.”

“Okay well let me know before I get off so if I need to buy ingredients I can get them while I pick up crème,” I told her. She nodded her head and I waved goodbye.

I got in my car and pulled out of the parking lot. Luckily there was a break in traffic so I didn’t have to wait the usual 5 minutes just to speed out and hope no one hit me. Once I hit a red light I dug my ipod out of my bag once more and hooked it up. Where is it… AH! Found it! I found my play list that I always listened to when I went to work. I smiled as the familiar music filled the car. I sighed as the light turned green and continued on my way.

I stopped at a small doughnut shop a block away from where I worked. I want to surprise my kids, I’ve missed them these past two weeks! I ordered an assorted dozen and the lady behind the counter smiled sweetly at me. I smiled back. Happiness is contagious, I swear.

Once I arrived at the studio I unlocked the door and immediately pulled the curtains back. I let the sun shine in and soak the room in light. I took a deep breath and inhaled the scent of the room. It smelled of old fashioned wood and vanilla. Vanilla due to the face that I had vanilla candles placed evenly throughout the studio. This was my place of peace and serenity.

I only waited about ten minutes when my first student of the day walked in. If the bell above the door didn’t give it away then the tiny force that slammed into my waist nearly knocking me down did.

“MISS RAE!” A muffled voice squealed. I looked down to see a small dark haired boy with his arms around my waist and his head buried in my stomach.

“Billy!” I exclaimed. Aww he’s so excited! His mom looked at me apologetically. I just smiled and waved her goodbye.

Billy and I rehearsed and went over a few songs we already worked on and knew. Just to review. After about a half hour of playing we set down out guitars.

“I see you’ve been practicing Billy,” I told him proudly. He blushed and looked at the floor then back up at me shyly.

“I wanted to surprise you for when you came back from your trip.” He said in the cutest voice imaginable. Awwwww!! He is seriously, the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Baby kittens don’t even come close!

“Aw that’s very sweet of you Billy. For being such a good student I have a reward for you,” I told him. His eyes lit up and he started bouncing in place. I walked him over to the table where the doughnuts were located. “See you’re lucky because you’re my first student of the day so you get first choice,” I told him opening the bag that contained the doughnuts.

“Thank you Miss Rae!!” He squealed an d he picked out a chocolate doughnut. I smiled and set the bag back on the table. While Billy ate his treat I walked over to my bag and extracted my phone. I had 2 new messages. I slid the phone open and went to my inbox. Both messages were from Eve.

I want pasta for dinner.

I went to the next text.

No wait! I want fried chicken!

She’s so indecisive, she never knows what she wants. I replied to her text message with an okay and turned my attention back to Billy. I was please to see that he managed to finish eating his doughnut without making a mess all over the place, including his face. A few moments later his mother came to pick him up from the lesson and thanked me.

The rest of my day went much the same as the morning but I never got tired of it. Finally the clock stuck 5 and I watched as Megan and her mother walked over to the car. I smiled as I turned and gathered my guitar and purse. I shut the curtains to the studio and locked the door behind me. I hummed quietly to myself as I walked over to my car. Once I got the guitar situated in the back seat I went to grab my purse off the hood. As I grabbed it I felt the bag vibrate. I quickly got into the car and dug my phone out. I had one new message. It was from Paul.

So are you excited for the concert? It’s in a couple days. :D

I smiled at the text message. Paul and I had somehow formed a friendship through e-mail and exchanged phone numbers. It turned out Paul lived in California as well because he had the same area code as I did. He was so friendly and nice and seemed genuinely interested in talking to me. It made me happy.

Of course I’m excited! Why wouldn’t I be?

I hit the send button and put my phone back in my purse. I was completely against texting while driving. I pulled out of my parking space and headed in the direction of the grocery store.

Once I got into the grocery store I made a mental list of the things I needed to buy. Okay, I need crème, bread crumbs, chicken, and eggs… I headed off towards where I thought the bread crumbs were located. However, it took me awhile to realize I had headed I the opposite direction and ended up by the frozen food. Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate again.

You’re still excited even though you don’t have very good seats?

Without hesitation I answered him.

Of course I am! I mean, I had an amazing experience seeing them in Chicago. Plus, it doesn’t matter how close I am to them, I can still be there and enjoy their music and have a good time dancing and singing. It’s not like I need to be able to touch them or something to make the concert worth it. :D

I hit send and went off once more to find the things I needed.

What should have been a 10 minute shopping trip turned into a half hour expedition for groceries. Now I could say that everyone and their grandmother was out shopping today and the lines were ridiculously long, but I would be lying. I was hopeless and always getting lost. I finally exited that store with my 4 items and located my car in the parking lot and made my way towards it.

I placed the groceries on the passenger seat of the car and checked my phone once more before I headed home. I had two new messages. The first one was from Paul.

That is such a nice thing to say and believe. The Jonas Brothers are lucky to have a fan like you.

I told him quickly that I was just like any other fan and appreciated them as people as well as for what they do. Then I turned to my next text message. It was from Eve.

Bitch, you better be at home making me my friend chicken! :D

I chose to ignore Eve’s text message. I quickly pulled out of the parking lot and headed off in the direction of home.

The chicken was sizzling in the pan when the door opened.

“MMM smells good!” I heard Eve’s voice come through from the living room. I smiled as I took the last batch of chicken out of the pan and sit it on a pile of paper towels. I hope she like’s it. I went over to the sink and began to wash my hands when Eves face appeared over my shoulder.

“Is it done?!” She asked excitedly. I nodded my head. She disappeared and headed straight for the piece of chicken on the top pile of the paper towels. Those are the pieces I just took out… OH!

“Eve! Wait it’s still too ho-”

“AHHHHHHH! FUCK!! HOT HOT HOT HOTTTTTTTT!!” Eve flailed around like a fool. It almost looked as though she was doing some African spiritual dance or something. She spit the chicken out and ran towards the fridge. She pulled out a juice box and drank it in record timing. ”Ah! Shit! My mouth hurts!” She whined.

“I tried warning you. Give it a little while to cool down. Go change out of your work clothes or something and then come eat. I’ll make you a plate.” I shooed her out of the kitchen and prepared two plates with even amounts of food on them. A few minutes later Eve re-appeared in sweats and a t-shirt. Now there’s something no one see’s Eve in but me. She looks cute like this. I don’t know why she worries about her image so much. If she ever wants to get married she’s going to have to let the guy see her without her dressy clothes and make up.

“Which plate is mine?” She asked walking up to the table where the two plates were laid out. I grabbed a juice box and a can of Dr. Pepper.

“The one on the right,” I answered as I closed the fridge and walked over to the table where Eve has sat at. I handed her the can of pop and took my seat across from her. While we ate we discussed our days.

“Wow, your students actually practiced while you were gone?” She asked incredulously. I nodded my head proudly.

“I know, it was so heartbreakingly sweet,” I told her. I love my kids, they’re so amazing..

I got up and took Eve’s empty plate and made my way over to the sink. I began washing the few dishes that were there and put them away. When I finished the dishes I turned around to finish tidying up the kitchen. I was the one who always cleaned. Eve usually did the grocery shopping. We were a team and things worked out this way for us.

When I finished in the kitchen I walked into the living room. I found Eve sprawled out across the couch watching family guy. I shook my head. That show isn’t even that funny.As if on cue to prove me wrong Eve started roaring with laughter at something the little baby did. Just shook my head and walked out of the living room.

I went into my bedroom and picked up my guitar. I started playing quietly. I was in the process of writing a song but I was completely stumped. I couldn’t come up with lyrics for the song. Nothing I wrote seemed to fit. I toyed with the song for awhile before I decided to give it a rest for the day. I put my guitar in it’s case and leaned it against the wall. I sighed. Now what is there to do?

I looked around my room and noticed it was in utter chaos. My suitcase was in the middle of the floor and clothes were strewn all over the place. My bed us unmade as well. I had really been neglecting my room since I got back from Chicago. How unlike me. I need to fix this immediately.

I began tidying up my room and putting things away. It took longer then I had expected but finally I was done. I was finally getting tired enough to go to sleep.

I shuffled out of the room and found Eve in the same place I left her. She was watching South Park now however.

“I’m going to go to bed I just wanted to say goodnight.” I stifled a yawn.

“Alright I’ll see you in the morning. Night,” Eve replied never once taking her eyes off the T.V screen.

When I went back into my room I flopped on my bed and laid there for a moment debating if I even wanted to move. As if to answer my question my phone sitting on the side table vibrated. I groaned. I unwillingly rolled over so I could reach the small device. The text was from Paul.

No really, you go above and beyond a normal fan. You are so nice and considerate. It’s a nice change from the normal.

I blinked and started at my phone in confusion. I couldn’t even remember what I had said to him before. I quickly scanned my sent box and re-read the last text I sent to him. It all clicked into place then.

Oh haha well thank you. I’m going to go to bed now though. Goodnight Paul. :D

I set the phone down and got into bed. I leaned over to and turned off my lamp. Moments later my phone vibrated.

Goodnight Rae, sweet dreams.

I smiled and I rolled over and closed my eyes. I’m happy to be home…